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Paul M 04-11-2006 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat
This is as silly as asking someone 'why on earth' they would buy a car if they don't know how to perform their own tune ups...

However, if you don't know how to tune up a car, you take it to someone who does, you don't try and do it yourself, and then start asking technical questions you're not going to understand the answers to.

If you want to alter your plumbing and you don't know what you are doing, you get a plumber to do it, If you want to do some electrical work you don't know what you are doing, you get a electrician to do it - the same applies here - If you want to start altering code by installing hacks then you should know what you are doing - if you don't - ask someone who does to do it for you - perhaps even start learning by being with them as they do it.


Originally Posted by pcoskat
Respond to me, if you wish, but as soon as I hit 'reply', I'll also be hitting IGNORE.

You may respond to me, I won't have you on ignore. :)

pcoskat 04-11-2006 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
However, if you don't know how to tune up a car, you take it to someone who does, you don't try and do it yourself, and then start asking technical questions you're not going to understand the answers to.

Exactly, I don't try to do it myself. I know the 'end result' I need, and I look for the technical experts who can handle it.


Originally Posted by Paul M
If you want to start altering code by installing hacks then you should know what you are doing - if you don't - ask someone who does to do it for you

Precisely. (emphasis mine). I'll add 'ask' or 'hire' someone to do it for you (but the pros 'for hire' are few and far between. Hopefully Wayne Luke's directory will solve this problem.)


Originally Posted by Paul M
...perhaps even start learning by being with them as they do it.

I'll pass. My plate is full enough. :)


Originally Posted by Paul M
You may respond to me, I won't have you on ignore. :)

hehe ;)

Freesteyelz 04-11-2006 11:19 PM

Heck, if it were easy what's the point? :D

imported_infitech 04-11-2006 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by amykhar
Amen! Nothing drives me battier then to relesase a mod, have 12 people click install and say great job and then have somebody come along and point out an error in the install instructions that means nobody could possibly have it working.

Then, people come along and see 'great job' and several installs, assume it's working and try to install it before things are fixed.

I don't count how many 'installs' I have. It's a meaningless number. What I much prefer is to see a mod in action on a user's site. It's much more fun to see mods I create making a difference for somebody.

As far as support goes, I try to help when time permits, but I ignore duplicate questions and problematic users. I had somebody plagiarize a chunk of content off my site once and then have the nerve to get miffed when I wouldn't support her when she broke something. She's been grumping about lack of support ever since and all I can do is shake my head in wonder at some people's nerve.

I think what I would like to see are mods in a tentative or beta release status until ALL or the majority of the bugs it has are fully resolved. Then - and only then will these mods be featured in the FULL release forums.

pcoskat 04-12-2006 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by imported_infitech
I think what I would like to see are mods in a tentative or beta release status until ALL or the majority of the bugs it has are fully resolved. Then - and only then will these mods be featured in the FULL release forums.

You and me, both!

Often times, the mods listed as full releases have so many bugs and issues I wonder why they aren't still in beta.

PennylessZ28 04-12-2006 01:17 AM

The fact that this is still going shows where it's going wrong.

People want to keep digging up the past. Lets start fresh and move forward. Stop bickering with each other.

pcoskat 04-12-2006 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
The fact that this is still going shows where it's going wrong.

People want to keep digging up the past. Lets start fresh and move forward. Stop bickering with each other.

We had. See the posts directly above yours.

EricaJoy 04-12-2006 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Serial Killer
People need to get into the habit of asking questions as a last resort. The best way to get an understanding of what a hack does and how it affects the vBulletin script is to read through the thread from start to finish.

I disagree. Some threads for the more popular hacks are so long its not feasible to read through the whole thing. I agree with the notion that a method of marking each bug/issue as resolved would be useful.

Freesteyelz 04-12-2006 01:43 AM

Hmm. This may be a silly question but is there such thing as a "bug" in coding? The way I see it, codes behave as intended. Though, maybe not as the coder had intended. LOL.

pcoskat 04-12-2006 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
The way I see it, codes behave as intended.

Correction: Codes behave as written...not necessarily as intended ;)

Freesteyelz 04-12-2006 01:59 AM

You've missed the next sentence:


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
Though, maybe not as the coder had intended.

So my statement stands until proven otherwise. :D

Edit: Hmm...

Edit Twice Over: Now when I think about it...

pcoskat 04-12-2006 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
You've missed the next sentence:

No I didn't...The second sentence doesn't make the first one correct. :)

Freesteyelz 04-12-2006 02:13 AM

True. I would use the lack of the english language as an excuse but since it's my primary language I'll just have to divert the attention that ---> way. *Whistles into the sunset...* :)

Corriewf 04-12-2006 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
True. I would use the lack of the english language as an excuse but since it's my primary language I'll just have to divert the attention that ---> way. *Whistles into the sunset...* :)


What were you all talking about again?

