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-   -   Moderators Functions - Moderate New User Registrations (ModCP Option) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=169400)

Mosh 02-01-2008 10:00 PM

Moderate New User Registrations (ModCP Option)
Hack Support

This hack is now discontinued - this means that while it will remain available for download and use, there will be no further updates, nor will support be provided as the thread is no longer monitored. You can now check out the 3.8.x version of this hack, as it also works with v3.7.5 (and maybe even earlier versions).

Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.

vBulletin Version Compatibility

This hack can only be used with vBulletin v3.7.x.

This hack is not compatible with v3.6.x (due to fact that notifications in the welcome block were not introduced until v3.7.0), but fear not, you can use the unsupported v3.6.x version of this hack instead.

What Does This Hack Do?

It is a update of my v3.6.x hack available here, with new stuff added.

This is hack gives your Super Moderators the option in the ModCP to now manually approve new user registrations, that before now only Administrators could do from the AdminCP.

This means you can now spread the load of manually approving members with your Super Moderators, leaving you the administrator more time to do other things.

New to v3.7.x is a notification in your welcome block in the navbar being displayed (if the notification option is enabled in the AdminCP) when there are new user registrations to be moderated. This is displayed to both Administrators and Super Moderators. The notification will only generate 1 extra query per page load (only if the notification is enabled, and then the extra query is only for Administrators and Super Moderators, so if you want to save a query then disable the option).

This hack was created because I liked the idea of the request in this thread, and seems to have been requested quite a few times over the years.

There are no file or template changes at all and is fully phrased. You just need to upload 1 file, import 1 product and alter 2 (or 3) vBulletin Options in the AdminCP, and then it will work from then on.

Installation Instructions
  1. Unzip product-ms_20080202.zip
  2. Upload /upload/modcp/user_moderation.php to your <forum root>/modcp folder (overwrite existing uploaded file if upgrading).
  3. Import product-ms_20080202.xml into vB using the AdminCP Product Manager (set Allow Overwrite to Yes if upgrading).
  4. Under the User Registration Options section of vBulletin Options in the AdminCP:
    • Ensure Moderate New Members is set to Yes
    • Ensure Verify Email address in Registration is set to Yes
  5. Under the Moderate User Registrations (ModCP Option) section of vBulletin Options in the AdminCP:
    • Ensure Enable Notification ? is set to Yes if you want the notification to be displayed.

Uninstall Instructions
  1. Delete the user_moderation.php file from your /modcp folder.
  2. Uninstall the product in vB using the AdminCP Product Manager.

Version History

v3.7.003 - Wednesday 25th June 2008
-- Final Release
-- Changed: Product name
-- Changed: Version numbering
-- Added: AdminCP Option to display the notification or not

v2.1.0 - Thursday 7th February 2008
-- Changed: Install code

v2.0.0 - Saturday 2nd February 2008
-- Initial Release


Thanks go out to Paul M who gave me permission to use some of his install code.

NOTE: Portions of the code are (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

Show Your Appreciation

Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.


I would like to thank the following people for their kind donations:

gforce75 02-02-2008 08:15 AM

Good hack, but this would hurt me. Probably useful for certain forums.

Alfa1 02-02-2008 09:54 AM

Is there any kind of analysis of new members involved?

justino 02-02-2008 05:02 PM

Thanks for hack....

5 *****

Mosh 02-03-2008 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1434484)
Is there any kind of analysis of new members involved?

No, none what so ever.

It is just an administrator function that is now available for super moderators to use, with this hack. You still have to check the potential members before approving their registrations.

rinkrat 02-09-2008 12:02 AM

This is perfect for me. Now people won't have to wait as long to be verified!

KeyStalker 02-09-2008 03:29 PM

Great Hack, installed. :up:

Mosh 02-09-2008 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by KeyStalker (Post 1439478)
Great Hack, installed. :up:

Please click Mark as Installed as well please.

KeyStalker 02-09-2008 07:10 PM

Done, and man this is an amazing hack, could you somehow make it workable with the invite system?

Mosh 02-10-2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by KeyStalker (Post 1439574)
Done, and man this is an amazing hack, could you somehow make it workable with the invite system?

Gave me the url to this Invite System hack and I will see what I can do, but I am not promising anything though.

KeyStalker 02-10-2008 07:15 PM

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=137007 :cool:

m1thr0s 04-30-2008 06:00 PM

thanks for the upgrade...this is the best little mod of its kind and a must-have for manual reg forums!!!

IvyKeepMommy 05-22-2008 11:50 AM

Ok, I installed, but the supermoderators can't access...

The error message they get is

Sorry, you don't have permission to access the administrative controls on this page.

If you need to access this page, ask your lead administrator to enable your permissions for this page using the Administrator Permissions section of the control panel.
The problem is that I do NOT want my Supermoderators to have unlimited access to the Administer Users section (for one thing, when they do, they can change their own permissions to see areas only for our donors, can make themselves a member of the Admin group, etc.)

