There may be others, but I am unaware of them. We fund our small shared-hosting forum with a few local sponsors @$60 USD per quarter. I use Rotating Banner System to display them in a few places. People can block these banner ads, so we also give sponsors a special name tag and a special forum they can post announcements in.
If your forum is larger and more global in nature, you'll want to look up "SEO" and "vbseo".
hmmm I think I will have to purchase vBSEO. SEO of my site is NOT good.
Yes forum is larger and global in nature. There are 315 different sections (forums & sub-forums) which almost covers all the culture, literature, media, sports, etc of country. Having local sponsors is great. My forum is 3 years old and about a year ago a friend send me idea to sponsor forum with local companies BUT i just cant start it. I have NO IDEA from where I start, how i can ask companies to sponsor my forum. I am very happy to know that someone have alreay adopted this idea and successfully running forum with local sponsors @$60 USD per quarter.
Can you please tell me how you asked them to sponsor you and most importantly if you contacted a company then to whom you talked and what you asked. Companies have many employees so dont know how to ask someone and I dont know if they will even talk or not about this.