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mawby 10-22-2010 10:00 PM

LAM - Dispute Resolution
1 Attachment(s)
This product will allow you to configure a forum so that only a thread creator, their nominated list of disputed members, and moderators are able to reply to the thread. When a dispute thread is created a PM will be sent to all those involved in the dispute.

On my site we have a lot of people selling items, and occasionally something goes wrong during the process. Before we had this product a member would post up about their problem and it became a free-for-all with 'friends' of both sides posting up slating the other side for being wrong and generally turning into a slanging match until the thread eventually got locked. Now, thanks to this product, only those actually involved in the dispute can reply. This has resulted in almost all of our disputes being resolved in a way where both sides are happy.

As of version it is now possible to configure this product to run in "Private Dispute" mode. This extends the normal functionality described above to also prevent those not in the dispute from being able to view the contents of the thread. They can still see it exists but any thread preview text, or opening the thread itself, will show a "You are not authorised to participate in this dispute" message.

As of version it is now possible to configure this product to run in "Extra Privacy" mode. This extends the "Private Dispute" functionality described above to also prevent those not in the dispute from being able to see the thread exists. With this setting enabled dispute threads will not be shown when browsing a forum if the user is not the thread creator, on the disputed list, or a moderator.

As of version it is now possible to make entering the disputed user names optional via the "Optional Disputes" setting. You can also enable the dispute functionality on all forums by enabling the "Globally Enabled" setting.

As of version it is now possible for the thread creator, or a moderator, to edit the threads dispute list by performing an advanced edit on any post in the thread which they have permission to edit. Upgrade instructions for this version can be found here.

As of version it is now possible to create a dispute against a single user group by enabling the "Enable Usergroups" setting. This will allow anyone in the user group to participate in the dispute, as well as anyone on the normal dispute list. PM notifications won't be sent to the user group. This version also fixes several bugs with the Private Dispute option where searches would still show a dispute thread even if the user wasn't allowed to participate in the dispute.

Tapatalk Users - Please see this important note about Tapatalk support.

  1. Download the attached .xml file
  2. Install the product
    AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Add/Import Product -> Import Product


You need configure which forums you want this product to run in, or globally enable it to run in all forums. You can also specify if creating a "dispute" thread in a dispute forum is optional. There is a setting that lets you override who the notification PM is sent from should you prefer it to come from an admin account rather than the user's account. And finally there are the privacy and user group options as detailed above.



When creating or advanced editing a thread in a disputes forum there is now an additional row where the user can edit the user names (and user group if enabled) of those they are disputing...


When the thread is created (or advanced edited) a PM is sent to those involved in the dispute (only newly disputed members are PMd when editing a thread)...


When the thread is viewed it shows at the top who the dispute is between...


An error will be shown if; the thread creator forgets to enter any names and the "Optional Disputes" option is set to No...


the thread creator enters an unrecognised name...


or someone not in the disputed list tries to reply to the thread...


Version History - Added user group option. Stopped threads showing in searches when Private Disputes is enabled. Stopped sending PMs to users already on the disputes list when editing a thread. (2011/07/19) - Added the disputed users to the advanced edit screen & removed the admin option (2011/07/05) - Added optional disputes, global enable and prevented the admin option appearing in non-disputes forums (2011/05/01) - Fixed an SQL error if the admin option was accessed in a forum that didn't have disputes turned on (2011/03/25) - Added auto-suggest to the user names field (2010/11/01) - Added Extra Privacy mode (2010/10/24) - Added Private Dispute mode (2010/10/23) - Initial release (2010/10/23)


Although I've written this product for vB 4 the original idea came from the Private Debates product written by beebi.

The code to not send PMd to users already on the disputes list when edited a thread was contributed by CheeSie

ProFifaLeagues 10-23-2010 08:54 AM

Tagged this till i get home,Could be a great mod for us at the PGL,Thanks!

Mukashi 10-23-2010 09:57 AM

Hmmm....I can see uses for this beyond just dispute resolution. For instance...allowing forums which run RPG's to have private threads between the game master and one or more of the players, rather than trying to co-ordinate things through PM's.

mawby 10-23-2010 10:07 AM

If anyone has any ideas of changes needed to make this product usable for anything other than dispute resolution, let me know and I'll try and incorporate it into the product.

