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Velocd 02-14-2004 10:00 PM

Eggdrop IRC Manager

The Eggdrop IRC Manager (EIM) is a TCL script for NIX Eggdrop or Win32 Windrop.

It will allow you to refresh your forum home with information about your channel, such as the nicks currently in it, the record users, and the activity of the channel.

This is a port from my IRC Channel Manager, yet that hack was for MIRC and had some bugs.

I created a new thread for this hack as the audience is different. Most people seeking eggdrops wont look into the mIRC thread.

The eggdrop version is far better than the former, so I highly recommend you make the switch if you're capable of running eggdrop.


Quick overview of features
  • Uses MySQL database to store information.
  • Stable, fast, easy to deploy and use.
  • AdminCP interface for managing channels.

Only drawback currently is that you must run multiple bots with the script if you intend to update multiple channels. I will be working on a version that allows 1 bot to update multiple channels.

For those using IRC Channel Manager, making the upgrade is easy, just refer to the installation manual.

Examples attached. Enjoy! ;)

Notice 1:

Ah yes, I forgot to mention the two manual bot commands in the documentation.

As a bot owner, type !refresh to manually refresh the channel. Type !startact to do the initial start of the activity timer. Both these commands should be performed when you first place your bot on the channel or after you rehash it when installing the script. You wont have to run these scripts again, unless your bot exits the channel.

Notice 2:

Your bot will refresh your channel whenever someone leaves, changes nick, joins, is kicked, topic change, or a mode change occurs (such as someone being op'd, voiced, etc.)

On a large traffic intensive channel, this will make your bot very busy. Just be aware of this. I'll plan for a timer-version, where the bot updates every X minutes, in the future.


What is an eggdrop?

Will this work with my java IRC client? (pjIRC, etc.)
Read what an eggdrop is. Once you figure it out, you'll know that they are completely independent things.

How do I start up my own IRC channel?
This thread isn't a beginners guide to IRC. For that, refer to Google:

Will this work with vB 3.x.x?
More than likely, since there is little modification to vBulletin.


???`S?LV?R???` 02-15-2004 07:14 AM

Nice job, I think i can definitly put this to use.

gmarik 02-15-2004 10:51 AM

Great - is there a manual if I don't know how to start my own IRc channel?

NTLDR 02-15-2004 01:28 PM

I've installed this and the correct topic appears on my forum home, but I can't get it to list the users. I've done !refresh and !startact but that doesn't seem to make any difference. The topic does however change instantly when I change it.

NTLDR 02-15-2004 01:58 PM

OK, found the major problem, in irconline.php find and remove:

PHP Code:


That causes a database error because the column doesn't exisit. Damn me for not checking my email till after I found that problem :p

Velocd 02-15-2004 02:57 PM

Sorry for the inconvienances, it seems there were a few bugs (specifically I left half-op code while I had deleted the half-op rows in MySQL).

They've been fixed now, and EIM1.2 has been attached.

To upgrade, upload the new irconline.php, and replace the ircrefresh.tcl with the current. Then, do the file edits according to the installation guide for index.php

All is good. :up:

Nam 02-15-2004 08:35 PM

Is this work with vBxirc?

Velocd 02-16-2004 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Nam
Is this work with vBxirc?

.. They are of two completely separate things. vBxIRC is a java IRC client. This is an eggdrop script.

uomoragno 02-17-2004 09:32 AM

I've installed this on my forum home, but I can't get it to list the users and the correct topic.
Bot is Up !!! :(

I would like some advices for my problems

Velocd 02-17-2004 12:58 PM

Did you load the TCL script, by editing your eggdrop.conf and adding:

source scripts/ircrefresh.tcl

At the bottom.

Did you edit the "vb_key" variable value in ircrefresh.tcl to match that of the value in "irconline.php" ?

