Originally Posted by 350Chevy
Again, Wrong..
You assume I do not know what I am doing or how to code.
OBVIOUSLY you don't know what you're doing, or you wouldn't be having problems with the mod. and getting it working. I have set this mod up on probably 10, 15 different servers now, all with different configurations without a hitch. The
one time there was a problem, the person didn't have the proper version of php installed.
If you want help, mail the developer, pay them to install it for you, the mod
works, though, if you follow the instructions, as many, many individuals have said (including myself)
Originally Posted by 350Chevy
The Dev. of this mod does NOT give support, does NOT login, and therefore this mod is NOT supported. It is as simple as that.
July 10th
I've emailed the developer several times. He was very prompt in responding! He helped me with all my issues!
June 26:
Just a note in case anyone was following - my $25 installation was completed yesterday and works perfectly. No complaints whatsoever.
I'd say you're wrong. The mod
is supported how the dev chooses to do so. Obviously they won't support someone who can't even have a bit of respect for them and their work though. Trashing other people's work and ethics, quick way to LOSE support, especially when you pay nothing for either.
Originally Posted by 350Chevy
The developer of this mod has not logged in for over a month.
Really? Care to try again?
Last Activity: 26 Jun 2009 17:27
2 weeks = a month? Really? Where?? Yeah, it's actually just OVER 2 weeks (by a day and some change). The last offline stint (before Jun 26) was for probably 2 months, so 2 weeks is nothing.
Originally Posted by 350Chevy
That means this mod is no longer supported
No, it means real life takes precedence over some BS forum requests, and it also means you try to contact developer via other means. If you READ responses, you'd see that he actually responds, albeit slowly.
Originally Posted by 350Chevy
And again, this mod will not install correctly on my server running a full version of the latest VB with PHP5.
Oh, the MOD will install just fine, but you have to actually follow instructions. Like I said, I've done this on so many servers now, I could do it in my sleep, from template install to the app setup and link. IF there's a problem, it's
not with the app, but with your configuration, and whining about the developer not being online isn't going to solve THAT, now is it?
Is the addon supported? By me, and a few others, absolutely.
Does the developer login? Not too often, but you can get ahold of him via email and he WILL provide support.
Does the app need updating? Maybe, maybe not, but again, that doesn't stop it from being 'supported'.
I'm not going to say that there isn't a problem between
your server and the
mod, but that's not the, mod's problem, nor, frankly is it something the
dev is responsible for fixing. You are responsible for your own server. I WILL say though, without hesitation, that this mod
works on a php5/mysql5 server. Can't say for mysql4, because I don't know that I've installed it there, BUT I can say that it DOES install very well under the circumstances you're complaining about it not installing on. You just have to READ the instructions and follow them.
If all else fails, pay the author to install it, but I wouldn't let them know it's you requesting it.