So for Coders to get the "recognition" they want, money will fix the job? That ain't recognition at all.
poolking - On your post on page 3, I never said being nasty was professional. I said being nice wasn't the only form of professionalism there is, and then I said replying to suggestions made, good and bad, is professional as well instead of ignoring them.
And Brad is right. It's negative posts, negative thinking, and blaming every single problem on the staff that is ruining the atmosphere on the forum. If people want this forum to improve, I think a lot of people need to change their attitudes around here - to stop being so critisizing of everything staff post, to support staff decisions as well as critisise them in a non-abusive way, to accept when decisions are rejected, and so on. If the community does this, will become a lot of a better place.
vBulletin THEN DAYLIGHT - Support here is never guarenteed. There are so many questions asked here every day its impossible for all to be answered. As well as that, I'd say.. 60 or 70% never include enough or the right information for someone to support. Once again, another thing that can't be completly blamed on Jelsoft or the volunteering staff.