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-   -   Why are vBorg members so up tight? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=190143)

DieselMinded 09-06-2008 12:03 AM

Why are vBorg members so up tight?
Ive talked with alot of members here and i swear only a few has a positive attitude most act like its killing them to help someone ,

Everytime i help via PM i get a raving review

"Finally Someone Nice on here!"

Why is it this way?

I dont feel like im competing with any of you just because i have a forum
I dont have to impress you but i will treat you with respect
If i can help you i will try if you want to help yourself

I think the reason is - Self Infatuation

On your forums you can say and do what you want - Whos going to stop you? You let it hang all out , Relaxed and willing to help everyone

On Your Forums you can post about anything and get 5 pages of replys just because of who you are

For the longest time i considered my self "The Thread Killer" here , people could be talking like Normal people for 300 pages, i post 1 time and the tread never gets posted in again . lol

People Just seem to be too censored , the Culture breeds the uptightness of the membership

Its very professional and does the job for giving me what i want so i too have fallen in this White Sheep mentality in risk of doing something wrong .

I have 2 infractions here somehow , Im damn near afraid to post this thread but its out of Respect for this community as its so helpful when it wants to be :) And i would like to bring to light that it wont hurt you to be Nice :)

The Coders are treated poorly by the members for the most part , All About them selves , How many times have you donated to a coder here ?

I have Donated over $500 This year alone to coders here for there mods and there help .

We all want big happy forums , and with vBorg and the coders here we can do it all together

Pay the Milk Man make a donation to a coder maybe they will be more willing to help the community for personal customizations :up:

No Rant Here :)

nexialys 09-06-2008 12:23 AM

when people say "finally someone cool up here",. i can tell you right now that it's because they did not talk with anybody else, they simply posted in the wrong forum and were not answered with the answer they were willing to have.

and for the coders treated poorly, i can just tell something.. they are not supposed to be here for profit -- this is a sharing community, not a business. none is hired by Jelsoft, they do it for fun... if they are stupid enough to think they would retrieve any profit, monetary or thanks, they are misleaded...

ssslippy 09-06-2008 12:24 AM

The problem with people getting annoyed with them is for example when I get its on a product I did not make and happen to make a post in with a fix then the person wants extra help cause they refuse to read the post.

legionofangels 09-06-2008 12:26 AM

Nice speech.

I got an infraction at vb.com for answering threads in a help forum that no one had answered, but I didn't check the dates and they were like a year old.

Necromancy of topics is allowed on my website, and I would have thought that having all questions answered makes your product look pretty appealing knowing that there has never been an un-replied to support issue. Apparently they thought differently.

I don't care, it's my third one there, so I'm like "yay!" vbulletin is nothing but a regretful decision I made 2 years ago.

I like the people here and have spent over $500 on coding from the community.

I don't like certain people who won't answer pm questions, after you've asked in there modifications 3 times, but it just makes me think there either arrogant or really busy and either way I don't care. But support should be marked as not supported if they can't answer the question. Even an "I DON'T KNOW" in all caps, I would take. But other than that, pm'ing is useless.

I've helped and received some from people here, but I don't ignore members.

Dunno, those are my thoughts.

DieselMinded 09-06-2008 12:31 AM

Tell me , What do Coders Get out of Hours and Hours of Coding Mods for the Community ?

Personal Satisfaction? Social Status ? Most would leave it all for a meager $20 donation .

These are My opinions I have made some changes in my life after attending a few paid courses about Leadership & Culture , And how To Breed Encouragement & Enthusiasm in every aspect of my life , vBorg i visit Everyday and is apart of my life and I felt compelled to point out that theres no reason to have the mind set that your robbing the cookie jar by installing modifications here and you can be open and help others if you can and not fear recourse .

legionofangels 09-06-2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1615536)



thank you.

SEOvB 09-06-2008 01:10 AM

I try to help anyone who first tries to help themselves.

