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Old 11-09-2005, 06:40 AM
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I still dont understand why they should pay. Surely it is for the benefit of the users that

a) Costs are kept down for these commercial hacks by limiting there outgoing costs
b) The user can quickly and easily find a hack he maybe interested in.

Vbulletin addons was never going to continue as it did, it was like Geek said a Part time job which although gives a good feeling doesnt pay the bills. In most these hacks are not expensive, to pay for a whole article system i think Geeks prices are fair. To pay for a whole RPG system i think Zero's price is fair. These guys are continueing to help the community yet for the support needed and updates for the product it is simply too difficult not to ask for a small fee. In response to the "free advertising" thats not the way i see it. Vbulletin.org is meant to be the number one source for vbulletin resources, like it or not payed hacks make a huge part of these resources now and therefore its time to adapt and move with the times
Old 11-09-2005, 06:43 AM
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huh. I actually remember seeing that now!

If the users here only represent 5-10% of Jelsofts customers then surely its still enough to validate all the points I made earlier. Even though 90-95% don't even require vb.org 100,000 people have registered
Old 11-09-2005, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by AN-net
reminds me of people critizing my support policy of deny for any reason at any time. um i did it for free, dont i have a right to my life outside of this hack?
That would be me - and I stand by it - as I think its a case of poor wording. IMO There is a big difference between saying you will provide support when time allows, and may not be able to - and saying that you will deny support. That implies you are deliberately refusing to support something, a whole different meaning.
Old 11-09-2005, 08:35 AM
Lizard King Lizard King is offline
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Lets put it this way. I am not a coder but i spend like 1-2 hour on vb.org to check about whats going on or just surfing. but even in this way i cannot name all the paid modifications. There must be a place which i can check every paid modification that can add a new advantage to my board.

I also respect people who are releasing paid hacks because i know they are putting a lot of working hours for that modifications and if it is a paid hack you get really good support. But if you can see that vb.org is getting worse and worse everyday. A lot of good modification authors are not even visiting vb.org anymore i am sure there may be a reason for it.

There is just one thing i cannot understand. vb.org claims that paid modifications cannot advertise in here but vbseo is advertising at vb.org nearly for 3-4 months. Within this time they claimed that they will make a lite version. As far as i see they only advertised in here. ( Just checked that thread is deleted or i couldn't find it ) What did caused to vb.org ? Nothing. So why are we still keeping paid modifications out of here. I was +++++ing in vbseo's thread because that is the only paid modification that had been advertised in vb.org

In my idea the best way vb.org can follow is create a link directory for paid modifications. Also the lisence owners need to see a directory like this. Otherwise you may never heard of a modification you need.

I dont think that this will stop free of charge modifications at all and plus i believe it will bring back a lot of good coders back to vb.org
Old 11-09-2005, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Lizard King
There is just one thing i cannot understand. vb.org claims that paid modifications cannot advertise in here but vbseo is advertising at vb.org nearly for 3-4 months. Within this time they claimed that they will make a lite version. As far as i see they only advertised in here. ( Just checked that thread is deleted or i couldn't find it ) What did caused to vb.org ? Nothing. So why are we still keeping paid modifications out of here. I was +++++ing in vbseo's thread because that is the only paid modification that had been advertised in vb.org
vBseo was allowed at first because the author was seeking beta testers. We didn't see a problem with him seeking testers via the forum. Once the modification was up for sale he said there would be a lite version, the thread was left for discussion while he prepaired the modification for release.

Needless to say it took him longer then expected. The thread has been deleted now, but he will be allowed to post his lite version when/if it's finished.
Old 11-09-2005, 10:47 AM
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I think a lot of problems with angry .orgers could be solved if we came up with some rules of etiquette that are community enforced (politely) more so than mod enforced. (I have no stand on the advertisement of paid hacks here. I think it's Jelsoft's site and they can do what they want with it.) I am more concerned about the burn-out and disgruntlement that this site can cause.

The coders are a minority here. I did the math once, and fewer than 4 percent of this site's users have ever released any sort of mod. Another slightly larger minority helps out in the threads and answers questions on mods they did not write.

A large majority of the users are silent. They don't click install, they don't post for help, they don't post period. They are starting to be one of my favorite groups

Another minority of users is very vocal, unfortunately. And it is them that are causing the problems. They don't read before they try to install. When they run into problems, they scream that the code doesn't work. They never admit to the fact that they messed things up. They install more than one mod at a time - badly - and end up with errors that they don't know the cause of. They post new threads for their questions instead of posting in the mod thread. They don't read the support thread to see if their question has been answered before posting.

It is these users who make it no fun at times to release code. I am not in the software support business. I wouldn't be if you paid me. That's why I don't write commercial mods. I do some custom work on the side, and those users get my best efforts until things are to their liking. But, code released here is me sharing an inspiration or idea with fellow coders. It is not a shrink-wrapped release.

So, if we can get the vocal minority to behave, I think you all will see the release of more mods. You will see developers like me not get so irked that we don't share our improvements and code changes.

It is a pain in the patoot to package up code for release - even with the product system. I am willing to do it because discussing code gives me pleasure. I am not willing to do it to satisfy a mob's demand for it. This is why my updates and feature additions are so slow. That vocal minority sucks all the fun out of releasing anything for the community.

Hence, the need for some rules of etiquette AND the need for the community to help support those rules.

I would never presume to make those rules. I think they should, of course, include the site's official rules. But, they should also be more. When somebody sneezes, we bless them because it's polite. Not because it's a rule. I think we need some of those polite codes of behavior here.

We need a way to civilize that very vocal minority and let them know that if they want to participate here, they are going to have to act like adults and not 12 year olds who forgot their morning Ritalin.

Otherwise, more and more developers are going to burn out and more and more mods won't be ported to newer versions of vbulletin. Or, the mods will start to cost you money. I strongly suspect that y'all lost the cash and shop mod because of burnout. I know for a fact that I haven't been motivated a drop to do any major modification updates and releases.
Old 11-09-2005, 10:59 AM
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I'm finding that whether you charge for your services is a moot point...the warez'ers will dump it out there for free in the end regardless...so it's all free :ermm:
Old 11-09-2005, 11:24 AM
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You people sure talk about some useless stuff.

- Make it or don't.
- Sell it or don't.
- Give it free or don't.
- Help or don't.

Just shut up and do it. Call me strange, but I don't see a problem.

My ole man always said: "Son, either sh*t or get off the pot"

IE: Get'er done and stop the crying.

Old 11-09-2005, 11:51 AM
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Preach it, Amy!
Old 11-09-2005, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by smacklan
I'm finding that whether you charge for your services is a moot point...the warez'ers will dump it out there for free in the end regardless...so it's all free :ermm:
brings me too an issue of some network authorization connection with jelsoft for third parties.
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