vB is expandable, so are other BB's out there, but none are as user friendly as vB. vB is THE most respected BB system on the market today. I know a LOT of people that won't join a community unless it's a vB...
PHPBB isn't bad, it's better than EZ Boards
But for serious BB communities, it's vB or bust...I've checked out other BB's out there, UBB, PHPBB, Snitz, Burning Boards (A SAD vB knock off, except for ONE community I've seen customize their board enough to rival some plain vB's) and I must say, for my community needs, vB fits the bill in every way possible...And it's only $85 to get started, that's pocket change for all that you get. It's a great value. However, judging by your S/n, I don't think you're really interested in one day owning a vB, but you should give it a try anyway...
Originally posted by phpBB_sucks that was the stupidest reply I've ever heard from this board. Your giving those old farts you listed above a bad name...
Those are really good people. They help others help and improve their communities. Posting something like that is making YOU look bad yourself. It's making you look judgemental, when you really don't know them, or have seen the hard work they've done. If you've come here with REAL questions, then fine, but if you own a community (I'm assuming you do), vB or not, you should know it's not good to come to a community, and cause problems by calling someone an "Old Fart"...
That's just a tad bit childish, but oh well, whatever floats your boat I guess, but depending on the Ban/ Flamming policy here, you might not last too long