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Dave Hybrid 06-22-2009 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by vktechnology (Post 1834434)
Does google rerally crawl vB Global Translator URL ?
i checked for few sites i didnt see google crawl it

It crawls and indexes them just fine. I wouldn't say it did if I hadn't fully tested it.

vividbreeze 06-22-2009 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1834575)
They can't, they have to register and post in your base language.

Ah, would there be a way to do this at all?

If not, I have a forum that is 95% english and then also a Spanish section, will this skrew anything up?

Dave Hybrid 06-22-2009 09:51 AM

Use if conditions and exclude the flags from showing on non english pages.

jaryx 06-22-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1833412)
open_basedir restriction in effect error

you need to ask you host to fix that.

I've got answer from my host:

set_time_limit - it's only warning - but that unfortunately we can not
unlock ...
In contrast, open_basedir is set out by the safety recommendations - and completely
should be sufficient to operate each function.

We can modify it a bit but in this case, the script tries to access the
/ proc / loadavg - and to the / proc powers we can not give - what is the
attempt to reach an explanation of this file?
And what can I do? :confused:

Bounce 06-22-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1834578)
Some sites throw an error from time to time when large pages get translated and are a bit slow. I ignore them. They will stop/slow down as your site gets cached.

Any idea how long this will take ? Threads: 35,170 | Posts: 632,397

t3nt3tion 06-23-2009 02:15 AM

Nice script. Although I can see how it`s generating alot of MySQL usage.
After a page loads in a certain language and you use cache, it will search for the text in the new database, which, when searching for text without full text search enable, it will put pressure weather you like it or not.
Alternatives can be adopted though ...

Nytol 06-23-2009 08:52 AM

Does it have to be InnoDB? :confused: I don't see it on my DB list. Was wondering if I could pick another option.

Dave Hybrid 06-23-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by jaryx (Post 1834754)
I've got answer from my host:

And what can I do? :confused:

Get a better host, seriously.

Dave Hybrid 06-23-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nytol (Post 1835460)
Does it have to be InnoDB? :confused: I don't see it on my DB list. Was wondering if I could pick another option.

Yes, or it will be slower, your host can enable it.

Dave Hybrid 06-23-2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by t3nt3tion (Post 1835307)
Nice script. Although I can see how it`s generating alot of MySQL usage.
After a page loads in a certain language and you use cache, it will search for the text in the new database, which, when searching for text without full text search enable, it will put pressure weather you like it or not.
Alternatives can be adopted though ...

I'd love to hear suggestions...

Dave Hybrid 06-23-2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1835138)
Any idea how long this will take ? Threads: 35,170 | Posts: 632,397

Depends on your server, google and 100 other things, probably months, just like any normal pages would take to index.

merkaz 06-23-2009 12:48 PM

I really need this hack :(
But it didn't work with me !

Bounce 06-23-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1835495)
Depends on your server, google and 100 other things, probably months, just like any normal pages would take to index.

thanks :up:

barcena 06-24-2009 03:36 AM

What will happened if your forum it is, lets say, in italian and people starts to write in russian or arabian?.

The Spanish translation is funny though.

Dave Hybrid 06-24-2009 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by barcena (Post 1836142)
What will happened if your forum it is, lets say, in italian and people starts to write in russian or arabian?.

The Spanish translation is funny though.

They cant, this is a translator that allows the site to be read and indexed in other languages not a plugin that allows users to post in other languages.

persianpros 06-24-2009 11:02 AM

please add persian language

kalisekj 06-24-2009 04:20 PM

Hi I Installed this and the Flags Look good but If I choose any other language other than English I get the following error:
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Can you help me resolve this? I do not mind PM'ing you the required access. I am using ZointsSEO , since VBSEO will not accept my site. HTTP://FreeOnlineMoviesForum.com

Dave Hybrid 06-24-2009 04:32 PM

It is ONLY working with normal vb or vbseo. That's IT.

kalisekj 06-24-2009 07:35 PM

Hey Dave Can I turn Zoints Tag off and have it work? Not Exactly sure how the SEO would interfere with translating pages.

Dave Hybrid 06-24-2009 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by kalisekj (Post 1836645)
Hey Dave Can I turn Zoints Tag off and have it work? Not Exactly sure how the SEO would interfere with translating pages.