Freesteyelz 04-12-2006 02:41 AM

*Crafts up the "Divert The Attention" mod*

MThornback 04-12-2006 03:45 AM

Personally, I like the fact that to a certian degree your left on your own to figure things out....I'm WAAAAYYY behind the bell curve of alot of the coders and designers around here....I can do basic edits and tweaks and manipulate templates more on trial and error than skill....but everything I learned here I did because I wanted to know how they did it...and tried to research it on my own.

IF ANYTHING, I think that more coders and designers should take the time to write out tips/tricks/tutorials than awnser questions that are not specific to learning how to do things....especially when those questions get asked over and over in different ways in different threads....its getting to the point where I know the awnser, but not the pre-text to it. For example, a "what VB uses that isn't your average PHP" kind of tutorial would be useful....cause I have no idea what GPC is...I'd like to...but for the life of me I don't get it....

Basically...what i'm saying (its late forgive the ramble) if a question gets asked a bunch of times...maybe a tutorial that includes the concept might be warranted (thank you to those that do create these already, I know I can't be the only one who appreciates them)....it cuts the legs out from under the lazy, and gives more resources to those willing to learn....more importantly, it makes an 'unwritten rule' more fair, because along with the GREAT Mods this site offers, it will help educate the next generation of VB hackers :)

my 0.02....maybe i'm being idealistic at 1am :p but I think that would put this site over the top for usefulness to a wider audience.

pcoskat 04-12-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
True. I would use the lack of the english language as an excuse but since it's my primary language I'll just have to divert the attention that ---> way. *Whistles into the sunset...* :)

I'll forgive you! Mainly because I'm a picky 'editor-type' who is a writer by trade, ANNNNNND because I'm about to start sweet talkin' you about your site design... Did you do that? FABULOUS! FAB-U-LOUS! (Did I see a 'hire me' link on your site? Must go back and look....)


Originally Posted by MThornback
IF ANYTHING, I think that more coders and designers should take the time to write out tips/tricks/tutorials than awnser questions that are not specific to learning how to do things....especially when those questions get asked over and over in different ways in different threads....

That's a good idea.
Is someone keeping track of these good ideas?

davidw 04-12-2006 11:58 AM

Creating a tutorial is on my to-do list - but it will be a little bit, due to work circumstances and 3 projects that I need to complete.

Freesteyelz 04-12-2006 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat
I'll forgive you! Mainly because I'm a picky 'editor-type' who is a writer by trade, ANNNNNND because I'm about to start sweet talkin' you about your site design... Did you do that? FABULOUS! FAB-U-LOUS! (Did I see a 'hire me' link on your site? Must go back and look....)

Hehe. Yeah, the site is my latest creation far from completion, however. Most likely the project will run me into summer. Ordinarily, I'm a stickler for being XHTML and CSS compliant but I was a bit careless this time around so I'm going over each page in the effort to clean it up.


Originally Posted by MThornback
IF ANYTHING, I think that more coders and designers should take the time to write out tips/tricks/tutorials than awnser questions that are not specific to learning how to do things....especially when those questions get asked over and over in different ways in different threads....

I definitely see myself doing something of that nature in the future.

Rick 10-26-2006 10:49 PM

I found this thread by searching for "staying logged".

If you know anything about Vb you know the search feature sucks. To jump on someone's back because they couldn't find one post out of a million is just BS.

I get on my mods for doing that to our users all the time.

Ntfu2 10-27-2006 04:39 AM

My vB search feature works just fine for us :woot:

Staxed 10-27-2006 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rick
I found this thread by searching for "staying logged".

If you know anything about Vb you know the search feature sucks. To jump on someone's back because they couldn't find one post out of a million is just BS.

I get on my mods for doing that to our users all the time.

this is a bit off topic, but vb needs a feature for the search that you can click a check box to search the words you type in in a few different ways

search for any of those words (currently how it is...) i can search for "learning how to code" and get a result that's "check out my code"...not much help right now

search for all of those words (that way you can search for direct phrases)...or does this already exist and I just don't know how to use it (likely the case)

ZacUSNYR 10-27-2006 02:41 PM

I'm somebody who tries to help out as much as possible - what about when someone posts up a help request, you respond with an additional information question or some help and never hear from the person again?

Ntfu2 10-27-2006 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Irisfire
this is a bit off topic, but vb needs a feature for the search that you can click a check box to search the words you type in in a few different ways

search for any of those words (currently how it is...) i can search for "learning how to code" and get a result that's "check out my code"...not much help right now

search for all of those words (that way you can search for direct phrases)...or does this already exist and I just don't know how to use it (likely the case)

When searching use "Search Terms" be sure to include the " and "

Rick 10-27-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by ZacUSNYR
I'm somebody who tries to help out as much as possible - what about when someone posts up a help request, you respond with an additional information question or some help and never hear from the person again?

They may have found the answer on their own and didn't feel the need to get back on the board to announce it...

Ntfu2 10-27-2006 05:42 PM

Awesome, then by that same logic we who answer questions can assume that they've found the answer on their own as well :cross-eyed:

COBRAws 10-27-2006 06:08 PM

first off, all posts with "greaaat, installed!" should be deleted, only posts with important information regarding the hacks should be kept.

