Originally Posted by DWard
Well I think this may do it, however I have nothing to test it with. Try this:
Find in teamspeakdisplay/teamspeakdisplay.php:
PHP Code:
print(str_replace(" ", " ", htmlspecialchars($channelInfo["displayname"])));
Replace with:
PHP Code:
print(str_replace(" ", " <b><font color='#000066'>", htmlspecialchars($channelInfo["displayname"]), "</font></b>"));
Obviously keep a backup, but I think that should make your cannels dark blue and bold. Tell me if it worked.
this is a long shot that anyone will answer - I use this mod and its perfect .. BUT ... after chaning skins recently out TS module text is massive compared to the other text on the site ... how can I reduce the size of the text on the main server title, the channel titles and the user titles ?
fingers crossed somebody still cares ! lol