ADMINS ONLY , im sik of this bULL++++!
listen, im thinkin about take u guys to court seriouly here..... u gus make up VB ++++ well ++++ man my site just got tooken over a AGAIN soo wtf is the deal here.. i want someone to reply to this who can help me cuz if not im takin ur ass's to court u are supose to support ur members and and ++++ like tthat u do jack ++++ and nothing gets done ! so therefore u have the next 24 hours to get to his or i'll get my laywer involved i aint here threating but im sux of ++++ here!!!!! i con tract the admin here "oh he doesnt know ++++" soo yeah this is ur problem!! get better ++++in skillsed admin in here who can help! if u wanna know the site reply i'll check back tommorow!