In December 2006
ShanJ asked the following in the 3.6 integration thread:
Originally Posted by Shanj
[...] So I need to restrict access to at least some rooms to the students who are members of a class / usergroup.
I need to have at least three rooms (but would like more) where only certain members can go to each room. I have similar access to their own forums, via usergroup on vb, and access permissions were a major reason for choosing vb.
It would be great to config the flashchat integrate mod to carry over the same usergroups as I have on vb. That would be heaven! so a user with e.g. B usergroup can then be allocated access to their own B room, C usergroup can be given access to their own C room etc. [...]
Is this still impossible/difficult to do? Are there any existing hacks to accomplish something like this? I have FlashChat 5.0.7 integrated and working with vB 3.7.3 using the
Flashchat: Integration for vB 3.7. On the board there is one usergroup that I would like to restrict to a single dedicated/private room (they're neither admins nor moderators). Other registered users (not member of that group) would have normal access to FlashChat, except perhaps they would be restricted from accessing the room that is dedicated for the user group that is restricted to the single, pre-defined room.