Its to do with how the rewritten seo'd urls are processed. So you'd have to drop zoints urls in favour of vbseo or vanila vb. That wouldn't be advisable as you'd lose you current search traffic for your index pages.

kalisekj 06-24-2009 08:00 PM

I appreciate your feedback on this Dave you are truly a great asset. I do have a question though, I believe zoints tag is rewritting the urls in much the same way that VBSEO is, wouldn't it just be a matter of showing how the URL's are being rewritten, or have your addon ignore it and just create it's own url's as it is gonna do anyways? That is what your add on is doing right, creating a new page in the new language and storing that in the DB?

Interesting thing though I see the translator worked on my downloads.php page. So Maybe it is working just will take time to do my main page? Is there a way I can chk in the DB to see if its truly working?

CThiessen 06-24-2009 08:06 PM

i just installed this on my Forum.
I have two suggestions for an upcoming Version.
1.If possible ad a Pull down Menu were the user ca set the Source Language.
So my Forum is in German but sometimes the Users also write in Portuguese or in English.
2.If possible add the Meta Tag for the Language in the translated page:
<meta name="language" content="xx">

Greetings Christian

barcena 06-24-2009 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1836287)
They cant, this is a translator that allows the site to be read and indexed in other languages not a plugin that allows users to post in other languages.

Thank you Dave, it's a relieve to know. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/02/1.gif

Dave Hybrid 06-24-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1836663)
i just installed this on my Forum.
I have two suggestions for an upcoming Version.
1.If possible ad a Pull down Menu were the user ca set the Source Language.
So my Forum is in German but sometimes the Users also write in Portuguese or in English.
2.If possible add the Meta Tag for the Language in the translated page:
<meta name="language" content="xx">

Greetings Christian

Noted, the meta tag in particular. Not that i have noticed any issues with it being left at default.

Seems to be working well on your forum. Congrats.

Dave Hybrid 06-24-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by kalisekj (Post 1836660)
I appreciate your feedback on this Dave you are truly a great asset. I do have a question though, I believe zoints tag is rewritting the urls in much the same way that VBSEO is, wouldn't it just be a matter of showing how the URL's are being rewritten, or have your addon ignore it and just create it's own url's as it is gonna do anyways? That is what your add on is doing right, creating a new page in the new language and storing that in the DB?

Interesting thing though I see the translator worked on my downloads.php page. So Maybe it is working just will take time to do my main page? Is there a way I can chk in the DB to see if its truly working?

It doesnt work like that, it's in how the urls are called so that the flags know what page to send to the translator.

For example behind the scenes when you click the arabic flag on a vbseo site the url is called using this command.

<a rel="novbseo"href="<?php echo (strstr($_SERVER["VBSEO_URI"],'?hl='.@$_GET['hl'])) ? str_replace('?hl='.@$_GET['hl'], '', $_SERVER["VBSEO_URI"]) . '?hl=ar' : str_replace('?hl='.@$_GET['hl'], '', $_SERVER["VBSEO_URI"]) . "?hl=ar"; ?>"><img src="/flags/Saudi Arabia.gif" alt="Arabic" border="0" /></a>

I have no idea how zoints calls re-written urls from the server, have a play, you might be able to something to work.

Dave Hybrid 06-24-2009 08:19 PM

FYI I'm working on a new version, it gets rid of MySQL altogether (it just cannot cope with very large sites) and speed is even better. Will keep you updated.

barcena 06-25-2009 04:08 AM

I don't really have the time to read 19 pages so I want to ask a question it may has been addressed before, can Google considers this as a duplicated content?, meaning bad for the Adsense?.

Dave Hybrid 06-25-2009 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by barcena (Post 1836864)
I don't really have the time to read 19 pages so I want to ask a question it may has been addressed before, can Google considers this as a duplicated content?, meaning bad for the Adsense?.

No, translations are treated as original content. Because they are original.

NLP-er 06-25-2009 10:06 PM

Installed :)

But have a problem - with special letters. In Polish we have ąęśćł?żź an words with those are not translated, just appears without this letters.

So "Społeczność" is shown as "Spoeczno" instead of beeing translated to "Society" or "Community".

I'm pretty sure that google should translate it, and I think that this is some encoding issue. Any solution?

NLP-er 06-25-2009 10:08 PM

And next thing - when we solve this how to flush all the cache, so it will be translated again but correctly??

NLP-er 06-25-2009 10:14 PM

And another problem - my site is in polish, I set $fl = 'pl'; but when hitting polish flag instead going to same page it translates it :eek: From polish to polish - it looks awful and also polish special letters disappears (i see rectangles instead).

