I have allready been posting this in a support ticket at vbulletin.com
I am sorry to bother you whit this, i know your proberly very busy at the time. But for the last week (since october, 14/10 - to now) i have recieved this database error, over 1000+ times a day, in average:
Database error in vBulletin :
mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mydb13.surftown.***' (4)
/***/l***/***/***/***********.com/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 311
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Wednesday, October 20th 2010 @ 10:42:06 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, October 20th 2010 @ 10:43:06 PM
Script : http://www.***********.com/forum/showthread.php?t=389
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
All diffrent ip?s, scripts, and referres. No mySQL error number
I have tried to update counters, optimize & repair tables in admin cp, maintanice.
Tried to block out the worst spybots etc..
Set simultaneous connections from 0 to 1 in config.php and back again, no results.
Created a support ticket at my webhost surftown.***, they havent been able to resolv this problem. They have set max simultaneous requests to the db to 30 per sec. My stats are app. 1500 unique visitors and 6-8000 pagewievs per day.
List of modifications (i have disabled alot of them, because of troubleshooting), but whit no result:
Activity Modification 3.03 Tracks user activity
Automatic Thread Tagger 1.2.0 Extracts keywords from thread titles and uses these as thread tags.
Corner Peeler {2} 0.1.3 Insert ads, specials and surprises into top-right[1-2]/top-left[1-2] corner peelers...
ibProArcade for vBulletin 2.6.8 ibProArcade - professional Arcade System for vBulletin
Image Resizer 1.0.2 Automatically resizes images in posts!
Invitation System 2.0.3 Allow users send invitation to everybody
Members who have Visited 3.7.004 Display members who have visited the forum.
Miserable Users 3.7.002 A way to really annoy anyone you don't want visiting your forum.
PhotoPost vBGallery 2.5 PhotoPost vBGallery 2.5
Post Thank You Hack 7.7 Post Thank You Hack
Smilies in Quickreply 1.2.0 Show Smilies in Quickreply.
vBadvanced CMPS 3.0.1 vBadvanced Content Management & Portal System
vBadvanced Links Directory 3.0.0 vBadvanced Links Directory
vBSEO 3.3.2 vBulletin SEO
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 2.5 Generate a Google & Yahoo Sitemap for your Forums
Video-Directory 1.1.0 RC 2 vBulletin-Integrated Video-Directory
I havent changed any thing for months. And every thing has worked flawless until last thursday.
All ready after 2 minuts after i send the support ticket to vbulletin.com, they were able to decide that they could do nothing about it, pretty impressive or pretty easy?
Hello Kim,
That error message indicates that mysql is down or otherwise unreachable via a PHP connection. Unfortunately this is not a vBulletin issue, you should get in touch with your webhost.
There might be an addon at vBulletin.org to help you deal with your database error emails.
All the best ..
Im just about to give up, and live whit it! Any sugestions?