I'd like them to be able to review a new user and moderate them (accept their membership or not) but not change any other permissions for the member.

IvyKeepMommy 05-22-2008 11:55 AM

To clarify, the issue is the link on the notifications menu, since it takes the Supermod to the link in the admin cp that they don't have permission to see. If they go into the ModCP then it works for them.

Can/Should the notification link be changed so that it goes to the ModCP approval rather than the AdminCP panel?

Mosh 05-22-2008 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy (Post 1527827)
Ok, I installed, but the supermoderators can't access...

The error message they get is

The problem is that I do NOT want my Supermoderators to have unlimited access to the Administer Users section (for one thing, when they do, they can change their own permissions to see areas only for our donors, can make themselves a member of the Admin group, etc.)

I'd like them to be able to review a new user and moderate them (accept their membership or not) but not change any other permissions for the member.


Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy (Post 1527834)
To clarify, the issue is the link on the notifications menu, since it takes the Supermod to the link in the admin cp that they don't have permission to see. If they go into the ModCP then it works for them.

Can/Should the notification link be changed so that it goes to the ModCP approval rather than the AdminCP panel?

It should not happen at all, because the permissions are specifically checked to see if the person using the link is either an admin or super mod.

If you are an admin, you get the link to the AdminCP, if you are a supermod then you will get the link to the ModCP.

The only possible way super mods will see the link to the AdminCP instead of the ModCP is if both Can Moderate All Forums (is Super Moderator) and Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) are set to Yes in the Super Moderator usergroup (which they should not be, if they are both set, then they are counted as admins and not super mods).

Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) should be set to No for super mods, and Yes for admins, and this is what it is by default.

If it is not the above, I have not got a clue, as the only way I could recreate your problem was by setting Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) to Yes for super mods.

IvyKeepMommy 05-24-2008 10:53 PM

Thanks, the supermoderator in question does have AdminCP access to manage some notices, but I don't want them to have user access.

I'll figure out a work around... thanks for your help!

iRO Wiki 06-23-2008 05:30 PM

Wow, this is an awesome update to the 3.6.8 version, which I was able to merge into my changes (allow mods to approve people needing email verify).

Thanks a bunch!

KURTZ 06-23-2008 05:41 PM

Mosh just a question: with the askimet enabled onto my board sometimes i've got a new user into my moderation queue, but i don't receive any notification when it happens ... so my question is: can you improve this hack also (and only) for the admins? maybe an option that can give us the possibility to choose what UG can use this feature should be really great ... :)

Mosh 06-24-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1557026)
Mosh just a question: with the askimet enabled onto my board sometimes i've got a new user into my moderation queue, but i don't receive any notification when it happens ... so my question is: can you improve this hack also (and only) for the admins? maybe an option that can give us the possibility to choose what UG can use this feature should be really great ... :)

You do not receive notifications when new user registrations are being moderated as standard.

I have added the notification into this hack (it adds 1 query), which it is why it is a feature.

This hack is an admin function I opened up to Super Moderators and it was originally created for the Super Moderators on my forum (v3.5.x) to use and after about eight months of them using it bug free I decided to release it here for v3.6.x for all to use (and now it is in it's v3.7.x incarnation).

I will not be adding any features that diverts away from this functionality and am not willing to add extra stuff to it, so unfortunately there will be no admin only option to chose which usergroups use this, as that would require quite a bit of additional code and I am actually really happy with this hack as it is and it has been totally bug free for about a year and a half as far as I am aware.

Mosh 06-25-2008 07:39 AM

Update: v3.7.003
  • Changed product name
  • Added option to display the notification or not

maidos 07-03-2008 03:33 PM

instead of allowing moderators can i allow only individual to approve

Mosh 07-04-2008 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1565915)
instead of allowing moderators can i allow only individual to approve

No, it is not the intent of this hack, it is an Admin function that was opened up to Super Moderators, and before you ask, I will not be extending this hack to accommodate that.

maidos 07-04-2008 08:25 AM

yes, but i cant trust all of my moderators only few of them. So wouldnt it be a good idea to only allow few selected moderators instead?

Like the newly appointed moderator is uncertain if they will do the things right .

Mosh 07-04-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by maidos (Post 1566562)
yes, but i cant trust all of my moderators only few of them. So wouldnt it be a good idea to only allow few selected moderators instead?

Like the newly appointed moderator is uncertain if they will do the things right .

This is only for Super Moderators, if you don't trust people then make them normal mods and then this will not be available to them. I only ever make people I trust into Super Mods.

This is the only way of stopping mods using this, and like I said already, I will not be extending this hack to accommodate selected moderators.

Angel-Wings 07-27-2008 05:41 AM

Nice idea just - anything to do that the following setup will work as well:

- Moderate New Members: Yes
- Verify Email address in Registrations: No

That makes sense and there's only 1 Mail sent - if that Mail won't make it through due of an invalid Mail Address I can delete the User anyways.

