Originally Posted by deathemperor
DW for XHTML, Zend Studio for PHP, Eclipse/JBuidler for Java
Used to be almost the same for me until I switched from Zend Studio to TruStudio. Also I despise JBuilder; evil buggy expensive bloatware whereas Eclipse is relatively simple and free.
For those of you who think you're gods because you code in Notepad, you're aiming a shotgun at your foot instead. You lose color coding, intellisense popups, real-time syntax validation, line numbering, even auto indenting. If you also think that people who use WYSIWYG editors don't know how to code, think again there, too. I spend something like 90% of the time in Dreamweaver in the code view because I prefer to design the layout in my mind, not in the program (which can't really do CSS layouts yet IMO).