Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Does this include the Green Party, American Party, America First Party, Boston Tea Party, Jefferson Republican Party, Boston Tea Party, Christian Socialists Party, Socialist Labor Party, Communist Party, and the others that I haven't heard of? I once read of a political party in the United States with the objective of making pedophilia legal. Would they be welcome?
Not the type of reply I would expect from you Wayne. I'am a little lost for words right now.
How do you take repealing the income tax, and doing away with the federal reserve system and compare that to making pedophilia legal?
If it were my forum, I would only add a political party if it did not promote special interest. Such as giving money to banks, making sure the federal reserve keeps control of our money and pedophilia. That would exclude the republican and democrat parties and any other party that wanted to pass laws that would harm others.