Did you edit the rest of the configuration in ircrefresh.tcl properly?

uomoragno 02-17-2004 01:07 PM

my eggdrop.conf:


# source scripts/script.tcl

#source scripts/usc.tcl
source scripts/peak.tcl
source scripts/adver.tcl
source scripts/bseen.tcl
source scripts/nospam.tcl
source scripts/seenit.tcl
source scripts/badword.tcl
source scripts/allvoice.tcl
source scripts/robotman.tcl
source scripts/cervellone.tcl
source scripts/clone_detect.tcl

# Use this script for Tcl and Eggdrop downwards compatibility.
# NOTE: This can also cause problems with some newer scripts.
source scripts/compat.tcl

# This script provides many useful informational functions, like setting
# users' URLs, e-mail address, ICQ numbers, etc. You can modify it to add
# extra entries.
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help

source scripts/ircrefresh.tcl

my ircrefresh.tcl


set irc_chan "#mychannel"

# Set activity_wait to the number of
# seconds between updates

set activity_wait 180

set vb_script "http://www.mysite/irconline.php"
set vb_key "test"
my irconline:


error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);


$irckey = 'test';

if ($_POST['do'] == 'refresh' && $_POST['key'] == $irckey)

Alien 02-17-2004 02:45 PM

Hey.. I'm going to be trying this later today, this is exactly what we're looking for...


Any way I can pull any of the data (such as total # of chatters, topic, or activity level) into the vBadvanced homepage template? :D I'd like to be able to call this data from there too.

version2 02-17-2004 04:51 PM

Where is the sql table definition? All I see is a way to upgrade if you already have the mirc hack but nothing for new installs. Am I missing it?

version2 02-17-2004 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by version2
Where is the sql table definition? All I see is a way to upgrade if you already have the mirc hack but nothing for new installs. Am I missing it?

Good grief. This is the second time I have totally missed something in a hack. I see it, now. Leaving my original question as an excercise in humility.

Velocd 02-17-2004 05:11 PM


my ircrefresh.tcl

set irc_chan "#mychannel"

# Set activity_wait to the number of
# seconds between updates

set activity_wait 180

set vb_script "http://www.mysite/irconline.php"
set vb_key "test"

my irconline:

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);


$irckey = 'test';

if ($_POST['do'] == 'refresh' && $_POST['key'] == $irckey)

uomoragno you are missing the ".com" in your vb_script value.

Make sure your configuration is set exactly as to what values need be. (I'm assuming you didn't actually use "mysite" as your domain :rolleyes: )


Any way I can pull any of the data (such as total # of chatters, topic, or activity level) into the vBadvanced homepage template? I'd like to be able to call this data from there too.
Very easily. Just grab the edits made in index.php of this hack, and place them into your home page index.php. Remember to require the forum global.php (if not done so already). You'll have to do some template edits as well.

uomoragno 02-17-2004 05:22 PM


set vb_script "http://www.mysite/irconline.php"
this is my error when i write the post

version2 02-17-2004 05:26 PM

Hmm. Its not grabbing the topic.

Floris 02-17-2004 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
The Eggdrop IRC Manager (EIM) is a TCL script for NIX Eggdrop or Win32 Windrop.

It will allow you to refresh your forum home with information about your channel, such as the nicks currently in it, the record users, and the activity of the channel.

This is a port from my IRC Channel Manager, yet that hack was for MIRC and had some bugs.

I created a new thread for this hack as the audience is different. Most people seeking eggdrops wont look into the mIRC thread.

The eggdrop version is far better than the former, so I highly recommend you make the switch if you're capable of running eggdrop.

Quick overview of features
  • Uses MySQL database to store information.
  • Stable, fast, easy to deploy and use.
  • AdminCP interface for managing channels.

Only drawback currently is that you must run multiple bots with the script if you intend to update multiple channels. I will be working on a version that allows 1 bot to update multiple channels.

For those using IRC Channel Manager, making the upgrade is easy, just refer to the installation manual.

Examples attached. Enjoy! ;)

Notice 1:

Ah yes, I forgot to mention the two manual bot commands in the documentation.

As a bot owner, type !refresh to manually refresh the channel. Type !startact to do the initial start of the activity timer. Both these commands should be performed when you first place your bot on the channel or after you rehash it when installing the script. You wont have to run these scripts again, unless your bot exits the channel.

Notice 2:

Your bot will refresh your channel whenever someone leaves, changes nick, joines, is kicked, topic change, or a mode change occurs (such as someone being op'd, voiced, etc.)

On a large traffic intensive channel, this will make your bot very busy. Just be aware of this. I'll plan for a timer-version, where the bot updates every X minutes, in the future.


What is an eggdrop?

Will this work with my java IRC client? (pjIRC, etc.)
Read what an eggdrop is. Once you figure it out, you'll know that they are completely independent things.

How do I start up my own IRC channel?
This thread isn't a beginners guide to IRC. For that, refer to Google:

Will this work with vB 3.x.x?
More than likely, since there is little modification to vBulletin.