Asking questions such as "How do i get my post information on left" get sort of tiring to answer repeatedly though and thats where some attitude comes in from certain people for certain replies

Lynne 09-06-2008 01:27 AM

I try to help out most people, but sometimes my help consists of telling them the search criteria - search "thisterm" "all mods" "titles only". I do that so that they can help themselves to find the answer, not because I'm trying to be mean or anything. I used to just post the link to the mod, but would then be told "oh, but I'm on 3.5" or "oh, but I want it to do *that* also." How was I to know if they don't say? So, now I do a quick search to make sure my search terms give results, then I post my standard search answer.

I'm glad people find the help they want through PMing you, but I wonder have you ever searched out their original post for help? Did you notice anything about the post that would explain the lack of help they got or did you think the responses given were unhelpful?

Bilderback 09-06-2008 02:01 AM

I feel more for all the die hard coders pushing out these awesome additions to vbulletin
for little to no return while they are forced to withstand the gradual price increases of
the board they and the rest of the community support for free.
My heart dropped as I returned today to renew my license to find the price increased.
Saddened mainly due to the fact that I have been working on a new vbulletin Mod for some time
now that I had hoped to release by the end of the year.
Now I feel that I must change direction, unfortunatley, and head back to the Drupal community
where I wont have to worry of the less fortunate not being able to afford vbulletin.
~sorry for the bit of off topic rant:erm:

DieselMinded 09-06-2008 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 1615563)
I try to help out most people, but sometimes my help consists of telling them the search criteria - search "thisterm" "all mods" "titles only". I do that so that they can help themselves to find the answer, not because I'm trying to be mean or anything. I used to just post the link to the mod, but would then be told "oh, but I'm on 3.5" or "oh, but I want it to do *that* also." How was I to know if they don't say? So, now I do a quick search to make sure my search terms give results, then I post my standard search answer.

I'm glad people find the help they want through PMing you, but I wonder have you ever searched out their original post for help? Did you notice anything about the post that would explain the lack of help they got or did you think the responses given were unhelpful?

This has Nothing to do with ME , Im glad i could help but i dont need any recognition of that .. It was stated to make a point . The Time it takes to get them help is balanced mentally with how much will it help them and if i can help them .

The "Whats in it for me" is a flawed Culture , Anything gained is positive encouragement to repeat the task for others

Based only on Your Comment here on this thread and the fact that earlier as soon as i posted it you read it and left

Your a Great person willing to help others but are not empowered , You shouldn't have to go to such an extent to help , instead your superiors should empower you the tools you need to complete your tasks in the best possible way , And by doing this the Members , You and the Powers At be will Progress . Its Easy to think of ways to make your example easier to complete ,

*Suggestion : Simply a Prompt once per month when we log in to verify what version of Vbulletin were running and having it display in postbit where "Design" is now because No one uses that anyway .

Theres many many more ways you can be empowered , Instead of Getting Burned out and going though so much to help have you considered asking for changes to make what you do so good easier , Always give reasons why :)

Thank You for your Service Here :up:

Spank 09-06-2008 02:22 AM

I think interpretation has a lot to do with it. There's a lot of people that post here, where English is not their first language so probably language barriers have a lot to to do with it.

I always like to have a happy attitude, and will help out where I can. When you help out in threads you tend to get a lot of PMs asking for help, which is fine. I don't mind helping out because I too get a lot of help here. I've got no "beef" with anyone here, and I like to think no one has any "beef" with me.

*twirls out of the thread*

nexialys 09-06-2008 02:50 AM

i am a language barrier myself, a dyslexic one.. lol

btw, when you have a large community like vb.org, you give the Advisors the task to answer these repeted questions about postbit etc... they are called the "blues" in the army anyway... first level of engagement. first killed when something goes wrong.. lol

FreshFroot 09-06-2008 03:47 AM

I can say the vBorg community has changed from the old days. Many good people have left, and things have changed quite a lot. Just the feel itself on this forum is different.

ahh... I miss the old days... back in the days when we had 3.x and firefly was here.

