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blogtorank 06-02-2006 03:59 PM

GreatJob Floris!!!! Keep kicking arse, you have to love the ways of finding traffic ;), keeping my eye on this thread is the highlight of my day (Just kidding, but it's great).

All the best!

Kihon Kata 06-02-2006 04:06 PM

I fixed mine by editing Admin Control Panel > Plugin System >Manage Products >Fake Community Statistics - Forum Home

Scroll all the way down

I put my comma in FRONT of the the user to add fake users in the END of the list(I also used $activeusers $fakenames NOT $fakenames $activeusers in template edits):

$fakenames .= ', <a href="#">' . $fakeuser . '</a> ';

Blue-Inc 06-02-2006 04:12 PM

Hahah. This rules, I can have offline users showing up on the online list.. wow, I can make my forum actually look active :P

lasto 06-02-2006 04:30 PM

works perfect well done floris

Nathan2006 06-02-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
I fixed mine by editing Admin Control Panel > Plugin System >Manage Products >Fake Community Statistics - Forum Home

Scroll all the way down

I put my comma in FRONT of the the user to add fake users in the END of the list(I also used $activeusers $fakenames NOT $fakenames $activeusers in template edits):

$fakenames .= ', <a href="#">' . $fakeuser . '</a> ';

Thank you ;)

HuangA 06-02-2006 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by UniteTheCows
Hey guys I may have missed it but is this going to be coded to work with VBadvanced?

No, I've tried to make it work with vBadvanced, however because of template caching and lack of hooks in vBadvanced (BAD! vBadvanced BAD! no chocolate chips cookies for you!) it is not possible to play around with the values without modifying your database (which I do not want to do because it will then require additional queries etc.).

threat 06-02-2006 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by UniteTheCows
Hey guys I may have missed it but is this going to be coded to work with VBadvanced?

You mean like this? Shows just the max users from the forum home and I just changed the text to make it seem if they are online. Another thing you can do is set the time out limit from 900 to something higher to show that they are still online even when they have logged out. Makes it look even busier.

Floris 06-02-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by UniteTheCows
Hey guys I may have missed it but is this going to be coded to work with VBadvanced?

Read the first post please.

Floris 06-02-2006 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by threat
You mean like this? Shows just the max users from the forum home and I just changed the text to make it seem if they are online. Another thing you can do is set the time out limit from 900 to something higher to show that they are still online even when they have logged out. Makes it look even busier.

A timeout of 7200 seems to work for quite a bit of sites.

xtreme-mobile 06-03-2006 07:03 AM

i can get the fake members to show up but i cant seem to change the number of members online? what ever i stick in acp it just dont change, anything im doing wrong?



Rickie3 06-03-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
i can get the fake members to show up but i cant seem to change the number of members online? what ever i stick in acp it just dont change, anything im doing wrong?



did you do the template edits???

I also had the same issue with members online all i did was fill out this part in the options and it worked "Amount of additional (fake) invisible user"

JakeS 06-03-2006 04:11 PM

you should get it so the guests and members are on the who is online page.

xtreme-mobile 06-03-2006 04:28 PM

is there any edits ive missed ive edited the bit at the top of this thread but tahts it

JakeS 06-03-2006 06:30 PM

All thats needed is to import the plugin and do these template edits


Originally Posted by Floris
Admin Control Panel > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > dropdown: Edit Templates > Expand: Members List Templates > Customize: memberlist >
$vboptions[bbtitle]: $vbphrase[members_list]
Replace With:
$vboptions[bbtitle]: $vbphrase[members_list]<br /><phrase 1="$fake_members">$vbphrase[x_choose_not_to_be_listed]</phrase>

Admin Control Panel > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > dropdown: Edit Templates > Expand: Forum Home Templates group, select the FORUMHOME template and click on customize to modify it.
Replace With:
$fakenames $activeusers

xtreme-mobile 06-04-2006 08:08 AM

ive done both of them :(

Rickie3 06-04-2006 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
ive done both of them :(

check my below screenshot from my adminCP where ive circled the red try filling some numbers in there

Dermo-MIO 06-04-2006 12:21 PM

it says "Invalid File Specified" when i try to add the admin help product

sensimilla 06-04-2006 12:56 PM

Adding Fake Online Users << I have added some and they are not displayed on forumhome.. Anyone with similar problem ?

Ok I got it i need some template edits.. It should be said in the zip file..