It's already full phrased so it wouldn't take much effort to make this product appear like a basic ticketing system or private debates, etc.

mitch84 10-23-2010 11:51 AM

nice mod, thx

SocialNetworkBuzz 10-23-2010 01:36 PM

Could you make it where only those involved in the dispute could read the thread? Would be an awesome feature for our WoW server, to let a player know when their donation has been processed and their in-game item is in the mailbox.

mawby 10-23-2010 02:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Stabatha (Post 2113177)
Could you make it where only those involved in the dispute could read the thread? Would be an awesome feature for our WoW server, to let a player know when their donation has been processed and their in-game item is in the mailbox.

I have updated the product so it is now possible to configure it to run in "Private Dispute" mode. This extends the normal functionality to also prevent those not in the dispute from being able to view the thread.

A new setting is available...


If enabled and a user not in the dispute hovers over the thread, the preview text is changed to...


And if the user tries to view the thread anyway, they'll get the error...


I wont be running this product in "Private" mode on my site so I'll be relying on feedback to let me know if there are any problems with it.

vidan 10-23-2010 06:03 PM

can admin/mod with grant permission reply in the dispute resolution thread?

pete_brady 10-23-2010 06:17 PM




Lojo 10-23-2010 06:49 PM

Great mod. Keep up the good work.

SocialNetworkBuzz 10-23-2010 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2113199)

If enabled and a user not in the dispute hovers over the thread, the preview text is changed to...

Awesome! It almost fits what I need now! Could you add an option though that if your not a admin or involved in the dispute you can't see the thread at all. Basically I need a forum unviewable but instead of viewable via usergroup permission, it is viewable on a thread by thread basis in that forum based on if your involved in that dispute.

Will for sure nominate for MotM if you can get that to do this!

COL NIL SATIS 10-23-2010 09:55 PM

This is absolutely a brilliant concept ....install tomorrow!!!! thanks Mawby another top mod this...great ...tag for tonight

CharlieDelta 10-24-2010 12:33 AM

What a brilliant idea! Brilliant work mawby!

apokphp 10-24-2010 12:57 AM

I asked for this mod about 3 years ago or so for my debate site. Good to see that it has become a reality as I knew I couldn't be the only person who could use it. However...while it is a brilliant mod and will be quite useful for many boards...it's a little late for me as I'm migrating from VB.

Kudo's on the great hack though man. About time something like this came along. IMO...it should be standard feature in vb.

If you ever make a switch to XF pm me. I'd be willing to pay for this mod. ;)

Devil_Dog 10-24-2010 03:48 AM

Tagged and will give some feedback.

This looks like a great mod!!!


mawby 10-24-2010 08:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by vidan (Post 2113282)
can admin/mod with grant permission reply in the dispute resolution thread?

Anyone with moderator rights over the forum can view/reply to the threads as normal. This is needed for my site where the moderators occasionally need to get involved in trying to progress a dispute.


Originally Posted by Stabatha (Post 2113301)
Awesome! It almost fits what I need now! Could you add an option though that if your not a admin or involved in the dispute you can't see the thread at all.

I have updated the product so it is now possible to configure it to run in "Extra Privacy" mode. This extends the "Private Dispute" functionality to also prevent those not in the dispute from being able to see the thread exists.



Originally Posted by apokphp (Post 2113440)
I asked for this mod about 3 years ago or so for my debate site.

Ironically I first wrote this for my site back in January 2007! It's only because vB4 has forced me to review/rewrite most of my site's code that I decided to put in the extra effort to do it properly as products and release them into the community.

SocialNetworkBuzz 10-24-2010 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2113519)

I have updated the product so it is now possible to configure it to run in "Extra Privacy" mode. This extends the "Private Dispute" functionality to also prevent those not in the dispute from being able to see the thread exists.