iogames 09-06-2008 04:12 AM

Hey you never talk to me! my Mom says 'I'm nice!' ;)

cheat-master30 09-06-2008 10:55 AM

I try to be nice to everyone, and I've had a lot of people say I'm a nice member. And I'm willing to help anyone who asks for help and to support various modifications. But I don't really notice much rudeness here, other than the amount of ignored topics by various members.

iogames 09-06-2008 02:09 PM

Some complaint about Mods = Hey! they are Volunteers
Some complaint about the Users = Hey! since you register you belong to the same kind/rank/level
Some complaint about the Structure = Some video tutorials, Guidelines for releasing will drop the rate of problems
Some complaint about a payment/rankin system = We complaint enough to start fighting for money :D

p.s. Since you don't see an 'Ads by Google' here, you must realize everything here is about effort, service and community spirit

cheat-master30 09-06-2008 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by iogames (Post 1615870)
Some complaint about the Structure = Some video tutorials will drop the rate of problems

vBulletin's own product needs these kinds of tutorials more, because the current FAQ and documentation is still lacking and rather confusing to new users.

Jase2 09-06-2008 03:28 PM

I think the users and staff here are always bickering with each other. Not being funny, but I know that staff here have pushed away a number of members'.

Brad 09-06-2008 07:46 PM

I think everyone here spends too much time on the computer. I stay away from computers when I can help it these days and let me tell you I enjoy the time I spend working on them a lot more because of it. That said I got two laptops and two desktops here, writing a paper on one, encoding on one, fixing another, and posting this with the fourth. ^^

Anyway I've never felt like I've been treated "poorly" by users. I have felt like some of the users can't think for themselves though! Imagine spending two weeks working on something and releasing it only to get a reply like;

"It doesn't work! Help me!".

I can not help this person. I have no idea why it's not working, what they may have screwed up during installation, if it's user error or a bug in my code... Users rarely post good replies when asking for help, they rarely make good bug reports, they seem to expect us coders to be able to read their minds...well we can't! :)

Some have been outright rude to me in the past of course so I just stop giving support to people like that and they seem to take the hint in time.

There are some people here that are "coders" that act like they have some kind of god-complex going on. Like the rude users they are the rarity not the rule.

Anyway like I said you all spend too much time on the PC. Get a hobby outside of it or a girlfriend or something. Hell have some kids! I'm sure you'll appreciate your online time a lot more after you have a few little versions of you running around the house.

DieselMinded 09-06-2008 08:05 PM

Im a supervisor in a Big Plant of over 100 employees work 48 Hours per week Swing shift and drive an hour both ways , own my house and have kids , My forum is my Hobby being here makes it better :) , Not everyone on here is a student

puertoblack2003 09-06-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1615592)
they are called the "blues" in the army anyway... first level of engagement. first killed when something goes wrong.. lol

hahahaha i heard that before :up:

Kinneas 09-09-2008 09:31 AM

I do notice some squabbling between some higher profile staff/members, but to be honest It's what I expect from a forum. Most forums out there have or have had their fair share of drama.

That said, I do like this place. I tend to lurk more than post but I do help out (with my extremely limited knowledge) when I can, both here and on the vb.com.

Sometimes it does boggle the mind seeing how obnoxious, rude and demanding people can be though... heh

Rapscallion 09-09-2008 07:02 PM

I tend to come here to relax away from the stress of my own forums. I'm not sure I like the broad brush used in the title of the thread, but I've seen some behaviour I wouldn't allow on my own places. It's the minority, though.


NOCR 09-09-2008 08:05 PM

the hell's a vBorg?

DieselMinded 09-09-2008 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rapscallion (Post 1618438)
I'm not sure I like the broad brush used in the title of the thread

Perfect Example :up:

--------------- Added [DATE]1220994584[/DATE] at [TIME]1220994584[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by NOCR (Post 1618482)
the hell's a vBorg?


ShawnV 09-09-2008 08:13 PM

The thing that irritates me the most is the "paid pro versions" of the Mods listed on this site that the end up being abandoned with no notice, email or excuse to their many subscribers. Then to add injury to insult the "MODS" here close any thread questioning this matter with some ridicules excuse like "vB.org is not the place to discuss this".


