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Old 02-03-2011, 01:34 AM
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Nintendo has been around a lot longer than the Xbox or Playstation. They had the momentum going in plus they have a lot more games geared towards kids.

IIRC, Microsoft had a boatload of problems with the mainboard when the Xbox first came out. And they seem to still be having problems with failure rates. Even the Kinect isn't going to save them from that.
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Boofo View Post
Nintendo has been around a lot longer than the Xbox or Playstation. They had the momentum going in plus they have a lot more games geared towards kids.
Yeah... I know... but.... the Wii is really a piece of outdated junk, and yet it's selling like hotcakes. That's wrong on so many levels

Microsoft had a boatload of problems with the mainboard when the Xbox first came out. And they seem to still be having problems with failure rates.
They've been working on it. They now use a lot of epoxy to keep the motherboard from flexing and are using better heatsinks, etc, but they still need to be more aggressive with it. It should be at least twice as reliable as it is. I had no idea they had such a big defect rate. I mean it's almost 25%. Maybe they're building them with parts from unsold Zunes

Even the Kinect isn't going to save them from that.
If I could make a bet with you I would that Kinect is going to change a lot of things in the world as we now know it. The tech is still in its infancy but with places like MIT and NASA now behind it you'll see some amazing results in the next couple of years. It's a shame that a company like MS will profit from it but that's how it goes in the tech world. One guy is now using it to make an airplane avoidance system so that planes can't crash into each other. It's just a matter of time before the medical profession adapts it. God I love technology
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Old 02-03-2011, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Bubble #5 View Post
What I find odd is that the Wii is blowing away the PS3 in sales, and yet the Wii has the worst resolution of any gaming console, has the least amount of memory, the least options, the worst GPU, the smallest CPU, the least amount of I/O, and isn't even HDTV compatible. In-fact when you do a side by side comparison the Wii really sucks as modern gaming consoles go. Yet it's blowing the doors off of the PS3 in sales. Conclusion; Hyping a product with advertising works
Wii is and always has been the cheapest of the 3 systems so I am not surprised it outsells PS3, the most expensive of the new systems.

If your kids say they want a video game system and don't specify which one it only makes sense to buy a Wii.
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Old 02-03-2011, 01:54 PM
Wreck713 Wreck713 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bubble #5 View Post
These has all been certified and no one from either side has ever disputed them.

What I find odd is that the Wii is blowing away the PS3 in sales, and yet the Wii has the worst resolution of any gaming console, has the least amount of memory, the least options, the worst GPU, the smallest CPU, the least amount of I/O, and isn't even HDTV compatible. In-fact when you do a side by side comparison the Wii really sucks as modern gaming consoles go. Yet it's blowing the doors off of the PS3 in sales. Conclusion; Hyping a product with advertising works
Ok, that is old news ... and would be totally correct if you were saying this a few months ago. The Wii has actually stopped selling units at that massive rate. Obviously they are still selling, but not to the rate to say its blowing away the ps3. The PS3 has already sold more units than the 360 in its time from launch vs. the 360's. It was also catching up to the 360 before kinect released ... and plenty of folks are buying the psMOVE as well. (though I do find the Kinect more impressive) Your anti-ps3. The ps3 is a great machine all around, its way better than a 360 who's franchise games keeps making them over to the ps3. (All you got left is Halo and Gears) and the PSN is free.
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Wreck713 View Post
The ps3 is a great machine all around, its way better than a 360 who's franchise games keeps making them over to the ps3. (All you got left is Halo and Gears) and the PSN is free.
I agree. Glad to see someone else see what I see in the PS3.

I am partial to the PS3 for many reasons, mainly because it has the blu-ray player. That was my main focus on getting it as the games are way beyond me these days. I have 2 games but a boat-load of blu-rays for it so far. It hasn't let me down yet. I'm from the old school where that matters more than anything else.
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Old 02-03-2011, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Bubble #5 View Post
Depends on the age group. As of Jan/2011 there are 9 million more XBox 360's than PS3's, and more than double Wii's than PS3's. Not sure how PS3 could be winning any war since they are in last place

Kinect has also surprised even MS. 8 million units of the Kinect sensor have been shipped as of January 6, 2011. They only projected selling 5 million. Plus 3rd party vendors are now looking into ways to use Kinect for applications other than gaming. For example; MIT has a program that allows you to use Kinect to control your browser. Not to long ago people were amazed by what they saw in the movie Minority Report, and now that same tech is being developed and coming to the real world via Kinect. Once these apps come out XBox Kinect will be in first place even if Sony was to give away a lifetime free supply of Blu-Ray movies

Good point!

5.1 is so yesterday
First off that is 5.1 while doing blu-ray 3d ... 360 cant do blu-ray 3d, so who cares if its 5.1 that i just bonus .... Other than that, it decodes DTS HD Master and Dolby True HD just fine, hell even the launch models can play SACDs. There are tons of little perks that the ps3 has that the 360 doesnt ... it plays dvds lol, must be fun flipping your discs in the middle of games. What was Final Fantasy? 4 discs haha.

As for your 9 million # as of JAN 11 !!!!!!!!!!????????

Here is a quote from NOV. 10 ... so you're way off!

