Woah calm down their skipper. I was merely giving my opinion. When I was first choosing between Gama and Zero's rpg mod, I went and viewed demos of both. One thing that really bothered me with your version was that I felt it was messy, bulky and untidy. The map system is rather cumbersome. For the average Joe that comes along and tries to use the map, you quickly find yourself lost and disinterested.
The battle system is rather bland and has alot of wasted space. When I attempted to click on the user name it loaded in the iframe rather then opening a new window (see attachments). I understand it is just a demo, however the demo itself speaks volumes to a potential buyer.
As a new user, when I look at your rpg mod, I wonder how I start a new battle. I click on "Battle" and come to a page that shows me current battles. It is shown with the most minimal effect and lacks any asthetics.
It is just my opinion that the system looks very dull and boring to me and it is not something that I would like to spend my money on. When you pay for something you usually like it to not require any work.
As for Zero's, I never said his was flawless, however between the two I felt much more satisfied with that system. When you talk about errors, I am not really sure what you are talking about. You see when guests try to access the RPG system they get this error:
"Sorry, you must login or register to be able to access any part of the RPG System. Thank you"
His HTML is not perfect, however it is laid out fairly well and is done nicely. The admin panel is also nice, it's very straightfoward and will not take you long to get used to. Please see the screenshot I have attached. You will see all the links are available on the top navigational bars.
In my honest opinion, I would say that both of these mods are not really worth the money at this time. They still need quite a bit of work. Coders need to stop adding more and more new features and instead make sure what they already have works 100%.
Please understand, that having written the above, I have studied and written a few scripts in PHP of my own. I am no where near the level to begin creating such huge scripts for people, however I understand it can be hard and time-consuming.
**The first two attachments are from Zajako's setup, the last one is Zero's setup on my board.
Edit again: Oh, one thing I have been reading more and more here, Zajako, is that you tend to answer people with, "Well this version is not fully complete yet, wait until next *version type here* and it will be fixed!"
If you are going to sell something, you can't sell something that is half-finished and then flip out when people say they feel your system is unpolished, unrefined ect. It is poor salesmanship to release something that isn't even finished.
Edit one last time x.x: If you are choosing between the two, I suggest you wait, right now there is a free battle mod right here on this very forum that works on version 3.x of Vbulletin. I would suggest using that until Zajako finishes his rpg system and/or until Zero gets back from his "break" and finally releases version 2.