I invite everybody to join the DevCore network.
This is the same network where the vBulletin.org and vBulletinTemplates.com and vBulletin-Germany.com official chat channels are listed. As well as many other channels from vBulletin sites and fan sites and stuff.

You can reach the server through host: irc.devcore.co.uk on port 6667
vBulletin.org : #vBorg
vBulletinTemplates.com : #vBTemplates
vBulletin-Germany.com : #vBGermany

and for the unofficial sites
vBulletin.nl : #vBnl
vBulletin.com : #vBcom (well, unofficial channel anyway right now)
vBulletin-fr.com and vBulletin-french.com : #vBFrench
vBpanel.com : #vBPanel

More: type /list

You are free to start your own channel.
You can do this by joining a none existing channel and register it with ChanServ.
To register a channel, your nickname must be registered with AuthServ first.

/msg authserv help register
/msg authserv help auth
/msg chanserv help register

That will get you started, and hope to see you soon!
We have setup aliasses for the devcore host, one could also use irc.vbulletin.nl and irc.vbulletin-netherlands.com -

To join the DevCore network irc chats, one can use the java chat here on vBulletin.org (see top menu 'chat' link) or goto http://www.vBulletin.nl/community/chat/

See you soon!
We run this hack through mIRC
and soon upgrade to setup our eggdrops to handle it :) Especially when the script can run 1 eggy for multiple channels.

uomoragno 02-17-2004 09:48 PM


HTTP Package for Eggdrop (preinstalled with latest versions of Eggdrop and Windrop)
As I make knowing if I have this Requirements ?

Velocd 02-18-2004 12:22 AM

Floris, that's all nice but it's spam to the thread. :ermm:
Also, it's not really necessary to quote my whole first post.


Especially when the script can run 1 eggy for multiple channels.
That's not installed yet, but I will be looking into it. ;)

For anyone who currently has installed this eggdrop on their site and it's working, and if you would allow me to use your forum home as an demonstration to how this thing works in action, please PM me (with a link of your forum home). I'll edit the first post and include the links.


set vb_script "http://www.mysite/irconline.php"

this is my error when i write the post
Yes... that is the wrong syntax.

You need to set the vb_script variable! Set it to where irconline.php is located.

You also need to upload it to your forums directory! For example, you own a site called "mycoolstuff.com", and your forum is located at "mycoolstuff.com/forums".

Then, the correct settings should be:

set vb_script "http://www.mycoolstuff.com/forums/irconline.php"
Quite simple.


Hmm. Its not grabbing the topic.
Try changing the topic, using /topic, and seeing if it refreshed.

Check phpmyadmin to see if there is a value for the topic field. Ensure you have followed the steps correctly.

I'm going to reinstall this hack on my host to ensure I got all bugs out, though I'm quite sure I have.

uomoragno 02-18-2004 07:18 AM


set vb_script "http://forum.myforum.com/irconline.php"
but the script not write the information into mysql.

Velocd 02-18-2004 01:43 PM

Uomorango, you're going to have to troubleshoot some.

I can't help you when not knowing the specifics.

PM your irconline.php and ircrefresh.tcl, if you want me to take a look at it.

Alien 02-19-2004 05:10 AM

Worked flawlessly for me, first time.

Thanks SO much for this. It's now live on our new site! :D

Ravenheart 02-19-2004 07:15 AM

Would it be possible to make the topic part strip the colours off the topics? It gets extremely long with lots of colour codes in it doh.

I have it working at http://www.cnc-sector.com/system09/forums/index.php? (bar the topic part for now). Ignore the lame colours.. I'm still working on it :p

Great script btw :D

uomoragno 02-19-2004 07:27 AM

X Ravenheart

eggdrop and board are in the same server ?

Alien 02-19-2004 12:57 PM

Just noticed something weird.. When it lists out a lot of names from a chat room, it eventually stops and just does alot of , , , , , , ,

What's up with that? Any idea why this occurs? :)

Velocd 02-19-2004 03:49 PM

Hmm, it might be stripping certain characters that those usernames happen to consist all of.

I'll look into it sometime today, when I have the time.

As for removing color codes, I'll check that out as well.

Ravenheart 02-19-2004 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by uomoragno
X Ravenheart

eggdrop and board are in the same server ?

Different servers. It doesn't matter what server the eggdrop is on due to the fact that the eggdrop script uses the http module to send the details to the vB hack.

