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RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 03:05 PM

Strange Godaddy issue - Unable to reply to posts
I hope you are all doing good!

A client has multiple Vbulletin sites on both shared and dedicated servers through godaddy. Yesterday on all these sites his members started being unable to reply to posts. They are getting the following - Are they working on something or have they changed something and are others here having this issue?

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
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Max Taxable 02-19-2014 03:22 PM

I've had no such problems with my two GD hosted boards.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 03:28 PM

I just read this but am not sure if it is godaddy.


itzxmikee 02-19-2014 03:46 PM

Posting to an existing thread is fine. Its just when starting a new thread that this problem occurs

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 04:16 PM

Normally I would suggest something else but if this just started happening on all of your sites at once than it has to be a godaddy issue.

--------------- Added [DATE]1392830804[/DATE] at [TIME]1392830804[/TIME] ---------------

Just a follow up - I believe this is a mod security issue -

itzxmikee 02-19-2014 04:31 PM

Seems to be a lot of us surfacing

And godaddy seems to be the common denominator

Max Taxable 02-19-2014 04:37 PM

I'm still having no such issues.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 04:52 PM

My guess is that they updated apache last night. I bet this could be fixed with increasing php fcgi requests in Apache config.

I really did not think they would run these updates though without notification of some kind especially on dedicated servers.

What really drives me nuts though and something I have encountered over and over is they always refuse to admit they caused an issue or the issue is on their end. If someone has 5 sites and has made no changes at all and they all have the exact same odd issue at the same time than it is highly unlikely to be a code issue with the site.

They keep security filters set way to high if simple probes will trigger an issue like this.

--------------- Added 19 Feb 2014 at 12:58 ---------------


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2482407)
I'm still having no such issues.

If it is Apache I am pretty sure they roll these updates out slowly so who knows. Also it may depend on your sites as well. If you have really high traffic sites that are likely to go over their limit settings you will likely have issues at some point too unless they fix the issue.

I do hope everyone having this issue has contacted godaddy to complain.

#Update - he has the following packages Max

Economy Virtual Private Hosting Linux
Economy Web Hosting Linux
Economy Web Hosting Linux
Deluxe Web Hosting Linux

I believe they are all effected though I am working on the dedicated to see if I can fix it. I can't do anything though with the shared accounts without root access.

Max Taxable 02-19-2014 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 2482409)
My guess is that they updated apache last night. I bet this could be fixed with increasing php fcgi requests in Apache config.

I really did not think they would run these updates though without notification of some kind especially on dedicated servers.

What really frives me nuts though and something I have encountered over and over is they always refuse to admit they caused an issue or the issue is on their end. If someone has 5 sites and has made no changes at all and they all have the exact same odd issue at the same time than it is highly unlikely to be a code issue with the site.

They keep security filters set way to high if simple probes will trigger an issue like this.

Yep the bolded is the one irritant I have had about GD, but I have found it to be universal among the large hosting companies and not unique to GD. Their call center people are about qualified for flipping burgers maybe just, know nothing, and merely stick to the script they are given which consists almost primarily of, blaming you. Over the years though, GD has learned that when I am on the phone they bypass the call center pretty quickly and escalate me to a real tech person. They have a user note on my account explaining that.:D


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 2482409)
If you have really high traffic sites that are likely to go over their limit settings you will likely have issues at some point too unless they fix the issue.

I don't have limits at all.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2482411)
Yep the bolded is the one irritant I have had about GD, but I have found it to be universal among the large hosting companies and not unique to GD. Their call center people are about qualified for flipping burgers maybe just, know nothing, and merely stick to the script they are given which consists almost primarily of, blaming you. Over the years though, GD has learned that when I am on the phone they bypass the call center pretty quickly and escalate me to a real tech person. They have a user note on my account explaining that.:D

I don't have limits at all.

yeah, funny how when Mike called them they never thought to look at the logs until I suggested it and I was already looking at it.

Some hosts are better than others and gd is great for some things. I have many of my domains registered with them. The call center definitely does not know what is going on though with the servers in terms of updates usually. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure much of thier support is outsourced to India or the Philippines. Not sure though, it has been years since I have had a gd host.

In terms of limits I am talking about internal limits, amount of requests, etc. Not about bandwidth, storage, etc.

medievalist 02-19-2014 05:46 PM

Also hosted on GoDaddy VPS. The problem started yesterday; I can probably provide a time within a few minutes.

Not having much luck with GoDaddy Support.

Would be interested in suggestions of another host for vBulletin; GoDaddy is attempting to blame vBulletin when I know it's not vBulletin, and it's clearly related to GoDaddy:


JetLee 02-19-2014 05:59 PM

Add me to the list, unable to post new threads. We can reply to existing threads just fine, but creating new is a no-go.

