Originally Posted by Tomale
I'm excited about the the relaunch of this addon.
Question: If I made edits to the Arcade Templates (e.g. adding game name to HTML title), will this update overwrite them?
Originally Posted by KW802
Whoops.... I understand what you mean now. I thought you meant in general 'whats new' and not 'why is the mod flagged as updated' in the settings.
1.0.8 is the current version; the 'updated' status was triggered because I added Allan's French translation as a file attachment.
This last "update" was just him adding a french translation, I don't believe anything else was changed.
I'm hoping some of the additional mods people had out for this before are update or come back. I might download some of them from the v3arcade forums and see how they work, though they're from a couple years ago, has anyone tried them yet?