NLP-er 06-25-2009 10:16 PM

Sorry for spamming - I have 1st at night right now and it's hard to think ;)

But it's best time to do things like installing your mod ;)

So next thing - is it possible to also translate vbSEO links?
Why after translation main page all links goes to normal languege? Can you make those going to actual language?

Dave Hybrid 06-25-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1837439)
Installed :)

But have a problem - with special letters. In Polish we have ąęśćł?żź an words with those are not translated, just appears without this letters.

So "Społeczność" is shown as "Spoeczno" instead of beeing translated to "Society" or "Community".

I'm pretty sure that google should translate it, and I think that this is some encoding issue. Any solution?

So your base language is Polish and when transalting to all other languages some polish words are skipped, correct.

What about on my test site going from english to polish, are the words correct?



Dave Hybrid 06-25-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1837447)
Sorry for spamming - I have 1st at night right now and it's hard to think ;)

But it's best time to do things like installing your mod ;)

So next thing - is it possible to also translate vbSEO links?
Why after translation main page all links goes to normal languege? Can you make those going to actual language?

No, and there is no need, this has been discussed before.

If the script did that it would translate your registration, login everything and that would cause problems.

This translates pages for bots and traffic, not users.

Dave Hybrid 06-25-2009 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1837441)
And next thing - when we solve this how to flush all the cache, so it will be translated again but correctly??

The script does this automatically.

I have noted all your other issues and agree, they will be fixed in next update, after we finish improving the database speed for large sites.

NLP-er 06-25-2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1837448)
So your base language is Polish and when transalting to all other languages some polish words are skipped, correct.

What about on my test site going from english to polish, are the words correct?



Not some words ony those which have special letters like ąęśćł?żź. Many languages has such.

I also sow in code that actual language is skipped during translation, but still something goes wrong - special letters disappears and result is like in wrong encoding, so I think that even skipped encoding is changes - maybe in headers. It should be just same link under flag without hl parameter and then we will have no problem with that. But still with translation of words with special letters.

Speed is really awful, but I still think that its good idea - after cache it will give better places in google (i think so:)) and maybe better clicks in advertisements, because I will not have to cut off links about same theme - in other countries it's not my competition :P So there will be more good advertise in adSense.

Great job and waiting for fast bug correction :up:

NLP-er 06-25-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1837448)
What about on my test site going from english to polish, are the words correct?


It's correct.

As I wrote I think there is encoding problem. You have everything in UTF8 so it is ok to show any language. But when someone starts i.e. from ISO-8859-2 and You send it to Google telling that it's in utf8 then its gibberish for google and such strange thing happens... It should recognize correctly start encoding.

Also this is probablu cuse of strange behaviour with translation fomr polih to polish - translation is skilled, byt encoding written as utf8 even if it was not parsed to utf8, but stayed in ISO-8859-2...

Correction in meta is still charset=ISO-8859-2, so I suppose that not everything is skipped during translation... I will look in code, but suppose that it translates to utf8, but in meta stays charset=ISO-8859-2 and thats the problem...

NLP-er 06-25-2009 11:14 PM

I solved my problem with translation from polish to polish - simply edited translateflags.php and removed all " . '?hl=pl'".

If you make $fl global and import translate.php to translateflags.php you could check and don't add param hl for default language - this solves the problem in generic way.

After all I just removed whole polish flag - all links are pushing back to polish so what for?...

NLP-er 06-25-2009 11:46 PM

And that's why we have problem with translation from polish to polish - even if it's skipped:


// Enable UTF-8 characters
header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

From vB Global Translator - you hange encoding, and then skip translation in callback() - you can also here check does hl != fl (assuming that fl will be global) and only then do your things. Now even when translation is skipped some other things happens - reminders for style and script...

NLP-er 06-26-2009 12:27 AM

Hie hie - I solved problem for you - where is avard :D

To solve problem with translate words with national signs like ąęśćł... you have to reencode it first to utf8 before send to google. So it is enough to set global variable i.e. $defEncoding and then change in translate.php this line:


@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0&langpair=".urlencode($fl.'|'.$tl)."&q=".urlencode($text));
To this one:

@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0&langpair=".urlencode($fl.'|'.$tl)."&q=".urlencode(iconv($defEncoding, 'utf-8', $text)));
iconv($defEncoding, 'utf-8', $text) instead of $text

Of course this works assuming that all pages have same encoding - if not it must be parsed from meta.

Now - sleep it's 3:27 at night in my place :eek:

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