Originally Posted by wolfstream
OBVIOUSLY you don't know what you're doing, or you wouldn't be having problems with the mod.
OBVIOUSLY you can't read or you would have read that I have not only not coded for a while but haven't had the time. To be honest, I haven't even checked the code for this and for all I know it could be a very simple fix or it could be that I need to transfer my old BB to SQL 5 (I don't know since the modification does not mention anything about MySQL 4 or 5.) But considering you're incompetent to answer a simple question without an attitude or even know what is wrong then you obviously have less of a clue than I do. But I thank you for your very uninformative and unintelligent input. In the time that I wasted posting useless replies to yourself I could have simply corrected the issue myself or moved on without this mod.
Less you forget that I gave you props for helping others out just to have you try and shoot me down as if you're the end all, know it all, be all to every thing that surrounds you. Mind stepping off your high horse for just a second to welcome yourself to reality?
If you want help, mail the developer, pay them to install it for you, the mod works, though, if you follow the instructions, as many, many individuals have said (including myself)
No thanks. No need to waste my time on this broken unsupported mod anymore.
I'd say you're wrong. The mod is supported how the dev chooses to do so.
And I'd say you're an arrogant fool who has yet to learn the meaning of support of modification by the coder. When a Coder (in this case sllik) decides to post a modification and clicks on the little check box that says "I will support this mod" and then never logs in to actually support his mod:
Version: 2.0.5, by sllik (Coder) sllik is offline
Developer Last Online: Jun 2009
That by definition and fact is "not supported."
Just because you arrogantly can "think" you can half-heartedly support this mod on behalf of the actual coder does not make this mod supported, specially when my (and a few others here) questions have never been answer yet they have been diverted. But again, I thank you for taking your time out just to ridicule and belittle me just because you "think" you have supported this modification in which is not even written by yourself.
2 weeks = a month? Really? Where?? Yeah, it's actually just OVER 2 weeks (by a day and some change). The last offline stint (before Jun 26) was for probably 2 months, so 2 weeks is nothing.
Developer Last Online: Jun 2009... this month is July if you hadn't noticed.
Oh, the MOD will install just fine, but you have to actually follow instructions. Like I said, I've done this on so many servers now, I could do it in my sleep, from template install to the app setup and link. IF there's a problem, it's not with the app, but with your configuration, and whining about the developer not being online isn't going to solve THAT, now is it?
Again your ridiculing is completely unnecessary. If you knew as much about servers as you pretended to then you would realize that different servers are setup different ways. As I've stated to you before, just because it works for you doesn't automatically make it work for the rest of the world. But then again, you seem to think that everyone including myself is an idiot compared to your superior self.
Is the addon supported? By me, and a few others, absolutely.
All addons/modifications are supported that way. Stop trying to back-peddle. When a coder posts a modification he has the option to support this mod or not. He decided to check the "support" option. Obviously he does not support it, which is fine. I have nothing against him. It is you, your attitude, your berating, and you thinking that you are superior to everyone here that I dislike. If you do not like that I am asking the developer of this modification a question that you obviously do not have the brain capacity to answer, then please, do no answer and do not respond to me.. Specially since this is not your modification and since you do not know the answer to my question then your arrogant answer automatically is,"Well, it works for me so you're doing it wrong and you must be an idiot." (you obviously didn't word it that way but the way your attitude has been you might as well have.)
I'm not going to say that there isn't a problem between your server and the mod, but that's not the, mod's problem, nor, frankly is it something the dev is responsible for fixing. You are responsible for your own server. I WILL say though, without hesitation, that this mod works on a php5/mysql5 server. Can't say for mysql4, because I don't know that I've installed it there, BUT I can say that it DOES install very well under the circumstances you're complaining about it not installing on. You just have to READ the instructions and follow them.
Again, belittling me will get you nowhere. I (unlike yourself), do know how to read. I was simply asking the coder of this modification (not you), if he had any ideas as to why I would receive database errors from this modification on my server using PHP5. But again, I thank you for yet again wasting my time. I would appreciate it if you would just ignore my posts from now on as you obviously cannot comprehend what I am asking and you have a serious attitude problem.