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-   -   Add-On Releases - Add-on CMS Widget For VSA Donation Mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=273006)

metalguy639 10-28-2011 10:00 PM

Add-on CMS Widget For VSA Donation Mod
1 Attachment(s)


I have created a CMS widget that works with Valter's Donation Mod Found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=236480


NOTE: There is one draw back to this donation widget. I could not get the options to work so that a member could choose an pre-determined amount to donate, so if you use this widget you will HAVE to set your VSA Paypal Donate "Allowed donate amounts" to "Custom Only". This is the only way this widget will work properly and not look strange.

Step 1:

1. Login to your admincp and go to vBulletin CMS>Widgets
2. Click "Create New Widget" at the bottom. Use the PHP direct execution widget settings or else this will not work.
3. Give the widget a proper title - this can be whatever you want it to be just keep in mind that it cannot be too long since it will be the widget header.
4. Give the widget a description - again this is up to you.
5. Click the "save" button.

Step 2:

1. Go to Styles & Templates>Style Manager
2. Find the style you want to add the widget to - if you have more than one style and want it to show in each style you will need to do these steps for each style.
3. Click the drop down to the right and choose "Add New Template"
4. In the title box put the following without the quotes: "donate_widget"
5. Now copy and paste the following in the box:


<div align="center"><form id="vsappd" name="vsappd" action="misc.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=dodonate" method="post" onsubmit="return Cpp_limitAmo(this);" <vb:if condition="$vboptions[vsapaypal_go_separate]">target="_blank"</vb:if>>
        <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />

        <div style="padding:0px;margin:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:1px;border-{vb:stylevar left}:1px;border-{vb:stylevar right}:1px;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;">
                <div class="blocksubhead" id="donform1" style="display:block;">
                        {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_note}
                <div class="blocksubhead" id="waitform1" style="display:none;">
                        {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_redirecting}

                <div class="blockrow" id="donform2" style="display:block;height:15px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px" align="center">
                        {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_don}&nbsp;
                        <span id="don" style="display:<vb:if condition="($vboptions[vsapaypal_allowed_donamo]=='3')">inline<vb:else />none</vb:if>;">
                                &nbsp;<input type="<vb:if condition="($vboptions[vsapaypal_allowed_donamo]=='1')">hidden<vb:else />text</vb:if>" name="amount" value="{vb:raw vsapp_amo_first}" class="primary textbox" style="width:30px" />
                        </span>&nbsp;{vb:raw vboptions.vsapaypal_currency}

                <div class="blockrow" id="waitform2" style="display:none;height:15px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px" align="center">
                        {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_redirected}

                <div class="blocksubhead" id="donform3" style="display:block;" align="center">
                        <input name="vsa_send" class="button" type="submit" value="{vb:rawphrase submit}" />

                <div class="blocksubhead" id="waitform3" style="display:none;" align="center">
                        {vb:rawphrase vsapaypal_wait}

Change the red area #000000 to the color of your choice for your border to match your site.

6. Click the "Save" button.

Step 3:

1. Go to vBulletin CMS>Widgets and find the widget you created above and click on the "Configure" link to the far right.
2. In the box clear what is in it and place this code in it:


$templater = vB_Template::create('donate_widget');
$output = $templater->render();

3. Click "Save".

Step 4:

1. Go to vBulletin CMS>Layout Manager and find your current layout. Click the "Go" button to edit the layout.
2. Choose from the list on the left the name of your widget and place it in your layout where you would like it to go.
3. Click "Save".

Refresh your page and you should see the widget now.

To change the message above the donation box:

1. Go to Languages & Phrases>Search In Phrases
2. In the "Search For Text" box put "Please choose an option below" without the quotes.
3. Then tick the "Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name" and click the "Find" button.
4. This will bring up the phrase for this mod. In the bottom box type in what you want to change this to and click the save button.

Refresh your page again and the changes should show soon.

NOTE: There is one draw back to this donation widget. I could not get the options to work so that a member could choose an pre-determined amount to donate, so if you use this widget you will HAVE to set your VSA Paypal Donate "Allowed donate amounts" to "Custom Only". This is the only way this widget will work properly and not look strange.

springchiken 11-01-2011 06:49 AM

NICE ONE IVE ADDED SOME HTML TO THE Phrase Text to add a custom image

metalguy639 11-01-2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by springchiken (Post 2263396)
NICE ONE IVE ADDED SOME HTML TO THE Phrase Text to add a custom image

Great! Glad it worked for you.

max1982 11-06-2011 07:11 AM

Nice one i have added it to my front page many thanks for this mod

metalguy639 11-06-2011 09:01 AM

Awesome glad its working for you as well :)

bmickey 11-17-2011 01:10 AM

I tried to get this to work but didn't have a place to put the amount in once it appeared on my main page. Any ideas?

metalguy639 11-18-2011 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by bmickey (Post 2268747)
I tried to get this to work but didn't have a place to put the amount in once it appeared on my main page. Any ideas?

What do you mean? I'll need a link to see what you mean. Also what version of vb are you using?

wally07 12-30-2011 09:23 AM

Is it possible to show a list of donators below the widget / submit button?

chloe101 04-15-2012 02:24 PM

Installed and working.

The only part I couldn't quite figure out was what kind of a widget to make so I used the PHP direct exection widget template and that's working great.

Thanks very much!

metalguy639 04-15-2012 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by chloe101 (Post 2320346)
Installed and working.