PS3 is only 3 million units behind Xbox 360's global sales

Global sales of Sony’s PlayStation 3 console now trail those of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 by as little as three million units, reports IndustryGamers.

According to the latest hardware figures obtained from both Sony and the Big M, PS3 has now sold 41.6 million units worldwide, with the 360 having moved 44.6 million units since its launch in November 2005.

Sony’s flagship console hit stores a year after its leading competitor and back in May 2010 was positioned around 4.4 million units behind Microsoft’s platform. Since then, 360 has managed to shift an extra 4.3 million units, while PS3 moved an additional 5.3 million during the same time frame.

As such, many believe it is only a matter of time before Sony’s black box overtakes the Microsoft money machine in worldwide sales; however, analyst Jesse Divnich argues that things aren’t as cut and dry as they seem on the North American front.

“I don’t know if the PlayStation 3 will ever overtake the Xbox 360 in North America,” he noted. “Maybe 2014? 2016? We do know the PlayStation 3 has incredible long-term value as a Blu-ray player, much like the PlayStation 2 did as a DVD player, but with strong competition coming from the digital front, one has to wonder if the PlayStation 3 will receive long retail legs like its predecessor did.”

“Unlike previous generations, I don’t foresee third place being a “doom and gloom” scenario. Even with it being in third place now the PlayStation 3 is an incredibly healthy platform. It all comes down to the active installed base; a company can sell as many consoles as it wishes, but if consumers are not actively buying games, they are not part of the installed base’s economic ecosystem. The PlayStation 3 doesn’t have the same problem the GameCube had with its third place finish last generation.”

As for Sony and Microsoft’s foray in to the motion-control market with the PlayStation Move and Kinect, Divnich observed that their success ultimately boils down to how well both devices are marketed and supported by third-party companies.

However, he added that Move is likely to achieve long-term success, drawing parallels between Sony’s peripheral and Nintendo’s Wii-mote.

“I believe both have met the minimum quality threshold set by consumers,” said Divnich. “Now, it all comes down to marketing and third-party support, elements we know Microsoft is stronger with, for the moment. But the Move is in the right place, and just because it doesn’t “sell” as many units as the Kinect doesn’t make it an inferior product."

“Long-term, there isn’t any concern about the success of the Move, and much like what we witnessed on the Wii, this will be a slow burner that will eventually realize a large installed base over time.”
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Old 02-04-2011, 03:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Boofo View Post
Nintendo has been around a lot longer than the Xbox or Playstation. They had the momentum going in plus they have a lot more games geared towards kids.

IIRC, Microsoft had a boatload of problems with the mainboard when the Xbox first came out. And they seem to still be having problems with failure rates. Even the Kinect isn't going to save them from that.
What are you talking about? The xbox slim has a super low failure rate now. I'd say the failure rate went from 60% to 5%...

That's a HUGE difference.

They had a poor engineered product so they could BEAT Sony in releasing a console. They rectified that issue now.

So I wouldn't bring up failure rates anymore. All 3 major consoles are around the same failure rate at this point.
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Old 02-04-2011, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by FreshFroot View Post
What are you talking about? The xbox slim has a super low failure rate now. I'd say the failure rate went from 60% to 5%...

That's a HUGE difference.

They had a poor engineered product so they could BEAT Sony in releasing a console. They rectified that issue now.

So I wouldn't bring up failure rates anymore. All 3 major consoles are around the same failure rate at this point.
First of all. according to the reports I have seen, the failure rates are not even close, as that was shown in the quote I posted. Second, how did this thread get to the point of a damned game console contest??? I started it out as something completely different.
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Old 02-04-2011, 05:03 PM
Wreck713 Wreck713 is offline
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Originally Posted by Boofo View Post
First of all. according to the reports I have seen, the failure rates are not even close, as that was shown in the quote I posted. Second, how did this thread get to the point of a damned game console contest??? I started it out as something completely different.
lol yeah, console wars. I really dont have anything against any system, though I do feel the ps3 is better for many reasons though thats my opinion. I have owned a 360 as well, as most all my ps3 PSN friends online have ... and they've practically all came from xbox RROD's to way of the ps3 ... though ps3 does have the YLOD but it seems to happen a lot less than an RROD. I cant speak on the 360 slims, I know nothing about it .

I mainly chimed in to help as it felt a little attacking that the xbots jumped in to dismerit your purchase.

Enjoy your purchase boofo!
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Old 02-04-2011, 06:02 PM
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I think the YLOD is mostly a thing of the past since the newer slim systems have come out. I have the CECH-2501A model, which was the current 160 GB model when I got it in Nov 2010. It still has the 3.41 firmware on it as I haven't upgraded it yet. I figure if it ain't broke, don't try fixing it.

I avoided the Xbox after they recalled almost 100,000 of the first batch for the mainboard problem when they were first released. Microsoft tried to play it all down but to no avail in the end. I have always been partial to Sony, I guess, and trusted the name for the most part.

I am having a blast with it so far. I just ordered Season 1 of Spartacus (on blu-ray), the series from Showtime. It should be here today. I have also been collecting blu-rays from eBay and Amazon when I can get them at a great price. I usally check them out for the picture and sound quality from a site called blu-ray.com, which incidentally runs vBulletin 3.8.4. They are usually dead-on the money in their reviews.
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