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Mahar 02-25-2009 12:39 PM

Is it possible for us to create our own awards?

mindfawk 02-25-2009 09:14 PM

Is there a way to mass import items for the shop?

Phalynx 02-26-2009 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Phrost (Post 1748266)
Is there any way to just display the level bar (and not the green one below it) on the postbit?

You'll need to edit the template "xperience_gfx"


Originally Posted by pertiga (Post 1748827)
congratulations, i instalalled it and run correctly, but in de admin panel, i can?t modifiy setting, bar, etc...the form is empty, but no report any trouble.
(my english in bad, sorry, jejeje)

See here:

Also, please click "Mark as Installed"


Originally Posted by Phrost (Post 1749186)
One more question, while I wait for my last one to get answered: Is there a way to give points for when someone is promoted to a usergroup? This would be an awesome supplement for our Supporting Members and Sponsors groups.

You will need to create a plugin via CDP.


Originally Posted by bamfonk (Post 1750387)
question...if users get lets say 100 points for posts is there a way that i can make a item that if they get 100 points for posting they can trade in the points to change there user group type?

Not possible atm


Originally Posted by zbosskiller (Post 1750554)
Hhmmm, for some reason I can't get the 'Activity' bar to show anything at all. I've even ammended the PPD, all it shows is 0%.
Any ideas would be appreciated

Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

Phalynx 02-26-2009 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by phreak79 (Post 1750785)
Still no luck with this, on any template I use. I've checked the source code and nothing is appearing in the relevant bit below the username on the posts. Could I have the source code and add it manually to the relevant template file?

By the way, I've checked in the template area for vbExperience and there is no template resembling postbit. That's wrong isn't it?

It's called xperience_gfx


Originally Posted by Nimrod. (Post 1750914)
Thanks, mod works great excpet that the activity bar and percentage does not increase beyond 0%. Anyone know how to get that working?

Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1750952)
did that, doesn't work

You will need to increase the levels in the level XML, import that level XML and do an recount.


Originally Posted by hishan (Post 1752192)
I have installed this on my forum but it wont work why is that. I'm using vBulletin 3.7.4 Pached Level 1. Can you explain again in steps by steps how to install it correctly.


To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1752385)
@ Marius: i've a HUGE trouble with the vBex :(

like you know the cpnav doesn't run correctly, but now all the user's activity is 0%!!! i've tried to change the level from small to big ... also i've unistalled the vBex many times (with the kill.php file) but nothing has changed ... also i've seen that when i've killed your hack i've two templates uncached ... and also i can tell you that when i've reinstalled the vBex (after the kill) i've got the same settings that i've BEFORE the kill ... (i also checked into my phpmyadmin but the tables were correctly deleted)

can you tell me something? any tip/help?

Thanks for pointing me to the Project on vbulletin.com

As for the activity: Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

Phalynx 02-26-2009 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by bockworst (Post 1753215)
I have a little problem, if a user sells an shop item then on the redirect page it displays

"Warning: Missing argument 2 for xPerience::CalculateXP(), called in [path]/xperience.php on line 524 and defined in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php (Line 13)"

whats wrong?

You have outdated files on your server. Please upload all files from the vBExperience ZIP again.


Originally Posted by mindfawk (Post 1754202)
I don't want admins to be ignored but it would be nice if the award system actually treated them like regular users instead of handing them out awards that others should actually be getting.

only other issue that i'm having is when giving an item from the shop to another user i'm getting an sql error.

It's not favouring admins in giving awards. If the admins are on first place with the according awards, they are getting the award. You can use the order and query position to tweak it.


Originally Posted by Mahar (Post 1754214)
Is it possible for us to create our own awards?

Please read the instructions.


Originally Posted by mindfawk (Post 1754661)
Is there a way to mass import items for the shop?

No, not without custom queries on the DB.

KURTZ 02-26-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755083)
Thanks for pointing me to the Project on vbulletin.com

As for the activity: Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

nothing Marius is a pleasure :)

however check here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...65#post1755065

maybe you can fix that error in your hack ...

Phalynx 02-26-2009 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1755103)
nothing Marius is a pleasure :)

however check here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...65#post1755065

maybe you can fix that error in your hack ...

I cannot see a fix in the thread you mentioned.

DobieGillis? 02-26-2009 11:24 AM

still one of the best Mods out there, bar none. See what I did there?

KURTZ 02-26-2009 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755111)
I cannot see a fix in the thread you mentioned.

no, i mean that maybe vBex give us the cpnav trouble ... the other user said that he got the trouble after the installation of vBex ...

Phalynx 02-26-2009 11:53 AM

Test it:
Delete cpnav_xperience.xml from your server and see if the links to blog settings are working.

