Ron Paul stands out the most to me. The most important issues I see are the war in Iraq (and overall middle easten foreign policy), government spending, taxes, and monetary policy.
I'm 100% behind Ron Paul.
Originally Posted by whitemike
free healthcare
Originally Posted by Weapon-x
We will never have that. The United States is never going to switch to free health care. Because of the fact of all the illegals would rush to the hospitals and there would be no paper work so there would be a problem there. Watch the movie Sicko. It explains it.
People who run for presidency lie more then my eyes blink...And I try very hard not to blink.
They promise us stuff they never bring because well congress never passes anything.
I would like to see America quit worrying about who has the most money, which company is paying of what people in DC. And looking at the big picture not just the small picture. America has a lot more problems then any other country.
Socialized healthcare works for a very short time before the economy can no longer sustain it. France and U.K. are both starting to run into trouble with it. There is no rationing mechanism since it is socialized.
Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
The overall issues for me are energy independence and a self-building economy relying on local workers. For this purpose the ideas put forth by Dennis Kucinich and his Green Works Program are the most sound. It would move the United States from an Oil Bank based energy policy to a Solar Bank based energy policy. Solar Bank energy includes not only solar but wind, small hydroelectric and tidal power generation. We have the technology to make the switch but it will not happen as long as Big Oil controls the government. Both Bush and Cheney come from families that made all their money off of oil and still do.
Switching would decrease the need for us to be in the Middle East and therefore the need for this war which is no longer really about terrorism but control of oil reserves. It would eliminate the need to continue converting our crop fields for corn and soy to make e85 ethanol and biodiesel. It would create decent good paying jobs instead of the largest employment sector living off minimum wage in the retail industry. It will also bring technology improvements to other sectors of our lives.
Unfortunately, I do think that Kucinich's ideas are too much for the conservatives in both parties to handle. However they would reshape this country much like Roosevelt did to work on bringing us out of the depression and through World War II. Therefore my campaign will be to get him appointed Energy Secretary of whoever does get elected. The president is only as good as his advisors.
I don't like very many of Kucinich's policies. I'm a libertarian and he is pretty far to the left, BUT, if he were to get the Democrat nomination and Paul didn't get the Republican nomination, I'd vote for him. He is honest and intelligent. These two qualities are something I value, currently, more than political positions.
Now come a day far in the future when things aren't so messed up, I'd vote political ideas. But right now, I'm more concerned with people who have noble intentions.
Anyways, I'm a libertarian/minarchist. I believe in maximizing freedom. (Freedom to, not freedom from.) Free market, no government involved in anything except enforcing contracts and such. I'm easily swayed though if someone can find faults in my beliefs.