I'm an avid watcher of such political shows as the O?rielly Factor and Hannity & Colmes, and hold opinions that can best be described as.. more conservative, very little liberal, but with the the current status of the war as of today after the address by President Bush, there is much that can be concluded. The UN and their influence is over, they've proven to be incompatible with just about all our decisions and needs, so they can return back home and play croquet for all that matters. France seems to be a large moral enemy to many Americans right now, with the fact that according to a poll from Foxnews.com, over 96% out of more than one million pollsters voted that they supported a U.S. boycott against France. If you listened to O'reilly today, you'd know that he quite despises many of the French policies, and will learn in greater depth why the U.S. is so opposed to them right now for declining to help us. Saying this, I wont go further into the France dilemma.
More than likely the U.S. within days are going to begin the invasion into Iraq, as many liberals and anti-war protestors have feared so for months. I personally think this conflict will be over within a month, if not less presumed by some politicians on news (1 week some say). Saddam is more than likely to fear for his life when the invasion takes place and escape the country being exiled, as the President today has asked him so. I'll shut up now since I've gone into this stuff enough on my own forum.
It's good to have some political debates once in awhile on this forum though