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EPC Massive User Creator :: Using PHP and .NET (ALL SOURCES)
Massive User Creator v1.0 DONE .NET STYLE 1st of it's kind on vBulletin.org for sharing a .NET source (that I know of) to work with the forums via creating massive users instantly! Floris was the one that inspired me to release this source so I'm blaming Floris. (This is a joke) If you don't like this hack then move on, because after reading of the complainers and whiners in his thread it was sad to see the drama queens in action in there saying how unmoral it is and etc... If you don't like it then move on!!! No drama is needed here, I have a 12 year old girl that does enough of that, we don't need no grown men or women dramatizing in this thread. So no drama please! Consider this as a learning curve on how .NET works with xmlrpc and the likes! Unleashing the power of .NET, XMLRPC and just clicking a button = faster way to fill up your forums in no time at all. This is not just for anybody. You will need the following tool under requirements or hire a .NET coder that can do it for you. Because you'll need to enter in the hard coded part of the URL that's needed to be changed in Proxy.vb. I'm not making this as a version to where you can simply enter the URL to where the script (rpc_users.php) is for liability reasons. I'm giving you sources ONLY! The rest is up to you, you could donate to the cause of this and I can make a build for your forums personally. Also, if you are a .NET guru you have the right to expand this project if you like, just credits should be given back and upload here your sources ONLY after I approve of them, so don't go uploading stuff until we approve of it. Requirements: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 or higher Instructions: Quote:
I can't see no reason for upgrades due to the fact it's been working since 3.5 :) Zip Contents: Also included in the zip folder you will find the following ONLY, no .exe will be included: Quote:
Now, a bit of the PHP file, you can expand this to your likings if you see as follows: PHP Code:
So enjoy what you have here and happy adding! ;) Click install if you like this. Disclaimer: I claim no responsibility and neither does anyone else in your mishaps and etc... If you decide to cripple your forums because of your stupidity actions don't come crying here on vbulletin.org about how you made your board die after opening up 10 instances sending 50 million users to your forums in a matter of seconds. You think we are responsible for you burning your own house down? :rolleyes: |
Reserved for later purposes...
outstanding Blogtorank,,, Im fascinated by this and will look more into it... ;)
Thanks man, it's cool to share with you all here, it's a one of a kind for sure. I searched all throughout here on the .org and can't find no one else doing any work within .NET with shared sources as this.
If you don't have .NET there at all for you deepdog let me know since you are the first install I'll build you a release to do for your forums so you can test it out and give me some feedback. I know it works personally I have done this for over 30+ forums for others already ;) Since you are my number one installed just send to me via PM your forum URL, your e-mail address I can send it too, and will e-mail to you a release. It's fun watching a forums go from 1 - 10,000 in a matter of 2 minutes ;) even shows up as a legit member on your forums to boot! Let me know if you need me to. If you have it we'll pass it onto the next person then! As long as they give a bit of feedback. |
So, this can be used to make "bot" members? Instead of cheating the statistics, this actually makes users?
Pretty nice i could say, this makes the "Fake Statistics" look like a puppy :P *Clicks install...* Now i gotta get .NET and see what's up... P.S.: blogtorank...in your vB Version field, i see your using 3.8.0? Is that a typo, or have you been selected to test a new vB version? |
So this will allow a new forum the ability to add thousands of users to their site, that don't really exist, to make their site look as if it is more active than it really is? You may want to mention to those thinking this is a great feature that if your site says it has 10,000 users and the site only contains 300 threads or posts, your site will not look "great", but rather like you have a ton of users who do not post.
Anyone who uses this feature needs to do so in moderation. It isn't something I would ever use (I wont unleash the drama aspect) but those that do should keep in mind the ratio of posts to users that they have. A site with thousands of users and no activity is worse than an active site with fewer users. |
Man I'm using v1.0.0 of vBulletin still ;) Just kidding. That's a typo in my "user profile" in regards to 3.8.0, I'm on 3.6.8 I don't know what I was thinking, just only human man! So yeah enjoy this and if you got any questions feel free to ask here in the thread. |
Yes this will do so, but I stated it's up to them to use and learn with. They can use Floris's hack to fill in the void of missing threads and posts if needed. This is a "standalone" and as I said it's for others to use at will and is FREE as a give-to-the-community. Just others can use this with any other hack out there, so with Floris's hack you wouldn't have no problem filling that so called "Void" of lacking threads and posts. Also, Thanks for the "NO-Drama" dude! :cool: |
I understand they could use the other hack to fill the void. I am referring to actual posts though. The fake stats are just for show. In the actual forums, people get to see what actually exists. If people are looking around a relatively slow site, that displays they have thousands of users and threads/posts, but the forums themselves are fairly empty, it will expose the jig. My suggestion was for those that do use this to keep that in mind.
