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Old 06-27-2009, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Sayid View Post
home9000 , Jacquii

I am with you and I can understand everything in this topic but the problem is that I can't speak English well.

and you both express my ideas exactly as I wanted to say . I can say that your posts have totally finished and solved this issue . Thanks a lot.
Thanks - I think my comments really sum up the debate for me as well. I have thought about this and really considered both sides equally and without the prerequisite drama or prejudices. I actually voted "Yes" because I love the concept of woman not being demonized, minimized, trivialized or otherwise oppressed.

After rethinking - I've come to the conclusion that for me the concept is simple: I am grown - I will wear what I damn well please.

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Old 06-27-2009, 05:52 AM
UKBusinessLive UKBusinessLive is offline
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Thanks so much Tauhid for your reply

and this is coming from an Arab Muslim Grand Imam,

As for the Islamic reaction Egypt's Grand Imam, Sheikh Mohammad Tantawi, said the face veil was not compulsory in Islam and said every head of state had the right to accept or prohibit it.

"I have nothing to do with the French president's decision. Every country has its own rules," Tantawi who heads al-Azhar University, the world's leading Sunni Islam institution, told Al Arabiya.

Tantawi added that women who wear the burka have to abide by the rules of the country they live in, especially because it is not an obligation in Islam.
So Now thats why i guess we're seeing more and more islamic states allowing women to dress more moderately and just allow a simple head scarf, you only need to see the You Tube Videos of the women in Iran with just with their head scarf.

You only need to look at the people that enforce the Burkha and their other stricter religious views, The taliban are supporters of a very strict muslim sect that dosn't think twice about Public Exicutions, Honour Killings, Assult Battery and Rape against their womenfolk, Child weddings etc.. and we need to remember also that they originated from Saudi Arabia.

Like all religions Muslims should be treated with respect and in the same light as everyone else, you only need to look at the first Gulf war to see that Muslim Countries can indeed work alongside its western counterparts. The plan to liberate Kuwait, from saddam was a success, thanks to the Muslim Countries that helped.

The Future of Burkha?

There are both the opponents and the supporters of Burkha out there but many Muslims are starting to agree that such enforced dress code is not necessary. Unlike historical times, many nations have begun to lessen their enforcement of the Burkha. Women are also no longer required to wear the Burkha (only some Muslim nations) even though they are encouraged to wear modest clothes such as a headscarf (most of Islamic states).

Liberal Muslims and women’s rights groups are advocating for the compulsory enforcement of the Burkha to be stopped so a women (and girls) are given the choice to decide if they want to wear the Burkha or not. Currently, this issue or topic is hotly contested by the Islamic scholars, Muslim Communities and the Western nations. However, as Islam moves into the modern age, one can only speculate as to what the future of Burkha will truly be.
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Old 06-27-2009, 08:21 AM
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you can't just be happy by saying no to Burkha ...

Burkha mean respect and loyalty and purity of women...

We hove no right to take it for him just because we don't like it :S

I Vote NO for dictatorisme I vote yes for liberty isn't france mean liberty ?

this vote is like we sed are jews must live or die ? there is no deference
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Old 06-27-2009, 08:50 AM
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I Disagree

What's your problem if she wear hjab or Burkha?

Why you want to decided for other person if wear hjab or Burkha?

Are you calling France Democratic republic?

Where the Democratic when you force other people to do what you like?

Away from them Religion you know in Islam women like Diamond no one can touch her

Else her husband not like in your country any one can sleep with any girl any time without marriage and in 21 the girl was slept with more than 20 but in our Religion (Islam) you the first one touch her and the last one

Do you understand women majesty in our Religion? For sure not

Because if you know you will not write some voting to decid what she must do

And she understand this and accept this without any force because she believe in Allah

So don't force them in France for do some thing they didn't like it

and by the way i'm egyption and in iran you will find girls wear hjab and girls wear Burkha and girls without hjab or Burkha

she decid what she wear not me not you not any one
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Old 06-27-2009, 10:18 AM
UKBusinessLive UKBusinessLive is offline
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Hi styl3r and SSCC, Welcome to VB.org and for joing our debate

Thanks for your posts, but i feel your missing the point.

if women want to wear a burkha in Afganistan or Saudi Arabia then its up to them, but to expect them to wear in in a country that dosn't allow it is pushing the boat out a bit.

Its been said before by Egypt's Grand Imam, Sheikh Mohammad Tantawi that its down to whatever country feels the need to ban the burkha or not.

Surely your not saying that your Religious Elders are Wrong???

Altough the arguement is not the fact that women can wear them or not we all respect others religion, but the fact that people expect to wear them in countries which are not considered islamic.

These countries have Muslim women in government and they know full well of some of the forced agrangements that women and indeed girls have to endure by wearing these burkhas.

You say let the women decide?? i've not heard from any muslim Women on the matter, only from what was posted from the Muslim Women Forums.

this vote is like we sed are jews must live or die ? there is no deference
This had nothing to do with Jews, its a small percentage of Muslims that wear the Burka, Nothing to do with Jews what so ever, so there is a differeance a large one too!