Thanks! *Clicks MotM*

Veer 10-24-2010 12:27 PM

Installed & Nominated for MOTM.

mawby 11-01-2010 05:50 PM

I have updated the product to include a new feature. Now when entering the list of users being disputed an auto-suggest pop-up will appear just the same as it does when sending a PM.

A consequence of this change means you now need to separate the names with a semi-colon instead of a comma.

Hopefully people will find it more user friendly like this. :)

djr 11-18-2010 11:03 PM

Interesting mod. Could be very useful for our site. Some additional questions:
  • Does the complaining member need to create a thread in the dispute forum? (and if yes, how do you communicate this at your site)
  • Is it possible to move an existing thread in a non-dispute forum to the special dispute forum? What happens after the move? Does an admin or mod need to update the thread to add all parties involved?
In other words, could you please give a little background how this mod currently works at your site? How do you get your members to actually use the dispute forum?

mawby 11-24-2010 08:02 AM

On my site my members know that if they create a 'complaint' thread outside of the disputes forum it will just get closed. We have a lot of traders so over the years we've had to deal with a lot a problems and the fallout that happens when people who know half the facts decide to jump in and have their say, so we have zero tolerance for it. That said, in our club rules we do state that our members are expected to reply to any dispute they are involved in within a reasonable time frame; failure to do so will result in their membership being cancelled. We state very clearly that this is the limit to which the club will get involved in disputes and most people seem happy with that. It might not get them their money back, but the fact the problematic person is no longer apart of the club does mean they cannot cause issues for others.

With regards to moving threads, I'll be honest and say I've never tried it. However, once moved you should find anyone can reply to it until a moderator edits the thread to include the names of those involved in the dispute.

sevenmix 03-23-2011 02:41 AM


Is this still working on newer versions?

I think this is a great mod :D

sticky 03-23-2011 03:25 AM

Epic mod! Will this work with 4.0.2?

LuMiS! 03-23-2011 03:27 AM

SURE It's an EPIC MOD!...

Nominated! i used to love private debates!!!! MAAAAAN! this is awesome .... Installed ... SURE INSTALLED!...

BadgerDog 03-23-2011 11:35 AM

Installed with thanks on 4.04 for testing ... :up:

When looking at any forum under forum manager, I don't see the prefixes you show in your demo screenshot below. I only see the last line option to turn it ON or OFF for that forum? :confused:



Edit: When a user creates a dispute thread and enters the names, does he enter his own name as part of the dispute, or is that automatic because he started the thread?

Another edit: Not sure how you handle this, but once this mod is installed and because the new Dispute Resolution radio button now appears in ALL forums, if any Admin or Mod accidentally clicks on and uses that Administrative function on any thread that is NOT one created using this mod, then it crashes the site with a database error as shown below.


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT username FROM user AS user WHERE userid IN ();

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 @ 10:17:53 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 @ 10:17:54 AM
Script : http://www.xxxxxx.com/postings.php
Referrer : http://www.xxxxxx.com/showthread.php?t=29312
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : Tester
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.77

mawby 03-23-2011 07:28 PM

Hi Doug. The prefixes are just what I have on my forum and not related to this mod.

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with this mod. Just so I'm sure I understand the problem; the option to edit the dispute resolution on the Administrative drop down is appearing on threads not in forums with the option turned on and, if edited, the thread then causes an error when viewed?

Due to work commitments I won't have time to look at this until Friday but if I have as much information by then I should hopefully be able to fix it quickly.

BadgerDog 03-23-2011 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2176677)
Hi Doug. The prefixes are just what I have on my forum and not related to this mod.

Understood now ... :)


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2176677)
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with this mod. Just so I'm sure I understand the problem; the option to edit the dispute resolution on the Administrative drop down is appearing on threads not in forums with the option turned on and, if edited, the thread then causes an error when viewed?

Due to work commitments I won't have time to look at this until Friday but if I have as much information by then I should hopefully be able to fix it quickly.

No problem .... :)

For clarity, the option to edit the dispute resolution from the Administrative drop down is appearing in ALL forums, not just ones where the mod is turned ON for. Also, if someone tries to use that option being displayed on a thread that WAS NOT created with your mod installed, it crashes with an SQL error.


mawby 03-23-2011 08:32 PM

Excellent... well obviously not excellent but at least I should be able to replicate this easily enough on Friday to fix it.

venom2124 03-24-2011 12:56 AM

Okay installed on 4.1.2 and I'm not seeing the option to enable the product for a forum.