B.A.D. 06-04-2006 03:13 PM

I don't claim to be the sharpest knife in the bunch and I have been told I am about 2 fry's short of a happy meal as well when it comes to coding but dang! I do believe I am doing this thing right and look what I get!


felstead 06-04-2006 04:09 PM

I have installed it all, how do I edit it to create fake members?

blogtorank 06-04-2006 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by felstead
I have installed it all, how do I edit it to create fake members?

Inside your vB options....

JakeS 06-05-2006 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by B.A.D.
I don't claim to be the sharpest knife in the bunch and I have been told I am about 2 fry's short of a happy meal as well when it comes to coding but dang! I do believe I am doing this thing right and look what I get!

why is it on your stick?

try doing it straight from your computer.

almukmin 06-05-2006 05:43 PM

I just found out something, this thing doesn't update VBadvanced community statistic, I make VBadvanced to be my home page and well. You know the rest.

The only stats updated is the one at the bottom of Forum Home.

HuangA 06-05-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by almukmin
I just found out something, this thing doesn't update VBadvanced community statistic, I make VBadvanced to be my home page and well. You know the rest.

The only stats updated is the one at the bottom of Forum Home.

As stated many times, this hack will not work with third party hacks. I personally tried to make the fake numbers work with vBadvanced but I've posted it above about how bad it is because vBadvance doesn't have hooks for me to mess with the numbers and so editing value there will require sql queries (and we are NOT doing that).

This hack, as stated in the first post / release, will NOT support other hacks like vBadvanced or whatever you may have running.

m80 06-06-2006 07:19 AM

quick question, i installed this and it works fine.One thing i noticed is when you surpass your most users ever online it does change but the date and time it happened doestn change.Am i doing something wrong or is that just the way it works.?

Mudvayne 06-06-2006 04:39 PM

I hav got a problem with this.. Itz abt fake user.. We hav 3 registered user whoch currently shown in fake user option.. But these 3 nick don follow the html markup.. Any help? I want it as thr nick display settings hav been satedup.. Screenshot bellow..


Floris 06-06-2006 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
i can get the fake members to show up but i cant seem to change the number of members online? what ever i stick in acp it just dont change, anything im doing wrong?



Maybe you have another plugin installed that modifies the existing variables already? All this plugin does is take the $variable from vbulletin and adds the value you've added in the admincp.


Originally Posted by Rickie3
did you do the template edits???

I also had the same issue with members online all i did was fill out this part in the options and it worked "Amount of additional (fake) invisible user"

Yep, also make sure you have set the correct values, click the admin help if you have any doubts, and of course make sure you have did the appropiate template edits from the first post.


Originally Posted by JakeS
you should get it so the guests and members are on the who is online page.

I will look into this for a future release, but this is NOT a promise. (Fake users also appearing at online.php). Nice idea :D If you know how to do this feel free to PrivMsg me the details and I will update the mod and test/include it.


Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
is there any edits ive missed ive edited the bit at the top of this thread but tahts it

I am not sure how I can know what you've missed :p lol


Originally Posted by Rickie3
check my below screenshot from my adminCP where ive circled the red try filling some numbers in there

tnx for giving support in this thread, cool to see ppl helping eachother :)


Originally Posted by Dermo-MIO
it says "Invalid File Specified" when i try to add the admin help product

I can't reproduce this. Make sure you've went to the right URL as mentioned in that one post in this thread. (first post links to it)


Originally Posted by sensimilla
Adding Fake Online Users << I have added some and they are not displayed on forumhome.. Anyone with similar problem ?

Ok I got it i need some template edits.. It should be said in the zip file..


It's mentioned in the first post though .. however, I will update the install txt file with the next release.


Originally Posted by B.A.D.
I don't claim to be the sharpest knife in the bunch and I have been told I am about 2 fry's short of a happy meal as well when it comes to coding but dang! I do believe I am doing this thing right and look what I get!


That kind of looks like you're trying to install the adminhelp as product.


Originally Posted by felstead
I have installed it all, how do I edit it to create fake members?

Please read the first post of this thread.

Floris 06-06-2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by almukmin
I just found out something, this thing doesn't update VBadvanced community statistic, I make VBadvanced to be my home page and well. You know the rest.

The only stats updated is the one at the bottom of Forum Home.

Please read the first post at least .. and then all the other comments where we mention it multiple times. If you know how to do it send me a privmsg with the instructions and I will update the mod and test/include it.


Originally Posted by m80
quick question, i installed this and it works fine.One thing i noticed is when you surpass your most users ever online it does change but the date and time it happened doestn change.Am i doing something wrong or is that just the way it works.?

