Originally Posted by slinky
1) Drupal is powerful but if you aren't a php developer, have funds, have patience or experience with drupal, it will take you a long time to get up something that looks good and not like stock drupal.
2) Joomla is OK. Looks great, many designs, not impressive from a performance standpoint, can be a hassle to manage content as it gets larger, and is much higher in load than others. Modules are generally plentiful, some good but most are just awkward additions shoved into the software. I find it most useful to use Joomla for smaller corporate type sites where I need something up very quickly that looks very good.
3) Wordpress - if it's simple it works very well. Can be adapted to blogs. Personally my CMS of choice, surprised that I found it to be the best for most uses, at least IMHO.
It's not hard to Manage the contents that depends on one who runs it should know how to Manage it . It takes while to Learn getting used to this CMS . I have been running this cms from 4yrs already and loads of things have been changed contents/traffics of users . Still site is smooth one should know what kind of modules /addons/plugins should be applied to the project they are working on . I know some people randomly choose many plugins to make their site crowd and looking better but less use of plugins/addons could be better idea to handle this cms .
Main thing on this cms will be security managements . Then theres nothing to worry about .