How will the world be like if religion is "banned"? We (maybe not in our life time) will find out. Why and How do I know (Or believe)? It's in the bible in the book of Revelation. Symbolically, of course. The government will turn on religion. In Revelation, the 7 headed beast (symbolic for The Government, and it doesn't mean the U.S. government. Every government in the world.) attacks the prostitute (symbolic for religion). But wait, I can hear you. Why is religion being symbolized as a prostitute? That's something that goes way into detail, and no where near this topic. But for you to understand, read the bible carefully.
Say no more. I understand.
Originally Posted by Red Blaze
What does that mean? This means that there's great persecution coming for everyone. Churches, Door to door preaching, and so on and so forth.
They've been talking about that for centuries. The only persecution being done is the persecution we do to each other.
Originally Posted by Red Blaze
Can't wait for that day to come? Much worse (for the unfaithful) will happen after that. Be careful what you wish for.
Unfaithful? In what, a doctrine written and prescribed by men?
Originally Posted by Red Blaze
As I type this, I'm thinking. Who'll really listen? (Matthew 7:24-27) Ah, how history loves to repeat itself.
Mind you, those are Jesus's words. Oh, but people don't believe what they haven't seen, right? And they want proof? Look around you! You really believe everything is done by evolution? That's like believing a painting has no artist. God is watching us, my friend. Call us nut jobs all you'd like. You're just helping in fulfilling a prophecy.
Those are the words of Jesus interpreted by MEN. Don't you see? One man saw an angel, another a boy dressed in white and yet another saw 3 angels... it's open to interpretation.
In school, our teacher had us all sit in our chairs in a circle and then she whispered a short story into the ear of chair number one and asked that the story be whispered from one chair to the next until the entire room had heard the story. Well, by the time the story got to the last person in the circle the entire story changed... That's all in ONE Hour of ONE DAY. You're talking about thousands of years of stories coupled with politics and men.
And please, the prophecies are prophesies of humans that have always searched. It wasn't that long ago the sun was worshiped as being God.
Oh well, I'm not trying to change anyone or anyone's thought and certainly not trying to shove a magic pill of salvation down anyones throat. Religion was created by man and likewise divides man and if your religion lives for the end of times, no doubt you will eventually create them. Live for love not death and destruction!!! My God!