Velocd 02-23-2004 07:34 PM


Just noticed something weird.. When it lists out a lot of names from a chat room, it eventually stops and just does alot of , , , , , , ,
I just recently changed my IRC server for my site, since MIRC-X died, and on the new server, irc.rizon.net, my bot is handling the script much like your case.

It seems it is a server issue, and maybe data is being sent differently. I'll be checking it out.

Velocd 02-24-2004 06:48 PM

EIM 1.3 has been released.

Bugs fixed:
  • Incomplete listing of members on forum home (see this post)
    Note, you will have to recreate your channel through the vBulletin Admincp Irc page in order for this to take effect.
  • Now strips color, bold, inverse, and underline codes from topic.

To update, just reupload ircadmin.php and overwrite your ircrefresh.tcl with the new file.

Alien 02-24-2004 07:10 PM

Nice job! Thanks for the update! :)

uomoragno 02-27-2004 06:36 AM

FINALLY I understand the problem :)

when in the Board --> Unregistered / Not Logged In --> Can View Forum--> NO

the hack don't work :) because th file .php don't execute the query :)

wcbryant 03-06-2004 01:51 PM

Installed, no problems, with the bot running on a different server. Thanks for the hack! Already clicked install.

Coupled with vbXirc, really ties the chat in as a seemless part of the forums.

dutchbb 03-06-2004 05:13 PM

A few questions: eggdrop, how do install that? Do I have to ask my host to install this???

Also our IRC server is quicknet.nl , is that compatible with eggdrop?

Velocd 03-06-2004 11:24 PM

You'll have to do the research yourself on how to install eggdrop, and if your IRC server is compatible.

This thread isn't a support thread for how to install eggdrop.

As quoted from the first post:

What is an eggdrop?
Eggdrop is for unix, while Windrop is better suited for Windows.

There is also this easier bot to install called Winbot, but I don't know if it is compatible with TCL scripts.

Ravenheart 03-07-2004 09:15 AM

<a href="http://www.egghelp.org/setup.htm" target="_blank">http://www.egghelp.org/setup.htm</a>

Easy instructions on how to set up an eggdrop can be found at the above link.

djohn 03-07-2004 01:39 PM

Thanks for the hack, it's something that i've been long looking for! The only thing i'd like to ask is how do i add support for half ops in your hack?

er0sion 03-09-2004 05:06 PM

ive noticed that long topics can throw the formatting of the vbulletin index page off, so in irconline.php i replaced:

$topic = $_POST['topic'];


$topic_maxlength = 50; // max # of topic chars to show

if (strlen($_POST['topic']) > $topic_maxlength) {
$topic = substr($_POST['topic'],0,$topic_maxlength)."...";
else {
$topic = $_POST['topic'];

so that only 50 characters (plus '...' , so 53 total) will show up from the topic, of course you can increase or decrease the number of characters you want to show you.

this mod is grrrrrreaT! :)

Alien 03-09-2004 07:13 PM

Can you explain a little more specifically about how the idleness meter works? Mine always stay at idleness, which is misleading when sometimes up to 10-15 of us are having a lively chat.. Can I reduce the math in this to allow it to understand it's actually active? :)

er0sion 03-10-2004 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Alien
Can you explain a little more specifically about how the idleness meter works? Mine always stay at idleness, which is misleading when sometimes up to 10-15 of us are having a lively chat.. Can I reduce the math in this to allow it to understand it's actually active? :)


the code in particular you are interested in is in admincp/ircadmin.php, it looks like this:

---- ircadmin.php ------------

if ($channel['activity'] > 100) {
$alevel = 5;

else if($channel['activity'] == 0) {
$alevel = 0;

else {
$channel['activity'] *= .05;
$alevel = round($channel['activity']);

if ($alevel < 1) {
$alevel = 1;


basically, the part you should probably toy around with is the .05 value. $channel['activity'] is the value of the activity (range: 0 - 100+) that the bot will update the database with. This value is determined in ircrefresh.tcl. When the bot decides to update, it will update the database with the value that it currently has. Then ircadmin.php will fetch this value and call it $channel['activity'] and determine which image to display according to this value by multiplying that value * .05 and rounding it. It only does this calculation if ircrefresh reports an activity level < 100, otherwise it will display the 'most active' image.

In your case, since 15 users dont seem to be generating as much activity as you'd like, increasing the .05 should fix your situation. It would be a trial and error method until you get it just right for you channel.

hope this helps :)

- er0sion

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