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vB Global Translator - Multiply your indexed pages & put search traffic on autopilot Details »»
vB Global Translator - Multiply your indexed pages & put search traffic on autopilot
Version: 1.7, by Dave Hybrid Dave Hybrid is offline
Developer Last Online: Dec 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Miscellaneous Hacks - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 06-14-2009 Last Update: 06-19-2009 Installs: 35
Uses Plugins Template Edits
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No support by the author.

vB Global Translator

Note - There are 2 versions of this script depending on your setup. This script is compatible with users running standard vBulletin and vBSEO only and all vB release versions. If you cannot install this I am more than happy to answer support questions.

So what does this do?

vB Global Translator automatically translates your forum into 28 other languages via the Google translate API, stores those translations in a MYSQL database then rewrites new URLs so you end up with 28 new pages for every current page.

So, if you have 10,000 pages, this MOD will translate those pages into 28 languages making a total of 280,000 pages in 28 languages. This results in a flood of international traffic and referrals from the search engines. If you are getting 1,000 visits a day from your 10,000 pages imagine how many referrals you will get from 280,000 pages!

The current languages this MOD works with are all supported by AdSense so you can expect your income to rise accordingly. I have this running on a 20,000 page forum and after a few months I have more than doubled my search engine traffic.

How do I Install?

Note - Please make sure you have CURL enabled on your server, it will be listed in you php.ini file. If in doubt ask your host.

First download the relevant package below for your setup.

Next you need to add a new MySQL database to your domain to store the translated pages. Open the database in phpmyadmin or similar and import the db.sql file to install the database tables. Once you have done that you need to select the 'wt_cache' table on the left then 'operations' from the top menu and change the storage engine to InnoDB, then click Go.

Add your new database details to translate.php then, if your forums base language is different to English, change your country code. Otherwise ignore this step.


Change en to:

Next save translate.php and upload that, translateflags.php and overloadcache.txt to your forum root, so if your forums are in a /forums/ folder upload these files there. Upload the flags folder to your domain root, thats the domain root.

CHMOD overloadcache.txt to 777

In your vBulletin admin panel add a new plugin with the following settings.

Hook Location: global_complete
Title: vB Global Translator
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:

Save the plugin and activate.

In your vBulletin admin panel add another new plugin with the following settings.

Hook Location: global_start
Title: vB Global Translator Flags
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:

Save and activate.

Finally add the code below to your template so the flags to select languages appear. This is typically the header, navbar or footer so that they display on every page.

Load Issues:

This script is can be quite server intensive for large sites. As you are adding links to all of these new pages from all of your current pages the search engine bots will crawl these 1,000's of new pages fast. As the MySQL trys to deal with the many, many translations and querys I have seen my server load spike a bit.

To combat this we have written in a condition that if server load is more than 1.5, the cache setting will disable and pages will be read live from the Google API and no database writing will take place.

If you feel this setting too high/low you can change it by finding the variable below in translate.php and editing accordingly. The only reason to change this is if - A) You are on a slow server and it is overloaded/crashing or B) You have a very fast server and it can handle more, this will mean your site will get fully cached faster resulting in faster page load times when people re-visit the translated pages.

if(floatval(getServerLoad()) >= 1.5)
One final thing to remember is while your site is being cached and data written to the new database read access times to already cached pages may vary. Uncached pages need to be translated and this can take time when translating a fresh page. Cached pages may load fast or slow depending on whether your server is under load or not as when under load read access from the database is disabled. You just need to be patient and wait until your site is fully cached which will vary between site size, server spec and how often search bots crawl your pages.

Please rate and click install


Version History:


* Removed ioncube encryption to bring script inline with vBulletin.org rules


* Fixed nofollow block on flag links for users with vbseo sites
* Fixed adsense ads showing for translation services etc. by adding section targeting ignore tags


* Fixed database speed issues by using InnoDB instead of MyISAM
* Code encrypted with ioncube


* Script base version

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-26-2009, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by NLP-er View Post
I installed mod at night and today get over 250 mails about DB errors:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:

UPDATE session
SET lastactivity = 1246032811, location = '/?hl=zh-CN', inforum = 0, inthread = 0, incalendar = 0, badlocation = 0
WHERE sessionhash = '566836506c3206d7db38c478aeac3808';

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Friday, June 26th 2009 @ 06:13:31 PM
Error Date : Friday, June 26th 2009 @ 06:18:23 PM
Script : http://www.forum.simple-nlp.pl/?hl=zh-CN
Referrer :
IP Address : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Username : Nie zarejestrowany
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Is it coused by this plugin?
Yes, you can ignore them, they are false, we are working on a fix.
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Old 06-26-2009, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by chris1979 View Post
Thanks for that, jarosciak. There may be some hope for us now.

If I can work out how to edit the php.ini file.
Speak to your host!
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Old 06-26-2009, 04:10 PM
jarosciak jarosciak is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid View Post
What is the forum URL?
I've fixed the problem now.
It had to do with one of the proxy settings specific to my board only.
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Old 06-26-2009, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by jarosciak View Post
I've fixed the problem now.
It had to do with one of the proxy settings specific to my board only.

Yep, looks to be working well on your site, congrats!
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:51 PM
jarosciak jarosciak is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid View Post
Yep, looks to be working well on your site, congrats!
Yup, seems to be working nicely.

I hope additional 22 million posts in different languages won't get my site banned in Google for sudden influx of pages..

I've wanted to ask how does this script translates pages. Does it work constantly on all pages (1 post to last) or it only works when someone clicks the translation flag?