Opserty 09-09-2008 11:18 PM

I always browse the forums with a bottle of chill pills nearby :D

legionofangels 09-10-2008 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by cheat-master30 (Post 1615755)
I try to be nice to everyone, and I've had a lot of people say I'm a nice member. And I'm willing to help anyone who asks for help and to support various modifications. But I don't really notice much rudeness here, other than the amount of ignored topics by various members.

This person ignored me in a thread.

Ya know what I did....I just didn't use there modification, simple as that.

Some people give support, others are here to relax, some blow off steam, pssh...everyone just does there own thing. You can't expect everyone to be willing to help at the drop of a hat. At the same time when something seems pretty easy, and the other party is unwilling I can understand user frustration.

Rapscallion 09-10-2008 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by DiesellMinded (Post 1618485)
Perfect Example :up:

Interesting, so if I give reference to a broad brush technique being used, I apparently also fall into the category claimed?


Clayton 09-10-2008 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by legionofangels (Post 1615538)
Nice speech.

I got an infraction at vb.com for answering threads in a help forum that no one had answered, but I didn't check the dates and they were like a year old.

you got an infraction .. pml

:D :up:

you really have to love the Mod who did that

nexialys 09-10-2008 12:16 PM

actually when you answer a thread that is not in the first page of the forumdisplay, i suppose you check the date... if you just check the unanswered threads, 95% of the time these threads are older than 1 year... so why bother ...

Clayton 09-10-2008 12:32 PM

but surely not worth an infraction



nexialys 09-10-2008 12:35 PM

we can't comment the infraction without knowing the situation...

was it his first bump for no reason, was it a wrong comment from x times, we do not know, and i don't think this thread will debate it... it's an internal management between him and the admin who infracted him.

Marco van Herwaarden 09-10-2008 12:40 PM

Please discuss moderator action or received infractions on the site where this is an issue. So if yu want to discuss vB.com's moderating, please post on vB.com.

Clayton 09-10-2008 12:44 PM

gosh .. I certainly have no time for the discussion, was simply responding to Nexi, as this thread title is

Why are vBorg members so up tight?

:D :D :up: :up: :up: :D :D

ps.. will remove my instant email notification

legionofangels 09-10-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Clayton (Post 1618799)
you got an infraction .. pml

:D :up:

you really have to love the Mod who did that

I don't know what is worse an infraction or a warning as we haven't set up our system on our own website and I haven't read up on it at all, something we have to get ready for soon because we have those images changed out as well.

I wasn't really upset at the mod who gave it to me, I almost laughed when I read it simply because I thought it was so ridiculous. I'm helping people, and in effect when you do a search for help on a similar topic, they might have there answer then instead of an unanswered thread. So really while it is "thread necromancy", accidentally, it doesn't actually hurt there board in anyway, it helps everyone.


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1618926)
actually when you answer a thread that is not in the first page of the forumdisplay, i suppose you check the date... if you just check the unanswered threads, 95% of the time these threads are older than 1 year... so why bother ...

To clarify further all I did was hit replies, then hit it again to see the unanswered threads in order. I didn't know that they ordered by this array > lowest posts > oldest post date

I've never noticed or done that before so I didn't know it would give me a year old post.

Marco van Herwaarden 09-10-2008 03:14 PM

Repeated request: Please discuss issues you have with vB.com moderating on vB.com, and not on vB.org.

DieselMinded 09-10-2008 04:02 PM

This Thread is Not Ment to be a Bash Fest for the vBorg its to try to build on its weaknesses

Lets Be Positive

iogames 09-10-2008 04:11 PM

then prepare your '10 points' debate and solutions ;)

Lynne 09-10-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by DiesellMinded (Post 1619131)
This Thread is Not Ment to be a Bash Fest for the vBorg its to try to build on its weaknesses

Lets Be Positive

I think we've lost site of what this discussion is supposed to be about.

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