The next release will have something to control this ;)


Originally Posted by Shuvo
I hav got a problem with this.. Itz abt fake user.. We hav 3 registered user whoch currently shown in fake user option.. But these 3 nick don follow the html markup.. Any help? I want it as thr nick display settings hav been satedup.. Screenshot bellow..


That's because they are 'fake' users. You should have to add the html to the input field like <b>John Doe</b>,UserC,<em>UserX</em> maybe that renders.

bigmonay2k 06-06-2006 11:42 PM

this hack is funny

Mudvayne 06-07-2006 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Floris
That's because they are 'fake' users. You should have to add the html to the input field like <b>John Doe</b>,UserC,<em>UserX</em> maybe that renders.

Okiz.. Got it.. Thnx.. I tried <b>$fakeusers</b> last night ;).. But it bolds the "," 2.. So hav to remove it.. Now I'm gonna try ur idea :D..

Floris 06-07-2006 07:34 AM

yeah, don't: <b>blah, </b>, just <b>blah</b>,

Sneak preview of the next version 0.06:

(a) Ok, I've got the most users online admincp help done, and there is now an option that give the admin the option to use TIMENOW or the real date.

(b) Now also including css markup for online users (all users, not per user) (see screenshot)

(c) Another new option is to display the newest member who registered at the who's online.. I've made it so that if the user is REALLY online .. it won't display it twice ;)

[edit] mod merged 4 posts :p

[edit2] Ok, 3 new things added, enough devving for one day :)

Floris 06-07-2006 12:35 PM


There's a new version out with a few new options! So please upgrade as soon as possible if you desire to have the improvements. It is not required to update, no bugs were found, so none were fixed.


* Included screenshots in .zip file
* Included admincp help .xml in .zip file
* Updated the screenshots
* Updated AdminCP Help existing entries and included the new ones
* New Option: Switch Date/Time to Today or Real Time for Most Users Online
* New Option: Ability to enter CSS markup for the list of online users (css markup applies to all fake users, this is not on a per user basis)
* New Option: Ability to display the newest member on the list of online users (if the user is really online it won't display, so no double listing)

So far we've had 100+ installations, also thanks to you! So THANK YOU. We've had over 100+ downloads per .zip file, and this all motivated me to listen to the requests and try to implement them where possible. I hope you like the changes.



xtreme-mobile 06-07-2006 12:43 PM

brilliant mate keep it coming

ill tell you what would be good aswell would be if you could get an add on to make it work on "who has visited today in past 24 hrs" that would be cool, ive had to disable that hack cos it gives it away

Floris 06-07-2006 12:45 PM

You mean that the users who visited in the last 24 hours appear as if they are the real online users?

Nathan2006 06-07-2006 12:51 PM

Thank you all for this great update :D

UniteTheCows 06-07-2006 01:23 PM

So Floris any chance of this working with VBadvanced? I have asked the question at least 3 times now.

Kihon Kata 06-07-2006 01:46 PM

upgraded mine! uninstalls, then RE-INSTALLs to update my list

blogtorank 06-07-2006 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Floris
yeah, don't: <b>blah, </b>, just <b>blah</b>,

Sneak preview of the next version 0.06:

(a) Ok, I've got the most users online admincp help done, and there is now an option that give the admin the option to use TIMENOW or the real date.

(b) Now also including css markup for online users (all users, not per user) (see screenshot)

(c) Another new option is to display the newest member who registered at the who's online.. I've made it so that if the user is REALLY online .. it won't display it twice ;)

[edit] mod merged 4 posts :p

[edit2] Ok, 3 new things added, enough devving for one day :)

Great hack still... Keeps me entertained watching this thread.

Recommend: rotate fake posts or split them up amongst x amount of threads per the thread ID you insert in the admin area....

Recommend 2: Also, randomly choose online users from the member database by saying I want 500 users online on top of 130, so it goes into the database and chooses 500 out of your members on the forums.

Let me know if this is too much ;)

This hack here and another (Which is here) is a great way of alternating content on site for sure!!!

Floris 06-07-2006 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by UniteTheCows
So Floris any chance of this working with VBadvanced? I have asked the question at least 3 times now.

I recommend to read our replies.

Floris 06-07-2006 08:46 PM

This is the last development version for 3.5.x unless a bug is found. This release is considered stable.

Version 0.0x for 3.5.x
Version 0.1x for 3.6.x

A BETA (unstable) version for 3.6.0 beta 1 has been released here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=117933

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