BTW. I took off your link from the top menu, it was confusing to see one of the translation flags to point to another site. I am willing to send a small donation as a gesture of appreciation.
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Old 06-26-2009, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by jarosciak View Post
Yup, seems to be working nicely.

I hope additional 22 million posts in different languages won't get my site banned in Google for sudden influx of pages..

I've wanted to ask how does this script translates pages. Does it work constantly on all pages (1 post to last) or it only works when someone clicks the translation flag?

BTW. I took off your link from the top menu, it was confusing to see one of the translation flags to point to another site. I am willing to send a small donation as a gesture of appreciation.
Bite me.

I'm going to discontinue this product soon because of people like YOU!
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Old 06-26-2009, 06:34 PM
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Small update:

Replace your plugin code with this, fixes the lang="country" meta tag issue and a few issues with special characters.

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Old 06-26-2009, 07:18 PM
jarosciak jarosciak is offline
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Dave, I don't mind linking to you. Don't take me wrong. I in-fact would see no problem pointing a link to you, even that other developers with much more complex scripts than yours do not require anything similar. Your script is a nice idea, but still it's fairly simple programming even for an average programmer.

So again. I am more than willing to send you a small donation and I am not alone among those who liked your script. All I want is to get rid of your annoying implementation of a completely misleading and badly positioned translation flag (in the middle of all language flags), which does not translate anything, but rather links to your side. It feels like a scam and it's not professional, so don't be upset.

So, I took it out and I've followed a very simple logic. On the forum where I have implemented this, I have hundreds of thousands of pages and close to a million page views a month, and it would simply be too generous to link to your site from all the pages. And even if I wanted to, I would do it, because your implementation of linking feels more like spam than a promotion. So why would I do so? For a simple script you wrote? You have to realize, that people pay hundreds of dollars a year for linking from sites with lot of traffic.
And I am not talking about my other forum, where I have over 20 million posts and where a month of linking to someone's site cost over $1000/month. Is your script worth that? Simple answer: NO.

So same as others, who offered you a same deal, I gave you an option of donation, or changing the script. So, please don't be greedy and rather recognize the needs of your fans and people who actually want to support you. If you think it's worth, you could even be selling this script, why not? I'd buy it, with an option to get rid of the link of course.

Regarding you saying how much you have supported me. Don't be ridiculous. I've asked two questions and you didn't give me any support, both issues I had I figured out myself and even posted on your script's page the solution to help other members, who had the same problem and didn't get any answer. Even you recognized my tip by saying thanks.

So again, accept donations, sell the script or change the way you link to your pages so it's not misleading to our members, or come up with some other solution to this obvious clash of opinions, because as you can see, I am not alone complaining.

This is free sharing of mods and most developers of vbulletin mods are famous not by insulting their fans, but rather by being nice and polite, which eventually shows by marked number of installations and lot of downloads.
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Old 06-26-2009, 07:22 PM
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People like you ruin free opensource. You have no idea how much work is involved, right now I'm paying a coder $100's to fix issues with database speed. You said I'm a scam, it's a linkback stop being so dramatic. Also links go for dollars, not thousands, i dont know where you get that from. If you get these pages indexed you get traffic, that traffic can earn you $1,000's so there is my 'payment' for the link. Either way it was a credit link and you removed it, did leaving it in really hurt you that bad. No. You're just being selfish and trying to justify it. Also how is getting support then telling me you are removing credit nice and polite, what goes around comes around buddy. I suggest you start practicing what you preach. Hypocrite.
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Old 06-26-2009, 07:29 PM
Coop1979 Coop1979 is offline
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Originally Posted by jarosciak View Post
Dave, I don't mind linking to you. Don't take me wrong. I in-fact would see no problem pointing a link to you, even that other developers with much more complex scripts than yours do not require anything similar. Your script is a nice idea, but still it's fairly simple programming even for an average programmer.

So again. I am more than willing to send you a small donation and I am not alone among those who liked your script. All I want is to get rid of your annoying implementation of a completely misleading and badly positioned translation flag (in the middle of all language flags), which does not translate anything, but rather links to your side. It feels like a scam and it's not professional, so don't be upset.

So, I took it out and I've followed a very simple logic. On the forum where I have implemented this, I have hundreds of thousands of pages and close to a million page views a month, and it would simply be too generous to link to your site from all the pages. And even if I wanted to, I would do it, because your implementation of linking feels more like spam than a promotion. So why would I do so? For a simple script you wrote? You have to realize, that people pay hundreds of dollars a year for linking from sites with lot of traffic.
And I am not talking about my other forum, where I have over 20 million posts and where a month of linking to someone's site cost over $1000/month. Is your script worth that? Simple answer: NO.

So same as others, who offered you a same deal, I gave you an option of donation, or changing the script. So, please don't be greedy and rather recognize the needs of your fans and people who actually want to support you. If you think it's worth, you could even be selling this script, why not? I'd buy it, with an option to get rid of the link of course.

Regarding you saying how much you have supported me. Don't be ridiculous. I've asked two questions and you didn't give me any support, both issues I had I figured out myself and even posted on your script's page the solution to help other members, who had the same problem and didn't get any answer. Even you recognized my tip by saying thanks.

So again, accept donations, sell the script or change the way you link to your pages so it's not misleading to our members, or come up with some other solution to this obvious clash of opinions, because as you can see, I am not alone complaining.

This is free sharing of mods and most developers of vbulletin mods are famous not by insulting their fans, but rather by being nice and polite, which eventually shows by marked number of installations and lot of downloads.
+1 :up:
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