Originally Posted by borbole
Personally, until now I have never needed help with anything and that is why I have never asked a single support question. I have also no problem with the questions being asked, regardless of their level. I like to help out whenever I can. If you checked my post history, here and/or at vb.com you will see what I mean.
But what I don''t understand is that my posts here (at this thread) are being totally misunderstood and/or misnterpreted completly for something else which I never said or meant. It seems to me that I am speaking in chinese over here  No matter what I say, someone will jump in and say something completly out of context. Ah, forget about it. It ain''t worth arguing and get worked up over something like this.
Well I am a big supporter of asking for help when needed and providing help if able to. More to your point though, about the person who has created a mod and gained status because of it, that person is simply labeled by an arbitrary system that's pretty flawed anyway. So while your point is taken, users shouldn't be mocked for gaining status and then asking for assistance, even on simple things.