KURTZ 02-26-2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755148)
Test it:
Delete cpnav_xperience.xml from your server and see if the links to blog settings are working.

nothing to do ... but someone have told me that some hack eat the amp& ... i don't know how ...

Phalynx 02-26-2009 01:11 PM

Thanks, Christian.

"Someone" told me this is not the reason. Why? Even the vBulletin developers said it's a bug in PHP Lib's. As long as the options are accessable through the AdminCP I don't see anything I can do.

PHP 5.2.9 is now released.

KURTZ 02-26-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755211)
Thanks, Christian.

"Someone" told me this is not the reason. Why? Even the vBulletin developers said it's a bug in PHP Lib's. As long as the options are accessable through the AdminCP I don't see anything I can do.

PHP 5.2.9 is now released.

superb, i'll give it a try ... asap :)

chrisnufcfan 02-26-2009 02:42 PM

Database error after uninstallation:


Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET xperience_done=0 WHERE userid='1';

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'xperience_done' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, February 26th 2009 @ 10:40:05 AM
Error Date : Thursday, February 26th 2009 @ 10:40:05 AM
Script : http://premierfootball.net/newreply....postreply&t=15
Referrer : http://premierfootball.net/newreply....noquote=1&p=48
IP Address : ******************
Username : chrisnufcfan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community
Help please.

sbsforum.us 02-26-2009 03:46 PM

All of the sudden just stopped working? Awards went away and so did both bars. Didn't erase stats, any ideas?

mindfawk 02-26-2009 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755091)
Originally Posted by mindfawk
I don't want admins to be ignored but it would be nice if the award system actually treated them like regular users instead of handing them out awards that others should actually be getting.

only other issue that i'm having is when giving an item from the shop to another user i'm getting an sql error.
It's not favouring admins in giving awards. If the admins are on first place with the according awards, they are getting the award. You can use the order and query position to tweak it.

I've disabled the awards all together; as it is favouring admins, that is the only thing that can explain why the referrel reward is being listed to someone who has not a single referrel.

Phalynx 02-26-2009 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by chrisnufcfan (Post 1755307)
Database error after uninstallation:
Help please.

Read the instructions. They say you will have to uninstall the product XML file.


Originally Posted by sbsforum.us (Post 1755343)
All of the sudden just stopped working? Awards went away and so did both bars. Didn't erase stats, any ideas?

Addon disabled?


Originally Posted by mindfawk (Post 1755395)
I've disabled the awards all together; as it is favouring admins, that is the only thing that can explain why the referrel reward is being listed to someone who has not a single referrel.

Cannot confirm that. Check configuration of the referral award.

sbsforum.us 02-26-2009 05:40 PM

Hey all, figured it out another addon that I installed conflicted.

For the developers records - "yet another medal" addon break this one

(i was trying to combine get the best of both worlds kinda thing)

chrisnufcfan 02-26-2009 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755400)
Read the instructions. They say you will have to uninstall the product XML file.


I have uninstalled the product .xml file from the admin cp...

Phalynx 02-26-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by sbsforum.us (Post 1755407)
Hey all, figured it out another addon that I installed conflicted.

For the developers records - "yet another medal" addon break this one

(i was trying to combine get the best of both worlds kinda thing)

Thanks for informing us about this.


Originally Posted by chrisnufcfan (Post 1755444)
I have uninstalled the product .xml file from the admin cp...

100% not.

KURTZ 02-27-2009 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755211)
PHP 5.2.9 is now released.

just upgraded the libxml @ 2.7.3 and the php @ 5.2.9 and the trouble is gone :p i'm waiting for your 3.8.2 :D thx for your support Marius!

chrisnufcfan 02-27-2009 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755469)

100% not.

I quite clearly have, otherwise I wouldn't have said it! :rolleyes:
What do you want? Screenshots?

Phalynx 02-27-2009 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1755876)
just upgraded the libxml @ 2.7.3 and the php @ 5.2.9 and the trouble is gone :p i'm waiting for your 3.8.2 :D thx for your support Marius!

Great News! 3.8.2 is on the way.


Originally Posted by chrisnufcfan (Post 1755887)
I quite clearly have, otherwise I wouldn't have said it! :rolleyes:
What do you want? Screenshots?

Yeah, you have, sure. And the error message comes from a vBExperience Plugin missing it's tables. So tell me now you have uninstalled it and you still have the problem...

DobieGillis? 02-27-2009 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1755976)
Great News! 3.8.2 is on the way.

Yeah, you have, sure. And the error message comes from a vBExperience Plugin missing it's tables. So tell me now you have uninstalled it and you still have the problem...

anyone know any of the features of 3.8.2?

djilou 02-27-2009 12:27 PM

Bug : A member got a gift item A from some one, if this member buy the same item A from the shop, he will not be able to give it away as gift to a another member.

