I got a problem on my forum. My host got som big problems on the server that runs my forum. They had to move it to the last backup of my forum. When i tired to login as a admin, it diden't work. Now it does, but i still got a huge problem. When i try to make a new topic in a forum, it won't do that. The new topic turns into a reply the topic last posted.
I tried to delete all my forums and making them over again. But the same thing keeps happening. When i deleted all my forums shoulden't all my members got 0 posts? Well, they don't. They get the same number they got earlier, before the database error.
The database error ruined most of my forum. They had to take it back til the last backup, which was in earlie may. That meens i lost to months of posts. Any way to get that back i don't think, very sad