There seems to a a pretty large debate going on around the world, with the fact that France wants to Ban the Burkha, Some people just cannot explain, Egypt's Grand Imam, has said that the Burkha is not compulsary in the Islamic Religion, yet Mulsims are disagreeing with this???

as i said before

Currently, this issue or topic is hotly contested by the Islamic scholars, Muslim Communities and the Western nations. However, as Islam moves into the modern age, one can only speculate as to what the future of Burkha will truly be.
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Old 06-27-2009, 11:20 AM
unp unp is offline
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Unfortunately the ban on burkha will confine those women to their own houses. Some won’t be comfortable in public without a burkha and other may not be allowed.
That law will liberate them form the veil and imprisoned them in their own homes.
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Old 06-27-2009, 12:42 PM
UKBusinessLive UKBusinessLive is offline
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Originally Posted by unp View Post
Unfortunately the ban on burkha will confine those women to their own houses. Some won’t be comfortable in public without a burkha and other may not be allowed.
That law will liberate them form the veil and imprisoned them in their own homes.
Then i guess they will not go to that country. But to one where they can wear the Burkha quite happily :erm:

We need to remember also that there are loads of places in the world that would make you welcome but you need to go by their rules, otherwise you end up in court if your lucky and prison if your not.

Respect is a Universal word, valued in countries all round the world, You respect them they respect you, coming from a christian Country myself, I wouldn't have a problem moving my whole family to the States, Austrailia, Canada, even france, but i would certainly think twice about moving to Iran, Saudi arabia, iraq, can you see what i'm talking about??

Great result on the Poll Though a Draw so far, Thanks everyone for voting and your views, Its a hard subject to discuss, and we're being very civil with our replies, so thanks for that.
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Old 06-27-2009, 04:32 PM
Sayid Sayid is offline
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Then i guess they will not go to that country
Why ? My be they like Paris and that tower there :d . Or may be they are French Muslims . Do they leave their country because they are Muslims ? Do they leave their neghboors and friends and relatives . No of course because Islam Is actionable, righteous in everyplace in every tense .

i would certainly think twice about moving to Iran, Saudi arabia
Why do you think twice ?

Welcome to Saudi Arabia :d

I am studying in Knig Abdulaziz University in Jeddah . Most of the teachers from foreign countries here like U.S and UK.

Brother Tauhid,

First, I will give you an example to make you and all understand a fact .

When someone ask you where you can find the Zamzam water . Who do you ask ? Where do you search first?

of course you gonna ask an Arabic person not African . You search in Arabic countries not foreign ones .

You can apply The same fact here about Hijab/Burka ! You will ask Arab Muslims about the meaning . Even if you want to know the true islamic rules , you will ask whom ? Of course you will ask people who live in the same place where our prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him born . They will know the exact meanings of words and Islamic rules because Holy Quran is in Arabic language .

So, Hijab in our discussion , in our islam, as I said , as Tantawi said is,

The traditional headscarf [hijab] is what is obligatory. This means covering the entire body except the face and hands and wearing clothes that are neither tight nor transparent," he said
But he also said :

I have nothing to do with the French president's decision
Why do you think he said that ?!! Because he knew already that there are lots of foxes in the shape of humans these days who like to annoy women . Moreover, he knew that Muslim women are very shy, pure heart . They believe in Allah, They fear from anger of Allah that make them to cover all pieces of their body. Finally, Tantawi said that because there are some few differences between four creeds (Mathaheb) in Islam . Some of them said that Hijab must cover the whole body even head and hands, and some of them said just the whole body without face and hands.
Here we can derive one property of Islam religion that there are more than one choice in such cases . It is the easy-affluence religion . Which solve -as we can see- the problems like this one (Sarkozy. problem).

Care to elaborate, please bring valid proof to the table for discussion
You ask him to bring a proof table ? OK no proof table after what you have said here :

a noteworthy objection is that Hadith describes 7th century Arabian life, which should not be imposed on modern day Muslims world wide
I know you are Muslim and Muslim will never say such thing. I repeat this is quoted from another pathetic article .

The Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Hadith or Sunnah) are the sources (proof table) from which every Muslim woman and men derives her rights and duties.

7th century Arabian life is real Muslims life that if we follow them exactly these days, We will already be the humans that all people respect us and no one try to give unfair commands like Sarkozy .

Never think Muslims do like whose in iran (Sheia) and Taliban. God (Allah) never said to do that things .

Islam is instinct religion that asks people to do things that they can believe without efforts it is true

OK I have two gifts to you both , Tauhid and UKBusinessLive . Try to read these two articles please. You will know many things about Islam with evidences from Holy Quran .

Women's Liberation Through Islam

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Old 06-27-2009, 09:15 PM
home9000 home9000 is offline
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I vote here " I Agree "as mistake
anyone can help me to change that
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Old 06-28-2009, 10:33 AM
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If like you said that you respect other Religion so you must respect them freedom if she want to wear Burkha or hjab

Like we respect you I'm live in Dubai and we see other nations here from England and France

And in Egypt hurghada, sharmelshish, Cairo, Alexandria or any where

And this countries is Muslim countries the government didn't force your women to wear hjab?

Or wear some thing to cover her body

Why because we respect what she want

Whatever the law her is Muslim law and we didn't force them

And brjah girls wear it in Saudi Arabia and every where

In Egypt my lovely country girls can wear borkah or wear hjab

It's not about religion because Islam didn't force women to wear borkah but in some times women prefer to wear borkah it's about what she want not about what you country want

And she will tourist in your country why you don't want to respect what she like?

Is your Democratic saying that you must force other to do what you like?

And I will give you simple example

You have 3 Shelocta

1- One is without cover

2- And other half covered

3- And other has been all covered

What you prefer to eat? 1, 2 or 3?

It's simple

Respect what she wants toforce us to respect what you want

If your respect usfor sureyou force us to respect you

Elsewe can't respect youin our countries becauseyou don’t respect usin your country
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