So I have run Vbulletin since the day I bought the license in 2005. I haven't updated the version since 2006 and have not once had a problem with the software. This July I changed my main site platform to Dolphin Community software and hired a coder to integrate VB into it. Well my web host of 3 years did not support the Dolphin script so I changed hosts. The guy I hired to integrate it installed it for me and integrated it... its been up and running for 2 months just fine... until yesterday. My web host suspended my account, I figured it to be a billing issue. Well they got an email saying I was running an illegal copy of VB???? I am waiting on my partner to get me the license number, he registered it for our domain. What can I do about this?
This agent is UK based, with no US contact information and per this letter we were never notified of such situation.
Enclosed complaint sent to our datacenter:
Date: 28 August 2008
I am an agent authorized to act on behalf of Jelsoft Enterprises Limited who exclusively own vBulletin, a forum Software.
I can find no record of this user holding a valid current site license for this location
Please suspend/remove the GUI and files and prevent future abuse.
NB: If at your own prerogative you offer your client an opportunity to remove the site themselves or purchase a license as opposed to your removal or suspension of service, please be aware that Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. whilst happy to respect your goodwill gesture, in no way requests or requires such action from you and reserves the right to decline the license purchase and refund the fee. Copyright protection not revenue collection is our primary concern and motivation, and some forums which will not fully comply with the licensing terms and conditions cannot be accepted.
In accordance with the provisions the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
Please expeditiously "take down" or "block access" to the infringing material and take appropriate action against the customer to prevent future abuse.
I, the undersigned, CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that I am an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner of certain intellectual property rights, said exclusive owners being named:
Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd., Howarth Lodge, 7 Reading Road, Pangbourne, Reading, RG8 7LR
I have a good faith belief that the items or materials listed below are not authorized by the above intellectual property owners, their agents, or the law and therefore infringe their rights.
I further aver that the information contained in the Notice is accurate.
Software: vBulletin
I may be contacted at:
Pirate Reports
PO Box 36
Tel: 44(0)20 8941 1843
A. Popa
Romanian Office
This information may be passed to your client who should already be aware of the situation. The sender accepts no responsibility for an end users incorrect registration or failure to do so as the Terms and Conditions of Use are clearly explained as an integral part of the purchase procedure.