I see the require prefix option and then there isn't the option to enable.


Any help to get this working would be great.

Welshy2008 03-24-2011 10:40 AM

Lovely job Mawby. Tagged for possible future use.

morrow 03-24-2011 01:17 PM

Not sure how I missed this one. Are you still taking requests to make modification to this mod?

mawby 03-24-2011 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by venom2124 (Post 2176813)
Any help to get this working would be great.

I have no idea why it wouldn't appear. Not the most helpful option but can you try installing it again?


Originally Posted by morrow (Post 2176969)
Not sure how I missed this one. Are you still taking requests to make modification to this mod?

Go for it. I can't promise anything soon due to my work at the moment but I'm always happy to try and make the product better.

venom2124 03-24-2011 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2177099)
I have no idea why it wouldn't appear. Not the most helpful option but can you try installing it again?

Go for it. I can't promise anything soon due to my work at the moment but I'm always happy to try and make the product better.

Tried reinstalling it a couple of times. I see the mod in the options menu, just not there to enable it if the forum manager.

mawby 03-25-2011 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2176695)
For clarity, the option to edit the dispute resolution from the Administrative drop down is appearing in ALL forums, not just ones where the mod is turned ON for. Also, if someone tries to use that option being displayed on a thread that WAS NOT created with your mod installed, it crashes with an SQL error.

I've updated the product - both of these problems should be fixed.

The admin option still appears for all forums but if it's selected on a forum that doesn't have disputes turned on the user will get a friendly error message instead of an SQL error. When I get a bit more time I'll try and stop the menu option appearing at all when in a non-disputes forum.

Let me know if there are any more problem. :)

BadgerDog 03-25-2011 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2177266)
Let me know if there are any more problem. :)

Thank you ... :up:

Will advise as an edit to this thread when I have a chance to test it today .. :)


Edit: no more SQL error ... now get a message that says "Invalid Action Specified .... thanks ...

morrow 03-25-2011 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by mawby (Post 2177099)
I have no idea why it wouldn't appear. Not the most helpful option but can you try installing it again?

Go for it. I can't promise anything soon due to my work at the moment but I'm always happy to try and make the product better.

Ok Great!

1. I'd like to be able to enable this in any forum however, when enabling in a forum, you MUST enter user names otherwise it won't allow you to post.

I'd like to simply add the usernames but only if I want to add them. The way it's currently set up, one has to ideally create a new forum.

2. The ability to simply enable this in all forums and/or by forum ID's rather than having to go into each forum and ticking the button would of course be a great option.

3. Now this one would really be cool... How about an option whereas you can input the users you DON'T want to see your new thread... For instance... UserA creates a new thread and doesn't want USER C, USER T and/or USERY to be able to read it and/or reply to it. However, ALL other users can do what the rules apply to.

That's about it. If you can do this great, if not, no big deal. I think 1 and 2 are more important than 3 at the moment.

venom2124 03-25-2011 10:24 PM

Looks like the update has fixed the issue. Thanks.

mawby 03-26-2011 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by venom2124 (Post 2177493)
Looks like the update has fixed the issue. Thanks.

Although I'm glad it's working... that's impossible. :) The changes I made would have had no affect on the AdminCP side of things. :confused: But if it's working let's not worry about that. :D

Sforums 04-04-2011 01:26 AM

Great stuff, love it.
However, today I doscovered serious problem:

Dispute thread was initiated and all of a sudden member who is not involved in dispute posted. His post came from mobile phone. At my forum we use tapatalk (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...light=tapatalk). I checked all permissions, used my forum testing ID and always received message that I can't get access to disputed thread, which is the way it should be. There must be some kind of conflict between these 2 mods, would you please look into it?

Sforums 04-04-2011 07:40 AM

Installed and rated, good stuff.

It would be nice to have an option to mark thread as "Dispute Resolved". Any ideas how to do this?

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