Originally Posted by wmlvb
There are a ton of basic unanswered questions both on this site and vbulletin.com. It seems that vbulletin no longer is providing support to customers.... ARe they losing business to all the free and better options out there and have had to lay off? I know I would switch to something else if my forum was not so heavily customized but I am stuck with the crap support.
Are you this person?
IF you are then quit wasting time posting duplicates and SEARCH for your answers... Lynne could not have said it better below!
Originally Posted by Lynne
Hmmm, not sure why my post count keeps going up around here if I'm not helping. Oh well. I will admit that I skip over questions that have been asked and answered over and over and over again. I skip most question where a simple search would answer the question. I'd rather go help the users who have questions that are new where they can't find the answer with a search.
Also, you do realize that vb.org is a site run by the users for the users?
Sorry if I came across short/abrupt/rude above but Lynne said it best and I follow the same idea.. don't reply if it's been answered countless times before.