Originally Posted by DChapman
"Many developers". Let's be transparent here Joe. The encryption was cracked awhile back and anyone with the know-how to take advantage of exploits had the know-how to evaluate the code for exploits. I haven't kept up on the current means of encrypting vBSEO so I don't know if that has been cracked yet. Could you educate us on the current state?
Early Zend and IonCube versions were decryptable by "those in the know". You are correct - An earlier version of vBSEO was circulated sans encryption on the darknet. Zend/ionCube have both been updated recently.
Although legal negotiations were required to close down one particular entity attempting to steal our code, the overall end result was positive.
We noticed a sharp decline in the number of *speculations* by posters that vBSEO could contain "backdoors" or malicious code. We know that once any developer who was interested in vBSEO actually saw the code, they realized that it wasn't just clean, it's was 100% pristine!
In this case, vBSEO is certainly NOT a gift-horse packaged with any internal surprises. No sir - all you get is thoroughbred, high octane, whitehat SEO solution that works!
BTW It's really not very often that we discover a post from someone confused in this regard any more.
For clarity to all, I want to re-emphasize that
vBSEO has never been reported to contain any exploits whatsoever. We have a perfect trackrecord, and this is something that our team is very proud of.
FYI We are planning to set aside some time to discuss the possibility of a non-encrypted or visible source code option for vBSEO. Whatever the decision, it will be announced to our forum members. Anyone interested can
create an account on vBSEO to ensure you receive our email or PM announcements.
Originally Posted by photics
* I don't like their license agreement. Even if it's for silly reasons... why's it a white text on black background? What does "(FTD)" mean? What if I don't want to consent to the laws of Puerto Rico? Why hasn't it been updated in so long? What if I wanted to run a pornography forum?
As per our Acceptable Usage Policy, pornographic forums are not eligible to install vBSEO. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Originally Posted by rogersnm
So you had 21k of indexed pages, you made more posts and more got indexed. No proof vbseo had anything to do with it.
As far as hard work goes you can rewrite a php page into html with 3 lines in the htaccess file. Then you just have to fiddl eabout with a few things
Nick - you know better than that by now, I'm certain.