I've decided to uninstall this mod. After looking at the logs for the past month, I have come to the following conclusions...
- My forum rejects 9 out of 10 registration requests from spammers.
- This mod is only responsible for ONE out of those 9 rejections.
- The amount of false-positives is not worth the hassle.
- Akismet has NEVER (and I mean NEVER) returned anything other than a false positive.
The other 8 of those 9 rejections were done using a custom profile field:
- Simple Question: Are you a spam bot?
- Default Value: Yes
- Field Required: No, but display at registration
- Regular Expression: [NOno]+
Its simple. When someone registers, right before the submit button is this question "Are you a spam bot?"; with the default being "Yes". Unless they change the answer to "no", they will be rejected. This simple thing is responsible for almost all of my spam rejections.
Any bots that do get through eventually get caught by this: