So windows 7 will run faster on my single core 3200 AMD with 1.5 gigs of memory then XP does?
Probably.. I'll let you know because I am upgrading two computers with similar specs tonight. Only they are AMD 2700+ with 2 GB of RAM each. I suspect it will breath new life into the machines though.
I upgraded yesterday.. it took about 3 hours, I think that the 3 Tb of data existing on my system was the major bottleneck - transferring it took aaaages.
That was an upgrade from a Win 7 RC.
Took 3 hrs ,
took far less than on When I upgraded to XP Sp 3
took say 20 - 25 mins
i my HDD usage is 280 GB / 400 Gb HDD Space used
So windows 7 will run faster on my single core 3200 AMD with 1.5 gigs of memory then XP does?
lol..i have it running on my acer netbook originally xp....and it runs smooth..people didn't think it was possible till i showed them, even the guys a geek squad...