Is that possible ?

Mosh 07-27-2008 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Angel-Wings (Post 1585040)
Nice idea just - anything to do that the following setup will work as well:

- Moderate New Members: Yes
- Verify Email address in Registrations: No

That makes sense and there's only 1 Mail sent - if that Mail won't make it through due of an invalid Mail Address I can delete the User anyways.

Is that possible ?

Yes, it is possible, but not with the way this hack is set up.

And before you ask, I will not be altering the hack to do so, as this is working exactly the way I want it to work, and have no wish to change that functionality.

Angel-Wings 07-27-2008 11:09 AM

So I'll not ask and uninstall it - very easy.

Thanks for this outstanding, great, helpful and very detailed support.

PlymWS 07-30-2008 08:37 PM

I installed this and do not get a notification when a new user registers. I have superadmin and verify email set to yes etc ...

What's wrong ? It's a new, clean 3.7.2 install

Mosh 07-31-2008 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by PlymWS (Post 1587756)
I installed this and do not get a notification when a new user registers. I have superadmin and verify email set to yes etc ...

What's wrong ? It's a new, clean 3.7.2 install

Is Moderate New Members is set to Yes?

mknapik 10-21-2008 01:04 PM

Hi Mosh. I've been using the 3.6.x version of this hack for awhile, and been very happy with it.
I'll be upgrading to this new version shortly.

I like the new notification feature. I've been wanting some way to notify my admins/super mods when someone needs moderation for awhile now. The notification window is nice, but it doesn't help if you don't have the forum already open and are actively looking at it.

Any chance of an email notification being added? Similar to what happens with a new user registration email?

Mosh 10-22-2008 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by mknapik (Post 1649675)
Any chance of an email notification being added? Similar to what happens with a new user registration email?

I will have a think about it, but if I am being honest, the answer would be probably not.

My reasoning is as follows: You have to take into account, that every time there is a new registration to moderate, every admin and smod would receive an email.

So, if you have say 10 staff who this will apply to and 30 people register in an hour you are talking 300 emails an hour being sent out, just for moderation (in a medium forum, this is not an unrealistic figure, on a big board this could well be hundreds of registrations a day with dozens of staff, so you are talking over a couple of thousand emails just for this), . That is in addition to confirmation emails, birthday emails, subscription emails etc,. This would end up being a resource hog.

In addition, if your web host has a limit on how may emails that can be sent an hour and, say it only allows, for instance 300 emails/hour, you would be a bit buggered wouldn't you, as your host would probably suspend your account.

So, I am quite hesitant to add it, as I think navbar notifications are visual enough, and the whole point of not being logged into the forum is that you have a real life, and if you have planned it well enough, you will have staff to cover most of the day any.

In any case, when I use this hack on a forum, I always advise my potential members that it will take up to 24 hours to process the application, just in case it takes a while for a staff member to log in (usually takes less than 6 hours).

hn74 10-22-2008 05:11 AM

Really great ..

might install it in the feature ..

Alfa1 10-24-2008 12:06 AM

I would like to delegate the task of new user moderations to one or two moderators. Not to a super moderator. Could you be so kind to add the function to assign this permission to specific moderators?

GSeybold 10-24-2008 12:11 AM

I was looking for something like this. thanks!

Mosh 10-24-2008 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1651473)
I would like to delegate the task of new user moderations to one or two moderators. Not to a super moderator. Could you be so kind to add the function to assign this permission to specific moderators?


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1566312)
No, it is not the intent of this hack, it is an Admin function that was opened up to Super Moderators, and before you ask, I will not be extending this hack to accommodate that.

See quote above, from post #22.

Alfa1 10-24-2008 01:00 AM

OK. Too bad. But thanks anyway.

john1744 10-24-2008 03:34 PM

For some odd reason this is flat out not working for me. I uploaded the file, imported the product and when I try to go to modcp/user_moderation from the modCP it just goes to my default redirect. It does not work for me.

Mosh 10-25-2008 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by john1744 (Post 1651840)
For some odd reason this is flat out not working for me. I uploaded the file, imported the product and when I try to go to modcp/user_moderation from the modCP it just goes to my default redirect. It does not work for me.


Originally Posted by 1st Post
Hack Support

I will not be providing any support at all to people who have not clicked Mark as Installed.

I will provide support and respond to feature requests for this hack in this thread only.

Please do NOT PM me for support/feature requests unless I have specifically asked you to do so,
as I will more than likely ignore and delete the PM without a response.

Read the above.

john1744 10-26-2008 04:45 AM

Oops sorry I marked as installed now.

Mosh 10-26-2008 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by john1744 (Post 1652889)
Oops sorry I marked as installed now.

I take it you did at least steps 1 - 4 (ensuring both options were set in step 4) of the installation instructions, and you are having this issue? (step 5 is optional)

If so, then can you describe the actions taken to produce this issue, then I will see if I can replicate it.

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