Today at 06:47 AM slinky said this in Post #80
Looking at 6.5 I'm not sure what to do. It seems like FB has created a huge mess with the phpBB2 forum integration.
I'm afraid I have to agree with you, FB tied phpBB in too much with 6.5 so I think it's a lost cause :disappointed: I'm not at all impressed with phpBB being included as I need subforums & attachments! I'll be sticking with 6.0 for now! He should have included phpBB as a MOD & not integrated the forums with everything else!
I have phpnuke6.0 tweaked the way I like it & I just bought VB yesterday so I'm going to try get VB working with phpnuke 6.0.
Is there a download for the phpnuke 6.0 + VB2.3 integration or do I have to hack w4u's hack that he released for nuke 5.5 at the beginning of this thread almost a year ago?????
I know people have got it working with Nuke6.0 but I cant see any downloads or instructions for doing it..
Any replies at all would be appreciated.