Version: , by (Guest)
Developer Last Online: Jan 1970
Version: Unknown
Released: 10-25-2000
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
Forumdisplay Optimization for vB 1.1.2 & 1.1.3 by rangersfan 2000
Open forumdisplay.php, and dont put in the dashes! As always backup forumdisplay.php in case something goes wrong.
Find this Code:
$threads=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title,open,lastpost,replycount,postusername,lastposter,notes,iconid,views FROM thread WHERE forumid=$forumid AND visible=1 $datecut ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT $limitlower,$perpage");
(editor note.. If you have changed this query and it no longer matches the above, the important part is to replace "iconid" with "thread.iconid", add "icon.title AS icontitle",
add "icon.iconpath", replace "title" with "thread.title AS threadtitle" and add "LEFT JOIN icon ON (icon.iconid = thread.iconid)" after "FROM thread")
Replace with:
$threads=$DB_site->query("SELECT thread.iconid, icon.title AS icontitle, icon.iconpath,threadid,thread.title AS threadtitle,
FROM thread
LEFT JOIN icon ON (icon.iconid = thread.iconid)
WHERE forumid=$forumid AND visible=1 $datecut
ORDER BY lastpost
DESC LIMIT $limitlower,$perpage");
Find this code:
if ($showicons==1 and $thread[iconid]!=0) {
if ($icon=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT title,iconpath FROM icon WHERE iconid=$thread[iconid]")) {
$threadicon="<img src=\"$icon[iconpath]\" alt=\"$icon[title]\" border=0>";
} else {
$threadicon=" ";
} else {
$threadicon=" ";
Replace with:
$threadicon=" ";
if ($showicons==1 and $thread[iconid]!=0)
$threadicon="<img src=\"$thread[iconpath]\" alt=\"$thread[icontitle]\" border=0>";
version 1.1.2 and version 1.1.3beta1 and 2 Find this code:
if ($wordwrap!=0) {
$thread[title]=eregi_replace("([^\n\r <>\"\\-]{$wordwrap})"," \\1 ",$thread[title]);
Replace with:
if ($wordwrap!=0) {
$thread[threadtitle]=eregi_replace("([^\n\r <>\"\\-]{$wordwrap})"," \\1 ",$thread[threadtitle]);
version 1.1.3beta3 find this code:
if ($wordwrap!=0) {
Replace with:
if ($wordwrap!=0) {
That's it! Enjoy. This will cut your queries on forumdisplay from (Num of threads on page + 6) to 6!
Also please forgive me but I have a thing about code structure and readability.
[Edited by rangersfan on 10-26-2000 at 04:43 PM]
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Originally posted by rangersfan
Also please forgive me but I have a thing about code structure and readability.
Forgive you? I think *all* queries should be structured exactly like you've done... it makes it sooo much easier to read and maintain the code that way.
Wonderful optimization by the way, I am sure this will be a very nice performance increase
Its amazing how this could slip the cracks. I would at least have thought they would have used a caching system, or maybe one query of all icons before loading the page.
People, this hack will increase performance (if mysql is your bottleneck, as it is in my case) greatly. Get it now.
Originally posted by Stallion Its amazing how this could slip the cracks. I would at least have thought they would have used a caching system, or maybe one query of all icons before loading the page.
People, this hack will increase performance (if mysql is your bottleneck, as it is in my case) greatly. Get it now.
hmmmm... mysql is my problem from day one... would these instructions change if i had hacks already ?
thanks i tried it on my long forgotten private testing vB which has the poll hack added also... seems to work.. gonna add it to my forums once i finish defragging my other pc with my working copy of my site files
great stuff rangersfan with me lowering my join buffers and adding this optimisation i survived my first forum peak hour without needing to reboot my server