I understand what you are saying, I really do. It is just an aggravation to me.
All of the forums I go to, that are on TLD's, are based on the vBulletin system, and the admins I know all would like to be able to charge their members to setup shop with their captive audiences. If you can get subscriptions in the basic vBulletin software, ported straight to any number of point-of-sale vendors, then it shouldn't be too hard to develop a piece that ties into the middle of that to supply basic store functionality. I say it shouldn't be hard. I am not a coder or designer but I have seen some very impressive mods that look much more complicated than a middleware product.
All it needs to do is provide hooks to individual member's paypal, ccbill, etc., accounts (which I know is an expansion of the existing ability); build the store mod with inventory control (add and maintain product item #, description, image, quantity on hand, price, etc), cart functionality and hook to the member's POS account. Then there needs to be a reporting system back to the member that owns the store.
I don't know...I am just tired and aggravated from looking for a solution for the past 4 days. My apologies if I am offending anyone. I will see what comes out in the future.