Phalynx 02-27-2009 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by djilou (Post 1756025)
Bug : A member got a gift item A from some one, if this member buy the same item A from the shop, he will not be able to give it away as gift to a another member.

Will be changed in later versions.

Phalynx 02-27-2009 12:42 PM

vBExperience 3.8.2 has been released!

The changelog:
- New addon: Arm of Law. There are also icons for an award.
- Awards: Added award images for several addons
- Shop: Fixed problems with specials chars in username
- Rankings: Fixed not counting activity
- Promotions: Possibility to exclude admins and moderators (configurable for usergroups) from promotions
- Fixed missing phrase in maintenance/update counters
- Changed Phrase "vBExperience" to "Experience"
- Fixed several smaller problems

How to upgrade?
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server. Espacially take care of the images, copy them to your style misc folder if you use a customized style.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience382.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run Maintenance Tools/Recount (this is needed to fix activity!)

Vaupell 02-27-2009 12:55 PM

Thank you. updateing when i get home :D:up:

KURTZ 02-27-2009 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1756046)
vBExperience 3.8.2 has been released!

The changelog:
- New addon: Arm of Law. There are also icons for an award.
- Awards: Added award images for several addons
- Shop: Fixed problems with specials chars in username
- Rankings: Fixed not counting activity
- Promotions: Possibility to exclude admins and moderators (configurable for usergroups) from promotions
- Fixed missing phrase in maintenance/update counters
- Changed Phrase "vBExperience" to "Experience"
- Fixed several smaller problems

How to upgrade?
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server. Espacially take care of the images, copy them to your style misc folder if you use a customized style.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience382.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run Maintenance Tools/Recount (this is needed to fix activity!)

nice job Marius :)

DobieGillis? 02-27-2009 01:18 PM

just upgraded. Do I install the add on Arm of the Law gifs into the same image directory as the other gifs?

Phalynx 02-27-2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1756070)
just upgraded. Do I install the add on Arm of the Law gifs into the same image directory as the other gifs?


Phrost 02-27-2009 01:23 PM

In this fix, do you provide a means to disable the activity level bar in the postbit, or is there another way of going about just showing the level bar?

Stryker412 02-27-2009 01:26 PM

I got an error when doing a recount.

Invalid SQL:
post.userid, COUNT(userid) AS times
FROM vb3_thread
INNER JOIN vb3_post ON thread.lastpostid=post.postid
WHERE post.userid=1
GROUP BY post.userid
ORDER BY post.dateline DESC, post.userid;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post.userid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Friday, February 27th 2009 @ 09:24:13 AM
Error Date : Friday, February 27th 2009 @ 09:24:14 AM

Phalynx 02-27-2009 01:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Phrost (Post 1756074)
In this fix, do you provide a means to disable the activity level bar in the postbit, or is there another way of going about just showing the level bar?

No. You will have manually edit the template.


Originally Posted by Stryker412 (Post 1756077)
I got an error when doing a recount.

Invalid SQL:
post.userid, COUNT(userid) AS times
FROM vb3_thread
INNER JOIN vb3_post ON thread.lastpostid=post.postid
WHERE post.userid=1
GROUP BY post.userid
ORDER BY post.dateline DESC, post.userid;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post.userid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Friday, February 27th 2009 @ 09:24:13 AM
Error Date : Friday, February 27th 2009 @ 09:24:14 AM

There is an error in the addon "Discussion Ender". Pleae update with the attached product XML.
This affects only installations with a DB-Prefix and the Addon "Discussion Ender" installed

DobieGillis? 02-27-2009 01:38 PM

trying to figure out how to apply awards for arm of the law...all is working well so far. What do I label the arm of the law award?

820Media 02-27-2009 01:40 PM

Ive added a shop and alot of items all ready..will upgrading wipe that?

Phalynx 02-27-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1756085)
trying to figure out how to apply awards for arm of the law...all is working well so far.

You will need to create a new award with the Arm Of Law field.


Originally Posted by jetgaming (Post 1756086)
Ive added a shop and alot of items all ready..will upgrading wipe that?

No, such data is not beeing touched.

digicom 02-27-2009 01:54 PM

Upgraded,Much Apprciated :D

Stryker412 02-27-2009 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 1756081)
No. You will have manually edit the template.

There is an error in the addon "Discussion Ender". Pleae update with the attached product XML.
This affects only installations with a DB-Prefix and the Addon "Discussion Ender" installed

Still getting the error.

820Media 02-27-2009 02:04 PM

Upgraded Thanks!

Activity doesnt reflect till the next day? thats what happend with v3.8.1..

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