Also, what I see here, is that A LOT of hacks that were popular in the past, now are paid hacks. SO, you dont know if install this or that hack, because when vb upgrades to a newer version, if you want to keep that hack, you need to pay, and prices dont go cheaper than 50USD in most cases.

kall 10-27-2006 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by COBRAws
first off, all posts with "greaaat, installed!" should be deleted, only posts with important information regarding the hacks should be kept.

Also, what I see here, is that A LOT of hacks that were popular in the past, now are paid hacks. SO, you dont know if install this or that hack, because when vb upgrades to a newer version, if you want to keep that hack, you need to pay, and prices dont go cheaper than 50USD in most cases.

I was just about to post a list of 6 Paid vBulletin Modifications that are all under $50 before I realised we don't allow that, so..

Please tell us... without using actual prices, which Modifications that were once available free here are now only available for $50 and over.

big dan 10-27-2006 09:43 PM

I'll chime in a bit:

I don't post much here, I use other vB help sites to learn things. I normally post when I install a hack.

The reason I don't post much is the same reason why I don't particpate in large communities, you get lost in the sauce to speak. You can post a solution to a problem yet no one will find it because 100 people are asking "How do I?" when you've already posted the fix. Searches are thrown off the by "how to do I" threads.

As for hacks: I think there should be some clear indication of weather they are currently supported or not. AnyMedia is one of the big ones. Everyone is asking questions. Maybe a mod should post on the release part that it's no longer supported. I'm no coder but if I was to release a hack, I'd definetly make sure I have the time to keep supporting. Yes, life does happen but at least give someone else permission to update your code.

Finding answers: It's very true that the "how to I" threads with no answers dilute the search engine results. People not using the search engine is a problem on most if not all forums. I don't see anything the forum staff here could do to make people use the search engine.

Just my .02,
Danny :)

Cap'n Steve 10-27-2006 10:58 PM

I know there was a hack that allowed people to basically be moderators within a certain thread. That'd be really useful here, allowing authors to clean out the old posts.

Smitty 10-27-2006 11:56 PM

I've seen this type of setup and the next thing you know a lot of GOOD posts are deleted. In one forum I saw a guy go in and delete almost 2 years of posts in threads. Users had delete posts permissions, someone got pissed off and the person deleted every post he could...

I lock people out of even editing after a week, but I also keep close track of my forum, as do the moderators.

COBRAws 10-28-2006 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by kall
I was just about to post a list of 6 Paid vBulletin Modifications that are all under $50 before I realised we don't allow that, so..

Please tell us... without using actual prices, which Modifications that were once available free here are now only available for $50 and over.

I have a few, I am not going to say in public WICH hacks because I am proud to be customer of them. If you want, PM me.

PS: Im not agains paid hacks, that are born, as paid hacks. But I am a bit against free hacks that in the future are only pay hacks and there is not a lite version for free (keeping the original hack options).

Thank you.

SCRIPT3R 10-28-2006 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by COBRAws
I have a few, I am not going to say in public WICH hacks because I am proud to be customer of them. If you want, PM me.

PS: Im not agains paid hacks, that are born, as paid hacks. But I am a bit against free hacks that in the future are only pay hacks and there is not a lite version for free (keeping the original hack options).

Thank you.

i don't think you understood his question... which hacks that were offerred here that were once FREE are now PAID ($50+) hacks?

COBRAws 10-28-2006 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
i don't think you understood his question... which hacks that were offerred here that were once FREE are now PAID ($50+) hacks?

As I said, I dont want to talk about specific hacks in public, because it seems to be rude to the coders who coded them. But I have a list I can think off right now.

SCRIPT3R 10-28-2006 03:09 AM

perhaps you paid for some other service... there are no hacks here that are for sale.

COBRAws 11-02-2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by GearTripper
perhaps you paid for some other service... there are no hacks here that are for sale.

I noticed, old vB hacks, that when vB upgraded to new versions, the coders asked money for an upgrade.

SloppyGoat 11-10-2006 06:06 AM

I still like the product, but the official support has really gone downhill, IMO. I have questions over there that have never been answered and never will....or they just made some lame excuse and let it go. :angry:

pcoskat 11-12-2006 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by SloppyGoat
I still like the product, but the official support has really gone downhill, IMO. I have questions over there that have never been answered and never will....or they just made some lame excuse and let it go. :angry:

You can always open a support ticket. I has several issues yesterday, and they patiently answered every one (via the help desk)

RedTyger 11-12-2006 05:02 PM

Yes, you should never take the forum as a substitute for proper support. To be honest, considering the forum is not proper support I think the response is outstanding. I think I've had an official response to a question every time I've asked for one.

The contrast to a certain unnamed competitor could not be any more worlds apart.

Shazz 11-12-2006 05:07 PM

*Note that it is a community that many people offer there time to help other people same with the staff apart from jelsoft :P
Alot have changed over a year...

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