Originally Posted by BlueNinjaGo
Installed on my 3.7 test board... and LOVE IT so far. Got a handful of users testing it out to get some input on it.
One thing I did notice... you spelled "receive" wrong in the default faction descriptions. Not a big deal, but being a grammar policeman I felt I had to point that out.
Question: Is there a minimum amount of factions the system requires?
Suggestion: Make the "How to Play" mandatory to read before the rest of the system is active. That way they don't jump right in and become confused.
Another Suggestion: Add a "how to get started" section to the "how to play" page.
Minimum factions - 2
and as for a maximum, i have gotten up to 10 to work fine
I have to agree with you on the make the how to play mandatory... Also an admin control panel would be nice too