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-   -   Annother banning alternative : Starved Users (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=50474)

Zzed 03-18-2003 10:00 PM

Annother banning alternative : Starved Users
This hack is another alternative to banning a user. As the name suggests a user who
gets hit with this hack will be deprived from a lot of the general board features.

So here is what really happens to a starved user:

- Every graphic image on the board will be replaces with a red X icon. http://www.ls1.com/.zed/redx.gif
- They don't have access to the search engine.
- They have a 10x flood control time
- They are only allowed to post 20 characters per post (the 20 charcters is
inclusive of the post title.)
- They can not see avatars in posts
- They can not display their signature
- Their user options is set to 0

This hack is another one of my sadistic hacks on my board. :D

The hack allows you to make your user starved via the admin CP (In the Edit User
screen). It also allows you to search for all starved users through the admin CP
as well.

Also in showthread.php, it appends a red status that is only visibly to admins
and mods stating that a user is starved.

Tables affected by this hack: user

Files affected by this hack: global.php, showthread.php, newthread.php, newreply.php, admin/user.php, admin/functions.php

There is also a new icon that needs to be placed in the images directory: images/redx.gif

################################################## ##########

From the MySQL prompt execute the following statement:

alter table user add starved smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;

################################################## ##########

Please click the install button if you like this hack and you install it on your board. :)

Zzed 03-19-2003 07:23 PM

Here is a forum view screen shot

Zzed 03-19-2003 07:23 PM

And here is a thread view screen shot

Rose 03-19-2003 07:29 PM

You're evil, Zzed. Plain and simple.


[high]* Rose loves it![/high]

N9ne 03-19-2003 07:35 PM

Yep, Zzed, you are an evil evil man.....:p

Boofo 03-19-2003 07:43 PM

What would happen if you put the user in this AND the miserable hack at the same time? You might want to make a catch-all for that since some people will use this and miserable for their banned groups. ;)

Boofo 03-19-2003 07:56 PM

Zzed, I have both hacks installed. Is this what my showthread.php should look like now?

PHP Code:

while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) {

  if (
$postdone[$post[postid]]) {
  } else {

$onlinestat "";
$post[miserable] == 1) {
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) {
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"green\"><b>Miserable User</b></font>";
    } else if(
$post[starved] == 1) {
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) {
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Starved User</b></font>";

$post[postcount] = ++$postcount;
$post[totalposts] = $totalposts;
$postbits .= iif(empty($postbits), '''<br>').getpostbit($post);

Also, I have the user's avatar on the forumhome_pmloggedin and it still shows (not the red X) Any way to fix that?

Vile 03-19-2003 08:04 PM

LMAO, great stuff :D

Sweet Cheeks 03-19-2003 08:11 PM

Awesome, Thank you!!!! Im off to install it now :banana:

Link14716 03-19-2003 08:15 PM

Very evil indeed. :)

mistyl 03-19-2003 08:15 PM

Thank you!!! I am off to install it!

Sweet Cheeks 03-19-2003 08:22 PM


Today at 02:15 PM mistyl said this in Post #11
Thank you!!! I am off to install it!

*Nods evilly at Misty* :D

Boofo 03-19-2003 08:24 PM

I think I'll write some code to randomly pick a user for the miserable hack and the starvation hack for April fool's day. Once they log off and back on, it will not pick them again 'til next year. ;)

filburt1 03-19-2003 08:26 PM

It kinda scares me that there are a lot of boards out there that actually need this...that's joy of running a pro community instead of a general community, I very rarely have members bicker to each other :)

colicab-d 03-19-2003 09:52 PM

i have to say , we get a few immatre folk, but as part of an art community were all tolerant. However is it possibel to say have only parts of this hack like the post limit and say avatar restrictions? or is it configurable via admin cp as to what features the user is starved of.

cirisme 03-19-2003 10:02 PM


Yesterday at 10:24 PM Boofo said this in Post #13
I think I'll write some code to randomly pick a user for the miserable hack and the starvation hack for April fool's day. Once they log off and back on, it will not pick them again 'til next year. ;)

ROFL!!! That would be too much fun. :D

Vile 03-19-2003 10:05 PM


Yesterday at 10:26 PM filburt1 said this in Post #14
It kinda scares me that there are a lot of boards out there that actually need this...that's joy of running a pro community instead of a general community, I very rarely have members bicker to each other :)
I know what you mean, but I think it's still cool to have something like this, just in case ;)

Zzed 03-20-2003 04:13 AM


Today at 01:56 PM Boofo said this in Post #7
Zzed, I have both hacks installed. Is this what my showthread.php should look like now?

Also, I have the user's avatar on the forumhome_pmloggedin and it still shows (not the red X) Any way to fix that?

Boofo, the way you have yours set up it will show either miserable, or starved but not both.

They should be changed to 2 successive if() statements. like this: ;)
PHP Code:

while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) {

  if (
$postdone[$post[postid]]) {
  } else {

$onlinestat "";
$post[miserable] == 1) {
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) {
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"green\"><b>Miserable User</b></font>";
$post[starved] == 1) {
$bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 5) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) or ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 7)) {
$onlinestat "$onlinestat<br><font color=\"red\"><b>Starved User</b></font>";

$post[postcount] = ++$postcount;
$post[totalposts] = $totalposts;
$postbits .= iif(empty($postbits), '''<br>').getpostbit($post);

Zzed 03-20-2003 04:21 AM


Today at 02:26 PM filburt1 said this in Post #14
It kinda scares me that there are a lot of boards out there that actually need this...that's joy of running a pro community instead of a general community, I very rarely have members bicker to each other :)

Unfortunately, the average age on my board has gone down to 18-20 years of age and we have a lot of trouble makers. This is the only way we can control them. It has been working quite effectively. ;)

I have created a system through which my moderators can actually impose my custom bans on the users along with PM and Email warnings. The bans can last anywhere from one hour to 7 days and they automatically revert back to normal at the end of the period.