Try to balance your threads and posts to the stats you display. otherwise, the artificial mods could actually cause your site more harm than good. If people start realizing the numbers aren't "real", they could potentially expose your site on other sites throughout the net. (Especially sites competing with you.;)) Don't get carried away is all I am basically suggesting. I can see new admins thinking that adding thousands of users will help their site grow faster. It really wont if the content of the site is lacking. |
Another way to help fill their voids is put some RSS feeds for "So called News" into the RSS Feed Manager and let it rip for more content. Hell I even syndicate from Craigslist.org to our advertisers forums. But there is another way to make more "threads and posts" is using Tim's AI bot on here. There's so many ways to fill a void automatically it's crazy :).
Anyhow thanks for bringing all this to attention here Rich, greatly appreciated! |
There's also a mod out there...I forget the name of it...the guy was advertising it on the vbseo forums...but it will actually take the full content from Yahoo groups and post it on your site. So with that mod, you get a bunch of non-members posting these questions...but if you add it in with this mod, you can definitely make it look like your site is growing rapidly. The only bad thing, that mod I'm talking about costs over 100 bucks I think :(
So here's my thoughts: 1. Create the users with this mod. 2. Save the usernames to a file 3. Input this file into a form on the backend... Rest of it will come here I'll draw it up later today and see if this will work of my idea and everyone else's, because it's not against the law to pull from feeds, content sources of articles and etc... I'll get back later on this one and update here what I come up with. Though thanks AzzidReign for a bit more insight on how this can grow even more! |
Lovely idea, very imaginative and about time someone branched off into something a little different.
I've never understood the whole drama aspect - a website is private property and people need to come to realise that. It's like my neighbours, who complain It's my property and I'll do as I please. But alas, this is cool. I may try it, I have 500,000 posts but only 5000 members - in my circumstance I think this could work really well. |
interesting.. I can go both ways with this hack.. the good and the bad.
But I will take a raincheck my friend... I also work on several or more forums, but my clients dont allow giving out info... I like YO mod, Floris and there are a few more like this... :cool: Some forums owners want quick results at times so this option works great in this case... Owners sometimes use that PPP { payperpost } option, in some cases it works, but in most situations it sucks... Your Mod gives the Admins more control over growing a community without shelling out mega buck-o-laa's... Keep the ball rolling... |
People who blame me will be ignored for the full 100%. I have nothing to do with this modification.
Can this mod add real users as well? Let's say I have 1000 users that I need to actually register so they dont have to....will this be the tool to use?
Username1 | Their@email.com And etc... So yes you can! It creates a "REAL" user on the forums. Not a fake number. |
Yeah the whole drama thing on the net is a given (power struggles), it's something I have never understood neither. However that's why I posted it in the beginning of the posting for this hack. On a side-note I'm working on a solution for auto-posting now where if you use this hack to have them look like real posters :cool: |
I think this is a brilliant modification...
my only problem is having to get out the install disc for all my .NET application :). Never the less, i think you are a bright minded talented person to think of this. because just think if you have 100 members people arent going to sign up if you have 2000 members, people are going to think, wow this site looks active, i want to take part! I bow to you sir! |
HAHA, well you better dust off the disk and the case, cause you'll like this guaranteed it's pretty nifty. I would say it's endless, because some admins of forums should be able to take a service to the forums owner telling them they can increase the member ratio (only until I get this other idea worked out for auto-content) for a small charge of such and such. Just a bit of insight for the ones that wanna make a bit extra $ if they wanted.
