Originally Posted by Paul M
Believe it or not - I know what you mean - I have the same problem on the TAZ forums because their Quick Links and New Posts links are not on the right next to the logout, I instinctivly go there and end up on some Zoints or Tags link. Things are not always the same, but people adapt. I don't think the breadcrumbs is likely to be changed.
No problem. I'm just giving you my $0.02, and I'm glad you even noticed it, and I'll have no problem adaptating, just need to reorganize some stuff up there in my head, and it's really quite messy.
Having managed a site of equal size as vB.org, I know that times like these (right after a major rehaul) are never really pleasant, but just hang in there. Filter out all of those nonsense posts about how everything is going wrong here, and try to take notice of constructive feedback, and of course positive

In a few weeks, all is back to normal and people will love you all again.