Admin/SuperMod/Mod/Users....doesn't matter who, same thing happening for all. I'm not even going to bother calling GoDaddy right now, crappy reception here at work.


Ultimate Web Hosting Linux (shared)
PHP 5.4
MySQL 5.0.96

Max Taxable 02-19-2014 06:00 PM

Is this VPS only? Please everyone post the details of the hosting package you have. I have Deluxe Economy shared and having no issues at all on my two sites i have hosted with GD.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 06:08 PM

Mike has a dedicated and vps I believe. Will look up packages as soon as I have a chance.

## -

Economy Virtual Private Hosting Linux
Economy Web Hosting Linux
Economy Web Hosting Linux
Deluxe Web Hosting Linux

I believe they are all effected though I am working on the dedicated to see if I can fix it. I can't do anything though with the shared accounts without root access.

medievalist 02-19-2014 07:15 PM

Premium VPS:
• OS: Linux CentOS

See: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum...00#post4020700

GoDaddy Rep posting from Within GoDaddy's network could create a New Thread with a regular User profile, which suggests they changed something in their security settings.

JetLee 02-19-2014 07:23 PM

I'm on phone with GD right now. They're working on it, talking about making a user on my site to replicate the issue.

--------------- Added [DATE]1392842276[/DATE] at [TIME]1392842276[/TIME] ---------------

Now mine magically works again.

They said they haven't changed anything server-side since October. He said that it must be something with vBulletin's servers. After I told him that these are standalone installations non-reliant on vbulletin.com (that's correct, correct?), he was stumped.

But now everything works. *shrug*

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 07:47 PM

Geez, I thought I fixed it by changing some settings in fcgid config but now I am not sure if I fixed it or if godaddy did.

I guess a godaddy dedicated server really is not so dedicated in the way they can just go inside and mess with it. My dedicated servers are never touched at all. I do all upgrades, updates, etc. I could never deal with gd going in like that.

Max Taxable 02-19-2014 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by JetLee (Post 2482455)
I'm on phone with GD right now. They're working on it, talking about making a user on my site to replicate the issue.

--------------- Added [DATE]1392842276[/DATE] at [TIME]1392842276[/TIME] ---------------

Now mine magically works again.

They said they haven't changed anything server-side since October. He said that it must be something with vBulletin's servers. After I told him that these are standalone installations non-reliant on vbulletin.com (that's correct, correct?), he was stumped.

But now everything works. *shrug*

Just a idiot following the teleprompter script, which essentially says "no matter what just blame the customer."

madness85 02-19-2014 08:23 PM

this happened on my site last night all members couldn't create a new thread but could reply to posts. i imported a backup seems to be ok hope it stays ok.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 08:58 PM

I could see they did something last night from the dates and times on the modified files in ftp.

The one dedicated site is working now but not sure if it was my changes or the others. I am still waiting or Mike to let me know. I am unsure of what they updated but I think it was Apache and Cento6.


Just a idiot following the teleprompter script, which essentially says "no matter what just blame the customer."
You are not kidding brother. The only reason I knew it was a gd issue was because I could see it on multiple sites. If it was just one site I would have really not suspected godaddy as much especially after support bs.

JetLee 02-19-2014 09:08 PM

The guy I was talking to was a "Next Level Tech" (I told the call center person to just transfer me to the next guy up the ladder) who then had a "Server Specialist" on the other line. He would talk to them, then talk to me, and relay messages back and forth. For some reason the "Server Specialist" refused to talk directly with me.

I really don't care who I talked to or what their canned responses are, I don't get off the phone until it's fixed and this was a perfect example. What the exact cause/fix was, I dunno, they didn't say and I don't much care since it was something out my control anyways; that's what I pay them for.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 09:20 PM

I think you need to get up a few more levels before you get someone that actually knows what is going on.

I can understand an issue every so often and would be happy to know they are upgrading things. I just cannot stand being told there is an issue with a site when it there is not. A simple memo or email telling all employees and users or what ever that certain issues were bound to arise would have been helpful both to users and those support agents who now look even more like idiots. How much time and money was wasted with them talking to people and pointing them in the wrong direction.

TheLastSuperman 02-19-2014 09:45 PM

Why in the world are you using GoDaddy for hosting? I'm literally baffled because over the years out of all the sites I've worked on only 2 out of 100+ GoDaddy sites have been on par all the others had constant issues, crawled like a snail (with one person on the site mind you i.e. oversold shared server is all that boils down to), or have GoDaddy support tell you on the phone that an option is not available when you've somehow managed to navigate to that exact option in their antiquated/archaic hosting panel but it didn't work correctly or required some other change and that was why you called into ask in the first place yet it does not exist (I still LOL over that call).