Boofo 03-20-2003 04:35 AM

Will you be releasing the code for the timed ban? That would make this really complete. ;)

Thanks, Zzed, for the fix on the code. Now that I look at the old code, I see what you mean. DOHH!!! ;)

What happens if you enable both hacks (Miserable and Starved) for a use at the same time? Just curious. Also, is there a way to set this up so you could make a Miserable Usergroup and a Starved Usergroup and do the hacks by Usergroup, too? Or set them to the Banned usergroup by default and still be able to do them individually per user.

Zzed 03-20-2003 04:44 AM

I am not a big fan of user group modifications. A user can be both miserable and starved. But the misery is such a nasty hack that it will overshadow starvation. :D

The timed version is quite an elaborate hack. It is a combination of 6 different hacks, and I have only released 2 of them.

Boofo 03-20-2003 05:04 AM


Today at 12:44 AM Zzed said this in Post #21
I am not a big fan of user group modifications. A user can be both miserable and starved. But the misery is such a nasty hack that it will overshadow starvation. :D

I'm usually not either but it might be good for banned users. ;)


The timed version is quite an elaborate hack. It is a combination of 6 different hacks, and I have only released 2 of them.
Oh, ok. I thought maybe the timed part might be a separate hack that would work with 1 or (in your case) 6 hacks.

You know me Edwin, I'll be waiting for my next "fix". ;)

Again, thanks for a couple of great hacks! ;)

Zzed 03-20-2003 05:16 AM

Thank you very much for your kind words. :)

Dean C 03-20-2003 02:24 PM

Hehe these hacks are so sadistic but im damn gon use em ;)

Thanks for releasing :D


- miSt

Zzed 03-20-2003 07:01 PM

Thank you for your kind words. :)

laycomp 03-22-2003 09:58 AM

LOL....you are too much bro! Thanks for these bad nasties! :)

wolfman 05-03-2003 05:15 AM

We get a few and they seem to have nothing better to do than to cause problems and anything I can do to make life hard for them without an actual BAN is good medicine in my book :)

Zzed 05-03-2003 06:19 AM

Thank guys for your kind words. :)

Hobbes 05-07-2003 03:56 AM

i love these 2 hacks.......lol...Zzed....j00 are teh greatest....

also, I would like to have both the miserable AND starved *GRINS*....

would I just try to integrate them both? or could someone post the code i would use for it.....?

MGM 05-25-2003 07:21 PM

Hey, I'm having a problem, whenever I try to run the SQL query, I get this error:



SQL-query : 

ALTER TABLE user ADD starved smallint( 5 ) unsignedDEFAULT0 NOT NULL

MySQL said:

You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT0 NOT  NULL' at line 1

What should I do? Also, what code should I use so that I can have a choice of either Miserable or Starved user when I want to ban? Could someone post the code here please! Thanks!

MGM out

Boofo 05-25-2003 07:30 PM

This is the query you need to run:

[sql]alter table user add starved smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;[/sql]

-Sidekick- 06-25-2003 07:34 AM

PHP Code:

while ($var=$DB_site->fetch_array($vars)) {
    if (
$var['findword']!="") {

I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.


Can anyone help me out with this?

Zzed 06-25-2003 04:14 PM


Today at 01:34 AM -Sidekick- said this in Post #32

I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.


Can anyone help me out with this?

You have a PM from me. ;)

S.Shady 06-25-2003 07:49 PM

this sould be installed here and sould be used on the creator of this hack while hes offline. Muhahahahaha

[high]* S.Shady clicks the download link not install button yet :)[/high]

Zzed 06-25-2003 07:55 PM


Today at 01:49 PM S.Shady said this in Post #34
this sould be installed here and sould be used on the creator of this hack while hes offline. Muhahahahaha

* S.Shady clicks the download link not install button yet :)

LOL @ S.Shady :D:D:D

I always use myself as a guinea pig for all my hacks. :D

-Sidekick- 06-29-2003 02:36 AM


06-25-03 at 12:14 PM Zzed said this in Post #33
You have a PM from me. ;)
I sent you one back and a email. =]

4thgenresource 07-10-2003 01:22 AM

Sorry to bump this, but im having a problem with this hack on my new board...

I have everything installed properly, but when i change the option to "yes" in ADMIN CP, and save changes, the option reverts back to "NO", and the user isn't starved :(

Anyone know what this may be???

Shiekron 08-14-2003 03:54 PM


06-25-03 at 09:34 AM -Sidekick- said this in Post #32
PHP Code:

while ($var=$DB_site->fetch_array($vars)) {
    if (
$var['findword']!="") {

I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.


Can anyone help me out with this?

Same problem.

Rob Weaver 01-07-2004 01:26 AM

As I read through this it gets better and better.

The idea of switching a user from miserable to starved and back again ... worse than evil.

ChrisSy 01-13-2004 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by -Sidekick-
PHP Code:

while ($var=$DB_site->fetch_array($vars)) {
    if (
$var['findword']!="") {

I can't find this anywhere in my admin/functions file. Just by scanning threw the file it looks like it has something to do with the microstats hack I have installed.


Can anyone help me out with this?

Same problem here :(

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