The only part I couldn't quite figure out was what kind of a widget to make so I used the PHP direct exection widget template and that's working great.

Thanks very much!

Whoops! I forgot to mention that in the original post. I've corrected that now. Thanks for the heads up! :)

shayanr 06-27-2012 03:54 AM

Does this work with 4.2 ?

metalguy639 06-27-2012 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by shayanr (Post 2343196)
Does this work with 4.2 ?

No idea I have not tried it with 4.2. But it should work with it as long as the VSA Donation Mod works with it.

Nirjonadda 06-27-2012 12:01 PM

You can make it for side block work on 4.1.10?

woffie 06-27-2012 04:07 PM

Installed but there is no box to enter the amount. I am on 4.2

shayanr 06-27-2012 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by woffie (Post 2343335)
Installed but there is no box to enter the amount. I am on 4.2

Having the same problem,

metalguy639 06-28-2012 03:34 AM

Does the VSA Donation mod work on 4.2 without the widget? Are you able to see the box in the regular way on the mod?

shayanr 06-28-2012 04:04 AM

The vsa donation mod works with and without the widget, not sure what you mean by being able to see the box in the regular way.

metalguy639 06-28-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by shayanr (Post 2343483)
The vsa donation mod works with and without the widget, not sure what you mean by being able to see the box in the regular way.

Meant just that if you could see it the way it should be seen within the widget then its the widget that needs to be adjusted. If you could not see the way it should be then its the hack. I'll see what I can do, but I'm pretty busy with work these days so it may be a few days before I can solve it.

ejup2009 07-05-2012 09:22 PM

Hello friend! Well what I want to ask the creator of this add , if you can integrate something that is already integrated into the CMS vbulletin. From already thank you very much. That is, do not have to create any Widget to display at startup.

metalguy639 07-06-2012 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by ejup2009 (Post 2345366)
Hello friend! Well what I want to ask the creator of this add , if you can integrate something that is already integrated into the CMS vbulletin. From already thank you very much. That is, do not have to create any Widget to display at startup.

Sorry I have no idea what you mean. Please explain.

carlos2000 07-18-2012 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by woffie (Post 2343335)
Installed but there is no box to enter the amount. I am on 4.2

Same problem over here with vB 4.2.0. Mod is installed and works fine for months without the widget. But no chance to enter donatino ammount within the widget.

metalguy639 07-18-2012 07:21 PM

I'll do an update of this for 4.2 in the next few days. :) I've got 4.2 installed now.

carlos2000 07-18-2012 07:52 PM

Cool, thanx in advance.

metalguy639 07-28-2012 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by woffie (Post 2343335)
Installed but there is no box to enter the amount. I am on 4.2


Originally Posted by shayanr (Post 2343346)
Having the same problem,

I have tested this in my vb 4.2 install and I have no problem with how its showing. So you must have missed a step or incorrectly did something in your widget. Here is a screen shot of it in my 4.2 P1 site its working just fine for me.


shanti 08-18-2012 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by carlos2000 (Post 2349250)
Same problem over here with vB 4.2.0. Mod is installed and works fine for months without the widget. But no chance to enter donatino ammount within the widget.

I have some problem. (vB 4.2.0 PL2)

metalguy639 08-19-2012 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by shanti (Post 2358007)
I have some problem. (vB 4.2.0 PL2)

As I said above it works fine for me so you must have missed a step or something. I cannot reproduce the box not showing on my 4.2 board.

hoplomachus 09-12-2012 02:30 PM

I have the same problem with not entering the amount in the widget... 4.2

hoplomachus 09-12-2012 02:54 PM

Fixed... changed some settings in the main script

hoplomachus 09-12-2012 02:55 PM

any way of showing who donated below this widget?

metalguy639 09-12-2012 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by hoplomachus (Post 2364814)
any way of showing who donated below this widget?

Not that I know of. If you are good with code you might want to look at the original paypal donate templates and see what code you can add if there is any that lists the members.

hoplomachus 09-13-2012 02:03 PM

lol, not good at code at all. I guess I could try. They do have the list option. Ill take a look. If im successful, I reply back with the updated code.

metalguy639 09-13-2012 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by hoplomachus (Post 2365110)
lol, not good at code at all. I guess I could try. They do have the list option. Ill take a look. If im successful, I reply back with the updated code.

Ok let me know. I do not have time to look at it right now I'm busy with work.

OlijO 09-16-2012 11:50 AM

this widget worked before 5.03 update.
Now with 5.03 and vB4.2 we can't specify the amout.
See my site :

metalguy639 09-17-2012 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by OlijO (Post 2365871)
this widget worked before 5.03 update.
Now with 5.03 and vB4.2 we can't specify the amout.
See my site :

Mark Installed for support please. You have missed something when you installed it. It works fine on my site. You have to change your setting to only allow people to input the amount they want or else it does not work.

OlijO 09-24-2012 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by metalguy639 (Post 2366026)
Mark Installed for support please. You have missed something when you installed it. It works fine on my site. You have to change your setting to only allow people to input the amount they want or else it does not work.

Thank you, it works now.
By the way, mark as installed !

metalguy639 09-24-2012 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by OlijO (Post 2368061)
Thank you, it works now.
By the way, mark as installed !

Glad its working for you now. :)

ukhostz 11-09-2015 11:35 AM

Works great even in a sidebar block

RafaelDutra89 11-09-2015 12:07 PM


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