Wow... just wow.. I'm shocked and surprised many of you did not catch onto the fact by now that the only thing you purchase from GoDaddy is domain names when they run the 1.99 specials otherwise you'll be calling into speak to tech support that is reading a screen of "tell them this, tell them that" replies and literally has no clue about your server, site, the issue at hand or anything else for that matter unless you're extremely lucky with who answers the phone.

The only thing "fast" about GoDaddy is Danica Patrick in her race car on the commercials when they do still pop up on tv - imo :rolleyes:

BBNZowner 02-19-2014 10:38 PM

Yeah I ditched GoDaddy a while ago as it just killed my forum. Their server time and date configuration just caused a range of strange issues on my forum and now I've gone local (my wallet hurts, but my forum now runs like a charm).

I hope you guys get you issues sorted. As a word of warning if you do change and want a hosting refund you will only get in store credit. Pretty useless unless you end up just using it on domain purchases like I had to. I tried arguing on the phone with them but got a generic response.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2482476)
Why in the world are you using GoDaddy for hosting? I'm literally baffled because over the years out of all the sites I've worked on only 2 out of 100+ GoDaddy sites have been on par all the others had constant issues, crawled like a snail (with one person on the site mind you i.e. oversold shared server is all that boils down to), or have GoDaddy support tell you on the phone that an option is not available when you've somehow managed to navigate to that exact option in their antiquated/archaic hosting panel but it didn't work correctly or required some other change and that was why you called into ask in the first place yet it does not exist (I still LOL over that call).

Wow... just wow.. I'm shocked and surprised many of you did not catch onto the fact by now that the only thing you purchase from GoDaddy is domain names when they run the 1.99 specials otherwise you'll be calling into speak to tech support that is reading a screen of "tell them this, tell them that" replies and literally has no clue about your server, site, the issue at hand or anything else for that matter unless you're extremely lucky with who answers the phone.

The only thing "fast" about GoDaddy is Danica Patrick in her race car on the commercials when they do still pop up on tv - imo :rolleyes:

I haven't used godaddy in years for hosting. Not my site but a client site. I would how ever let Danica Patrick host my sites any day of the week. Hell, she could host me too. :)

Max Taxable 02-19-2014 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2482476)
Why in the world are you using GoDaddy for hosting? I'm literally baffled because over the years out of all the sites I've worked on only 2 out of 100+ GoDaddy sites have been on par all the others had constant issues, crawled like a snail (with one person on the site mind you i.e. oversold shared server is all that boils down to), or have GoDaddy support tell you on the phone that an option is not available when you've somehow managed to navigate to that exact option in their antiquated/archaic hosting panel but it didn't work correctly or required some other change and that was why you called into ask in the first place yet it does not exist (I still LOL over that call).

Wow... just wow.. I'm shocked and surprised many of you did not catch onto the fact by now that the only thing you purchase from GoDaddy is domain names when they run the 1.99 specials otherwise you'll be calling into speak to tech support that is reading a screen of "tell them this, tell them that" replies and literally has no clue about your server, site, the issue at hand or anything else for that matter unless you're extremely lucky with who answers the phone.

The only thing "fast" about GoDaddy is Danica Patrick in her race car on the commercials when they do still pop up on tv - imo :rolleyes:

I just for some reason haven't experienced the problems reported by others. Ten years I've had GD hosting now.

RichieBoy67 02-19-2014 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Max Taxable (Post 2482498)
I just for some reason haven't experienced the problems reported by others. Ten years I've had GD hosting now.

I've had clients that have used them without any issues and in the past when I used them mostly on some temporary test sites and smaller wordpress sites I only had issues with things like importing databases into a shared account, etc. Other than that though the hosting itself was not bad.

In a pinch when I need a test server I would grab one from them for a month but now I think they require a 6 month payment or a year up front. I used to be able to just grab a month.

I don't think they are generally too bad really unless you have an issue and then the support is awful. My dedicated servers are with 1and1 and everyone complains about them. I do not have to deal with support though and I am basically just leasing the servers un-managed and have never had an issue really so who knows. It just depends on the situation and the way you are using it.

blind-eddie 02-20-2014 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery (Post 2482287)
Stay away from GoDaddy, please for the love of god.

That is all.....

JetLee 02-20-2014 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 2482506)
It just depends on the situation and the way you are using it.

This is what it really boils down to. Every situation is different.

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