Originally Posted by fragg
hi farfegnubbin
Try go in to admin then look for Video Directory then expand the menu and then click on General settings to check its all turned on hope that helps 
Fragg (or anyone else),
I'm still having trouble. In the General Settings, there are lots of different settings (obviously) but I don't see any master getting for on/off or for usergroup permissions. When I go into the actual main admin section for Usergroup Permissions, they seem to be set appropriately. It says that registered users can veiw videos, etc. But I still just hit that wall/error message that say "Farfegnubbin: you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to...etc."
Does anybody know what Jaxel meant by "making sure the rights are set to the usergroups"?
Still an unsuccessful install, for now.