I'm not here to profit off my toys, I'm here to share some innovations! |
Lol, nice concept
P.S.: I've nominated this for MOTM... hope you don't mind :p |
How about when part II is done :) cause we are working on the content solution now for these new so called "members." :cool: |
Disclaimer: I claim no responsibility and neither does anyone else in your mishaps and etc... If you decide to cripple your forums because of your stupidity actions don't come crying here on vbulletin.org about how you made your board die after opening up 10 instances sending 50 million users to your forums in a matter of seconds. You think we are responsible for you burning your own house down? :rolleyes: |
You're right, a single Advertiser can sue you big time! Anyways, nice cheating! :p |
Im not sure how adding members to your own forum can give some one the grounds to sue you...
vBulletin allows you to create members using the control panel.. so i dont see how using a program to do the same thing is illegal in any way. i nominated this for mod of the month |
First, don't make assumptions about people (they're wrong) -- you asked for no Drama but you've just made some.
Second, anytime you misrepresent something and people pay money to advertise on your site, you are liable for misrepresentation and can be sued if they feel they paid more based on that misrepresentation. It's called fraud -- but really only matters if you accept advertisers. Imagine if CBS made it look like they had twice the viewers for a television show that they really had. You don't think the advertisers would be asking for half their money back if they found out the numbers were wrong? I'm not making any judgments on people. I just want them to be aware so they don't necessarily follow bad advice (the mod is a neat idea -- your suggestion on charging people for bumping up a forum owner's membership was not a good one in my opinion -- as long as it's deception). -vissa |
Yes, but plain point I made it a fact that's up to "THEM." However you want to do it just like I said, just throwing ideas out there and appreciate your thoughts on it though. NO one is accountable for another's actions or reactions!
However the hack is here for anyone to utilize and learn how it all works as a learning curve as I stated in the post. Comments on how the hack can be used and utilized is up to the End-User, I just threw an idea out there, but as I stated that's up to the "End-User" to decide on what to do with the hack. Anyhow thanks for your concern and comments. Because the auto-poster is going to be released here shortly since these so called "new / dead users" need to be posting. So I have the void covered now with the auto-posting of "REAL" content finalized. Just doing a bit more touch-ups and will create a new hack just for the users that this tool creates and the usernames the End-user wants to define... It's a lite hack and will expand on it as time allows. Just as I said it's here for a learning curve, and if anything think of click fraud on Google is more burdensome than my little ole "suggestion." I never have used Google for advertising but hear of Google being sued non-stop due to click fraud. (see for yourself) Remember this hack is up to whomever wants to use it and they can consult with their "licensed/barred attorney" on how much fraud this imposes to add massive users vs how you can add a single user inside the backend of vBulletin as the admin... No drama here, just the facts that I appreciate to go off a very viable source for "legal information." |
Ok folks, enough of the "missing" voids, a few days later we now have:
EPC Autoposter for vBulletin Hack! So enjoy! |
About this modification though. While I do not really agree with the idea of it, it happens to be a legitimate modification which may have some uses. Maybe to register members who cannot register normally by bulk because of spam controls being too strict, or for various other reasons. Or to import from an old forum on mass. Besides, anyone who misuses it only has themselves to blame. You can easily see what forums will use this or the fake statistics mod due to ratios between posts and members or the like. |
As you stated and we stated, no one is responsible for other's actions and reactions all in all, you do what you want, take responsibility :) Thanks again cheat-master30! Best regards, BTR |
I`ve just downloaded and installed cant wait to see the results of massive user creator + auto poster. It is an awesome combo for forum owners. Thank you.
You are very welcome and if you require any assistance, you know feel free to let us know. We have just now added another hack to go with this whole series we have made so far. Just here to broaden the minds is all!
I have noticed on alot asking us to help make releases which we are doing on a per request basis, we have noticed that some are missing the core requirements of having XML_RPC compiled in to make this work...
If you upload the rpc_users.php file and then display it in a browser and see this: PHP Code:
If you have installed this on your forums, and go point your browser to the rpc_users.php and see this: Quote:
Thought I would post this in hopes to help others out with this issue, make sure you have XML_RPC installed to use this. It's the means of communication of the application to the forums/server. Best regards, BTR Edited and added in: If you have SSH you can verify if PHP Pear package XML_RPC is installed by checking: Quote:
http://pear.php.net/package/XML_RPC/ Hope this helps! |
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