Originally Posted by tbworld
Unwanted features are easy to remove, bugs maybe not. Other than that what was wrong with it?
Again this is just something that would create some eye candy for our members, members like pictures especially if they're interesting and relevant to the topic. Cars, tools, guns, etc the list goes on, people just enjoy pictures. Which of coarse would increase page views and overall activity on any forum.
As far as what's wrong with it... Let's see. From the brief time testing it...
1 - The attachments in the gallery do not take forum permissions into consideration. Example if an attachment is posted in a private forum, members without access to said private forum will still see these attachments in the list. (whether it's a mod forum, paid forum, etc)
2 - Occasionally a clicked item in the list the script will lock up and force you to use the back or refresh buttons in the browser.
3 - The modification shows ALL types of attachments by default. Images, videos, documents, .zip files, etc. I only want to show only images by default (and I have NO idea how to make that happen lol.) then I could just disable the ability to filter by other types of files.
Just overall buggy and unstable. Hasn't been updated in years and I'm running 4.2.x now, I don't plan on upgrading my forums past this, 4.2 is a pretty solid vb version I'm happy with it.
One thing I thought was very cool about that particular mod however was the fact that you can rate individual attachments from the gallery. That immediately got me thinking of things like photo/upload contests and giving away gift cards to members or something.
I agree on the fact that having access to the source code is helpful by my knowledge of PHP is very slim, especially when it comes to the specifics of utilizing vbulletin php on top of it. I consider myself fairly fluent and able when it comes to design stuff mainly HTML/CSS but that's pretty much where my coding skills come to a screeching halt
I hire freelancers here and there for specific vbulletin stuff, but usually only for things that are directly congruent with increasing revenue or developing required features we may need for various things.
Something like this request, I can certainly live without and wouldn't personally "invest" in, however I do believe it would be beneficial for all forums (IMO worthy of being a default feature in future versions).