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Old 12-29-2008, 01:36 AM
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Now lets add in the environmental cost of all those diapers, laudrey, heating, cooling, gas and everything else.
That was a joke, right?
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:45 AM
GSeybold GSeybold is offline
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I did put a link there. Not sure where it went. Probablyt my feeble mind. Anyone can look up this family online.

"You see, We have a problem. Before that post there was next to no information about this family. Remembering that we all don't live in the usa so people are likely to get the wrong idea in what your trying to convey over and the frustration your feeling towards this family and the way they bring up their family. That response would have been better placed in the top thread and a link to some kind of article so we can verify your feelings."

Decepter.. NOT kidding at all.. If you can't see the environmental factor.. Sorry.. here's a hint... loads of laundry... water and so much more.

For me, I think a big loving family is great but there is a limit in parental time/obligation and the ability to give individual love. In this families case, maybe they have the time for what 10-15 minutes per child/per day. Something like that.
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:51 AM
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So what you're saying then is, if this family never existed, the environment would not be as bad as it is now?

I get your point, but the fact this is 18 people vs the rest of the world is OTT (over the top).

I can honestly say there are single people out there that do more harm to the environment than that family. Even then, the impact made is highly insigificant, and probably not even noticeable. It'd literally be like a pixel on a 100,000KM moniter.
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:59 AM
GSeybold GSeybold is offline
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Originally Posted by Deceptor View Post
So what you're saying then is, if this family never existed, the environment would not be as bad as it is now? Don't be silly... moderation for everyone, not for just a few.
I get your point, but the fact this is 18 people vs the rest of the world is OTT (over the top).I under your the one person/whole universe argument of course but why contribute?
I can honestly say there are single people out there that do more harm to the environment than that family. Oh yes, that is for sure.

Even then, the impact made is highly insigificant, and probably not even noticeable. It'd literally be like a pixel on a 100,000KM moniter.
Still we(the world) cannot continue this, "One person doesn't matter" mentality. In the long run, collectively, one person does matter.
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Old 12-29-2008, 02:15 AM
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Collectively, yes, we add considerable damage. Which is my whole point, you stab this family just because they are large and in your opinion morally wrong. Yet, there are bigger families out there who don't act the same way, and you say nothing to them.

Hence me asking, was that a joke
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Old 12-29-2008, 02:22 AM
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Here's a good link to start with for those really interested...


From there you can surf out to other other reference sites to form your own opinion if you are not already familiar with this family.

Based upon your views, you will either think they are a by-the-bible far right-wing family that is perfectly normal or you will think they are the result of some fanatical parents that see each additional child as a means of extending their 15 minutes of fame while living off of the donations of others.

Personally I see them as being somewhere in the middle. I believe that they believe that what they are doing is the right thing but 18 kids is a bit extreme (even if they were Amish ) and they do seem to enjoy the spotlight. Likely my opinion would be more favorable if they tried to live they life they preach without being so reliant, and so ready to accept, "donations" that likely add up to quite a tidy sum. At this point it seems to be a unintentional self-serving cycle... the more kids they have the more donations they get which allows them to maintain a lifestyle that allows them to have more kids.
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:06 AM
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strangely, if you think that asking the olders to help the youngers is a kind of slavery, so i am a slave owner... my 12 years old son is not born to serve, he do it on his own, because he love his sisters and when i need someone to do a task, he is the first one to provide me with support because he is generous.

check on vb.org.. are they all slaves when they offer their help?!... did they have to be worshiped to be happy to help?... it's a way of life, a way of thinking. you have to teach your kids how to behave in society, and if you are against that kind of participation in the life of a family, you tell your kids that helping the others is wrong. pathetic.

this family is over the top, not because they are funny and they help each others, but only because the woman decided that there was enough of miscarriages... she do not take the pill because it's not working for her, and their philosophy is against any restriction on having kids... and if i remember right, the pope is against the same, so 90% of the USA population is cheating its own religion. (which i don't care, women have rights)

the bigger the family, the more support you get from the community... i have only 4 kids, and my neighbours "try" to help me when they can. i always refuse the help because there are other people that need that help, but as i say, i never asked for help, people think i need some. in your family, if you have a cousin in trouble or is really occupied with the kids, will you tell that he/she deserves it because she had to be on pills?!... or you will tell that the kids can come visit you from time to time to give the parents a little break for an afternoon ?!

the general thinking is boring: she have too much kids, she is crazy,they all are. and if they had only 12 ?!... or even 10... would they be that crazy yet?! in the close past, in my country, the Québec, the church was forcing the women to have kids after kids. My mother, they were 14... my father, they were 13 kids... 3 or 4 of each families died after birth because of the poor conditions. that's how our families were built. today, you have 2 kids and you say "it's enough"... and i can say that it's not always the women who say that... men do not think anymore that kids are their spring.

being an animal like we're supposed to be, women would have 10 to 20 birth in their life of 100 years old. without saying a word, they would give birth each time they can, because there is no ethic and no birth control... their goal would be to procreate because mother nature made them that way. do you think that Elephants have a thought about how much babies they have in their life?!... cats the same,...
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Old 12-29-2008, 12:52 PM
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Do the Duggar's have to work? Or do they make enough money off their television show on Discovery's Health Channel?

My father was number 5 of 10. My grandmother had two separate husbands though and still ended up raising them on her own. Maybe this family is different but my father's family is very fractured. We don't even go to family get togethers anymore because they always end up in arguing and cursing for some reason. The only time anyone can remain civil is my Grandmother's birthday in October and she is 93 now.
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Old 12-29-2008, 01:01 PM
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The Duggar father already had a great job before the first kid, and he decided to handle the whole family in 2002, if i'm right with the dates... they had a good financing then in time, but now as they are sponsored by the tv shows and companies to make their family live properly, they are driven by that and the fahter is working mid-time to keep $ for the future...

i also know that the oldest son, who got married this year, told the medias he would not have more than 4 kids... he is not worshiping his father's wills... he have a life of his own, and do not want the medias to follow him all the time.
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Old 12-29-2008, 04:30 PM
Rapscallion Rapscallion is offline
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When the previous one arrived, one of my forumers commented that the mother 'must be a slip and slide after that many'.

For myself, though, I tend to the view that if they can support them and raise them as decent human beings, then I don't really worry too much.

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