pokesph |
01-13-2005 03:30 PM |
is there an error in the uprade script?
I noticed it didn't run after we updated our vB to 2.0.5..
the funtion called isn't the funtion scripted.. i.e. doupgrade and the funtion written is doupgrade1
PHP Code:
// ######################### Start the install #######################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'install')
if ($step == '0')
echo "<p><b>Welcome to vBXirc version $version. Running this script will do a clean install of vBXirc onto your server.</b></p>";
echo "<p><b>If you have upgraded vBulletin and need to update vBXirc <a href=\"vbxirc_install.php?step=doupgrade\"><b>Click here to begin the upgrade process --></b></a>.</b></p>";
echo "<a href=\"vbxirc_install.php?do=uninstall\"><b>Click here to uninstall vBXirc --></b></a>\n";
echo "<p><a href=\"vbxirc_install.php?step=dosettings\"><b>Click here to begin the installation process --></b></a></p><br>\n";
//then a bit down the script:
if ($step == 'doupgrade1')
echo "Creating Templates... <br /><br />";
insert_template('vbxirc_index', "$vbxirc_index_content");
insert_template('vbxirc_header', "$vbxirc_header_content");
insert_template('vbxirc_hi', "$vbxirc_hi_content");
insert_template('vbxirc_help', "$vbxirc_help_content");
insert_template('vbxirc_footer', "$vbxirc_footer_content");
insert_template('vbxirc_small', "$vbxirc_small_content");
insert_template('vbxirc_navbar', "$vbxirc_navbar_content");
build_all_styles(0, 0, "vbxirc_install.php?$session[sessionurl]step=upgrade2");
if ($step == 'doupgrade2')
update_setting('allowguest', 'Allow Guests to enter?', 'This will let you either enable or disable the chat to guests. By default guests are allowed to enter');
// and so on......
is that a typo or ???