1st problem: you got looged out of ur admin panel
reason: it's probably because of one of ur hacks u installed...u will have to globally turn off all your do this by going to your ftp server....there u will see the file on includes tha you will see that add this line right under <?php
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
once again ftp panel--->includes---->config.php--->open and right under <?php add this line define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
what will happen when u add this it will stop all your hacks and u will be able to accesss ur admin panel...once u enter your admin panel disable your most recent hacks...than go back to your ftp panel and remove define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); from config.php..and all your plugins will be back on again....than one by one check which hack caused the error...
2nd question: about error for funtion
you go to admin cp----> to plugin manager ----> look for vbshout it should be all the way at the bottom---> under that section u should see fetch hook and edit that...i am placing a pic for ur convience
3rd question: about the html coding dealing with the color i was asking for help...not giving the codes so please dont use that....i was wondering if someone could look at the code and guide what to change regarding the colors
i hope i helped u....and sorry for not responding sooner..may god bless u and hope all works out